is what I call hot-blooded Justice...

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Raven opened her eyes, and she was still back at camp, it was normal, children playing, men sharpening their weapons, the women checking their inventory, then in a span of a few seconds, her tribe was on fire, then a figure arose from the fire, he was untouched from the flames, his eyes were glowing red like a grimm's, carrying a bloodstained sword, then grimm arose from the flames, following the individual.

"You shall pay, for the suffering you have created." The individual spoke with a hoarse voice as he pointed the bloodstained sword.

Raven's heart was racing, her blood was pumping, for the first time in her life she felt the urge to run...

Then her eyes shot open, she rubbed her her forehead her head was pounding.

Then she looked around, it was her home in patch, she must've flew all day...

"You're awake, finally."

Raven looked to the source of the voice,


"Yeah, it's me, what brings you here?"

"What? I can't go home every once in a while?"

"Well, last time we saw you, You said this place was never your home and you were never coming back."

"I lied."

"Heh, I saw the look on your face that day, you were dead serious."

"Alright, I just wanted to see ya-"

"See her? You've been gone for 12 long years, your little girl hates you."

"Really? She really wouldn't, Father woul-"

"Yang isn't like the old man, who would welcome you with open arms after you told him that you won't come back."

"And this is why fa-"

"Father, father , father, You always compare the people around you to Daddy, if you wanted to go home, go home to him, not to the place you hate the most."

Taiyang entered the room.

"Break it up!" He shouted

"Qrow, I know how you feel, we can at least be happy that raven's back."

"Whatever, I'm going to go fix the porch."

Qrow left the room as he left he looked back to Raven with judgemental eyes.

Taiyang sat at the foot of the bed, and looked at Raven with worried eyes.

"What's going on." He said as he put his hand over her leg.

"No-Nothing, It's just I missed you, both of you."

"Your flight earlier says otherwise, You crashed onto the porch."

"I was just really exhausted."

"Then why fly?"

"I wanted to save money."

"Did you change? That's a first."

"Heh, we haven't seen each other for years , of course I would change."

"Well, go get breakfast."

"You go ahead, I'll be there."

"Alright, Your favorite is ready."

Tai said as he walked out the door.

Raven, looked out the window and into the woods.

"I will protect this place."

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