The truth revealed (Not Canon)

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By the time I'm writing this, you guys want to be edgie mcedgelord king of the world, the haver of bitches, super Saiyan supreme

"What did you just say?"

The courier grinned

"I said they deserved it."

Before pulling out a revolver, he gasped at the coolness of which I pulled out the gun as I twirled it around

"Whoaa, that was sooo cool, but you just like killed vale and you like pulled a gun on me."

Caine then activated his semblance which didn't affect me because it was probably lame, like fire manipulation

I scoffed at his stupid pathetic power

I, Y/N L/N the courier am the greatest man alive so I became super Saiyan that instant because I'm so powerful too

"You are fucked." I grinned, menacingly

As I screamed into the air and my hair became longer and a pillar of light erupted meaning I just went super Saiyan, I levitated over them like the god that I am

"You shouldn't have ignored me1!1!!1"

Then Carolyn walked out of the tent and gasped
"Oh my goodness your super Saiyan all this time forgiv me."

She kneeled right inforbt of me, then Pyrrha also saw my form

"Y/N is that u?"

"Holy Oum, I never knew you were this cool."

"I have always been this cool." I flicked my long bangs
"You just didnt notice."

Then like Carolyn she kneeled Infront of me and asked for forgiveness

Caine the pathetic man that he is, tried to get a shot at me while I wasn't looking

Of course I stopped
The bullets with my teeth like Dante fron the obscure underrated video gaem Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

"Only a coward would get shots off," ND then a portal opened revealing my 20 wives,

Rias Gremory: There you are husband

Y/N : Hello rose

She blushed

The took positions around me as if to protect me

Then Salem teleported out of nowhere

Salem: You are so powerful, may I also be your wife? So we can rule this world together?

Y/N: I was abused and neglected by my parents and this world not a handful of people, so yes we can rule the world together

And then Ghira came out of nowhere

Ghira: Holy shit you're so based and cool, please fuck my wife

Y/N: I will

Ozpin: I knew you had it in you, now go reclaim the world, God of Darkness

I smirked and flew into the air conquering the world

Of course none of that happened

"What did you just say?"

"I said they deserved it every single last one of them."

Caine looked at the Courier as if he was an unsolved puzzle, for a second he stared at what he said, blinked and briefly processed it, he had come to a realization, a horrible realization,

"Sorry, say that again?"

"I said, every single one of that city of ten million souls, deserved to die."

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