What you call cold-blooded murder...

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Bullheads carrying teams arrived at the established coordinates given by Ozpin, The Teams were chattering amongst themselves, These teams were JNPR, CRB, And RWBY, as they disembarked from their craft, they saw a horrifying sight, Burning Tents, scorched remains of people, and the air was full with the smell of death and ashes, Ruby and Weiss were resisting the urge to throw up, And the rest of the teams looked on in horror, They reached the center of the  formation of tents, They saw Six, with his back against them, Standing there, staring into a roaring fire holding a bloody sword.

"Wh-What happened here?" Asked Carolyn

Six didn't respond, he just turned around and walked to the bullhead,

"There's still grimm roaming around these parts, Small hordes, here and there I suggest you get started on the Search part of Search And Destroy." Six said as he walked away.

"Hey!" Shouted Yang as she Power Walked over to Six and grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to face her. "What happened?"

"I happened." He said, before slapping Yang's hand away from him.
"They Were the Branwen Tribe, a bunch of Bandits, I had to take action."

Six walked away.

Carolyn looked at Six before turning her head to the roaring fire.

"How was he able to get rid of the bodies?" She asked...

Seven Hours earlier...

Six looked at the cliffs and back to the camp before letting out a sigh.

"There's no other choice..."

As Six slowly moved into a comfortable position on the cliff, with the moon behind him, He took a detonator from his chest pocket and he gently pulled the trigger.

Causing a mass explosion in the camp, setting tents on fire, The Explosion waked everyone up and it attracted Grimm, lots of it.

As the Grimm poured into the camp, Six slowly gunned down every single runner.
Yes, Even children.

As the Battle was clearly lost to the grimm, Six slowly made his way to the slave tents and freed them all, and he instructed the grimm to not eat the former slaves.

Six was about to leave the tribe to it's fate, he heard the voice of Vernon, The second-in-command to Raven,

'if I could kill one of them, this tribe would surely fall to chaos.'

So he encountered Vernon who was badly wounded and still gripping her weapon, She panted like crazy as she gripped her abdomen.

"Don't just stand there, Help me!" She ordered Six.

Six slowly walked up to her and punched her square in the face,

"What are you doing?!" She Shouted

"Taking out the trash." Six said before kicking her stomach, sending her flying 3 meters away.


"Pick on someone your own size!" Shouted Raven

"Well, looks like this is a two -for one special."

Six pulled out a Powerfist he created.

Raven Unsheathed her sword.

"Ladies first." Said Six

Then Raven teleported infront of him,

"I am no lady." She muttered

Before kicking him in his abdomen sending him flying.

"I know, I was counting on it." Six replied

Courier Six (RWBY X Fallout New Vegas)Where stories live. Discover now