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He stood in front of her gun drawn, his finger on the trigger, two paths lay ahead... the future of himself and the world at his fingertips...

It was a forest clearing a grave and the untouched remnants of a camp, locals thought the place was cursed after a huntsman in training disappeared here

"Come on." She goaded, her Hazel eyes stared into his visor "Do it." 

Her voice was commanding, invasive like she was the one who made the decision for him

"Do you really want to die?" 

"Your whole life following orders, always wanting to kill, now you hesitate?"

His hand was shaking, a part of him didn't want to, a part of him wanted to see how her blood spilled over the grass. 

"Just get on with it, You didn't seem to have a problem killing children and hostages." 

The choices were laid bare infront of him

they were as simple as

Courier's Choices:



The circumstances that led them here was all but a blur to the courier, she openly attacked him in broad daylight, ran here and now is begging him to kill her.


His slicked back red hair waved with the moderately strong winds of southern Mistral, Barely dodging the attacks of this behemoth of a man, saying that he was strong was an understatement

This beast wielded a huge club that was heavy to lift and even heavier to swing,

"STAY STILL, FREAK!" The beast shouted before dropping the Club down on the  bull

"With pleasure." Responded the Bull of Menagerie

In a split second he partially unsheathed his red blade, catching the club,

"He's strong."  thought ,

The beast of a man, placed his other hand into the club's handle, putting all of his strength in to the club

Adam gripped his katana as hard as he can, the horned red-haired samurai's eyes widened when he was sunk into the ground in less than a second, he was worried there for a second, he showed a toothy grin to the Human. 

"I can barely feel a thing, this is the strongest you can put out? Even an armless paraplegic child can fare much better than you." 

In a split second Adam released all of his accumulated energy in less than a second, and swiped his katana across the brute's body, cutting through him like a hot knife through butter, 

"You people aren't even stronger than him." 

flicking his katana before sheathing it in it's scabbard in one fluid motion. 

The clicking of shoes against the stone floor, Taurus turned his attention to the filthy but strong human,

"Strong enough for you?" She asked, her sultry voice could put anyone at ease but not him, never him. 

"This thing?" he lightly kicked the dead torso of the man previously slain, "Child's play." 

"Then, you'll be pleased with this next target I picked out for you." She had opened her scroll, and pressed a single button and a face- no Armor like no other, it looked like it wasn't produced on remnant itself 

"He has been causing quite a ruckus lately." 

Giving her trouble? Must be quite strong he thought

"The queen wants him unharmed, but I can see that he'll be a nasty thorn to our plan." 

"I want a guarantee." he interrupted her 

"What?" She was taken aback by his sudden response 

A single quick motion saw his ominous red blade nearly at her throat, she was unimpressed 

"Once I kill him I'll have what I want." 

"After you kill him" she only flicked the blade away from her throat "You'll have your oh so precious power." 

the bull only gave a huff and placed the dangerous weapon back into his sword

"He will be the prey you are searching for." 

"We'll see." 


So anyway short chapter because well, the fall of beacon's almost here and I needed to introduce Adam taurus real quick who will be vital to the plot threads in beacon, I turned him into a power hungry beast here because "hurr durr belladonna booty" obsession wasn't going to cut it, I also gave you guys a choice up above which I swear is vital to the plot also the king of remnant is notated by (/) in choices, and I will not be creating another series that will explore the other choices nor will I disclose what happens in them but I will just write and publish the endings. 

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