Voices ( Part 1)

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Carolyn's eyes shot open, her eyes darted to and fro, trying to get her bearings, she blinked once, twice, her eyes now adjusting, and now she can see clearly, the holding cells at the valerian police headquarters, why was she here?

She rubbed the back of her head, the pain now coming to her.

"Agh, What happened." She asked herself 

The clicking of shoes against the tiled floor, followed by a cane, as Ozpin emerged from the shadows 

"That is a question..." The old wizard pulled a chair and sitting down in front of  the cell "That you must answer, miss Pulse." 

"Headmaster!" She exclaimed, "This has to be a mistake, I- I was framed by that Mercenary." 

The headmaster only sighed before shaking his head "You must come clean miss Pulse." 

The wizard then pulled out a scroll, he swiped and pressed at the screen.

Her voice spoke from the machine

"This is surge, I need a status report."

"Surge? One of the humans? How the- You apes set us up!"  The voice on the other side shouted

"I assure you, Militant, we are not behind any of this, Our interests do not-"

"Interests?! My friends are-"

"More will die if you don't tell me where he is."

The person on the other side, clicked his tongue before huffing almost to say fucking humans

"He's heading for the generator room, and the train-" 

"The train and the dust can be recovered, the intruder can cause damage beyond repair."

"Tunnel five, teams are already dispatched to try to slow him down."

The recording ended, and Carolyn looked dumbfounded, her mouth agape and her eyes widened and focused on the scroll

"Headmaster, I don't know what he told you but that wasn't me." Carolyn pleaded "I- I"

Ozpin raised a finger 

"So, let's say that it truly wasn't you, who is to blame?" Ozpin asked, the old headmaster scanned her face, looking for any signs of deception

"It was that- That monster you brought in!" She exclaimed, her expression exaggerated

"Monster? I believe Mister... six is not one, to my knowledge." He said, "He is only doing what needs to be done."

"No." She responded "I've seen monsters, they take pride in murder, they act like it's a sport, I don't know what goes on in their minds but they do these things and push the blame on others, sometimes to  the people they've killed."

Her expression changed again, now saddened as if a memory she'd rather forget was brought up,

"You have personal experience with these types of people?" Ozpin was now curious, it had reminded him of someone he knew

"Yes, I'd rather not talk about it."

The headmaster was only silent, Carolyn felt like she was being judged, she probably was or is it that the headmaster was deep in thought

"I see, then I would not pry further." He said, his glasses glinted in the artificial lighting of the room

"And this is clearly getting nowhere, I'll send a letter for your parents, it's going to be hard explaining that their child were aiding and abetting terrorists."

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