The Chainbreaker

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Adam stood in the dimly lit dust mine pickaxe in hand, the sounds of whips, grunting and screams filled the air, the man beside him, an old man, striking the rock at a pace that's slow

Adam could see his eyes, they were tired, he wanted nothing but to rest

His skin sagged from bone, a testament to his age, but he was nothing more than equipment

And old and broken equipment get replaced

The old man dropped dead, exhaustion taking him, as he was embraced by the sweet release of death

Guards on their rounds unchained the old man, and dragged his corpse to be thrown into a mass grave to be eaten by wolves and maggots

The man to his left did not speak, infact he knew him, they were from the same village, he disappeared a year before he was sold

The man kept working and so did Adam

Adam and the man were in a silent agreement, the both of them were necessary sacrifices by their families

The both of them were from a village that was barely on the map, famine was common, and the region they were in could be called a frontier, the authority of the city did not reach them, a huntsman's licence meant nothing but a target to someone's back

So to survive some families sold their children to traders

The traders, bought them up, after all robots are expensive

The women were either sold to brothels, to become servants or wives,
The men were sent to become stud slaves, miners, labor, builders, probes and test subjects

The strange thing is, everyone was compliant, sold children did not complain, the parents already accepted it as a part of life and people in power exploited the trade

Adam did not blame his parents, or spite them, they needed the money to feed his siblings after an intense drought, they did not exchange words when he was sold, nor did they say goodbye, or look him in the eye

They just accepted it and so did he, when he was taken away he did not protest or shout or cry, he simply did not care

He was content, he expected, that he was going to die in that mine just like that old man

The white fang, an organization of inaction, a laughing stock among the faunus slaves, decided to wake up and choose violence,

He could remember it, the explosions rocking the mine, as he slept in the slave warehouse, curled up against a corner

White Fang radicals, wielding weapons opening the doors and shouting freedom,

They broke the chains of everyone,

Adam only slinked back into the corner

He was afraid, a gentle voice and a comforting hand reached out for him,

Behind her, he saw nothing but the impossible

The faunus standing above their oppressors, the humans

So it is possible, for freedom to manifest, he teared up

And reached out to the freedom fighter

Adam awoke in his bed, a small room in a fortress with the bare minimum, to remind himself of what he fought so hard to eradicate, only nothing but his written oath and the flag of the white fang on the walls

"Down with the weak." He repeated the first line "So the strong shall arise."

"And create the world anew."

He grabbed his sword, a reminder of what he fights for, also to remind him that this mission of his, was a personal affair, to stare into the eyes of your enemy, seeing their terror, as their face haunts your dreams, as you kill them, he knows that he must hurt to get what he wants

The white fang broke his chains, so he must inturn break the chains of others

This was his vow

Clutching the wound in his abdomen as he walks out

Belladonna, was the only one who hurt him, to reach him

He met her after the raid, the both of them the same age, looking back she was the type he'd hate, a girl born into comfort, never had to starve, never had to work, never had to sacrifice but he found her the prettiest thing to behold

She did not want violence, a thought that he laughed at

Blake, the love of his life, he promised himself he would never love another,
and he did, never looking for another woman after she left the white Fang

She cursed him and his ways, she hated it, but she was wise enough to separate ways from man, she loved him, a thing like him, born to be sold, a slave

The White Fang taught him to be free, she taught him how to live, she showed a side that was never seen elsewhere, she taught him how to read, to sing, to fight, to love, to be happy

She truly was beautiful, both inside and out, he found a true love, it hurt him the most when they fought

When they stood opposite to each other, he loved her, she loved him, but their beliefs clashed and they understood this

Never did he imagine that he would kill her

The battle of Vale, she defended her school, like so many, she was the type of huntress that earned his respect, saying those things hurt him, spitting on her beliefs as if nothing happened between them

He wanted to die, when she died by his own hands that night, he did not cry or look back, or say sorry

He moved to the next fight, the man they called the courier, he saw nothing but hypocrisy and hate, something he hated, ignoring the pain she gave him, he fought with newfound ferocity, his hatred unmatched, he brought the man to the ground and his robot pulverized under his feet

Until the woman who that he wanted to avoid came, under the name Carolyn Pulse, but he knew who she really was

Her centuries' experience, her skill was unmatched, truly the legend of the great war, walked the earth alongside the masses, and sooner or later

He found himself on the ground sobbing as he realized, what he did, he killed Blake, he destroyed this city, sent his men like hounds out for blood, a necessary action to tear down the foundations

Blake would never forgive him once they met again,

His eyes became heavy, he was tired, his fight had come to an end, he closed his eyes never expecting to open them again

The healers, nursed him back to life, and he walks the world again

He walks along the walls of the fortress, his fortress, the great blooming had begun, flowers flew over the wind, petals from the cherry blossom trees danced as the petals left it's branches, and the field outside bloomed beautifully as the sun rose dispelling the darkness of night and fog of the morning dew

This was his first time seeing the great blooming,

Blake was right, the tears ran down his face, his heart was in tatters, it was the most beautiful thing someone could ever see,

If circumstances were different, where would we be?

I wish we could have seen this together, Blake

I love you

I'm sorry

Goodbye, Blake Belladonna, It was nice being with you

Wiping his tears away, he walked, onward to his duty, to his future, to his death

Life had broken another of his chains, and he is one more step closer to the future he fights for, a future that the chain of events that created people like him will never exist

A Chainbreaker

Author's Note

I've changed my mind, there will be no sequel, this story will continue, my plans will continue, stay on your toes

You guys will get your "OP Fantasy" after all 

So any questions?

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