Voices (Part 2)

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My childhood was... lonely to say the least, Dad was always halfway across the planet 'making the world go round.' as he says, while mom was busy managing the company making sure money was made, products were shipped out on time or earlier than planned, they had a vision of a company to rival the Schnees, by making it better at logistics, harvesting dust and pretty much everything that company does, my parents envied them, all of that power at the Schnee's fingertips, all that prestige, they raised me up as 'The one who will raise the Pulse name.'

I think they just used me as a reason to lie to themselves, they were obsessed, never spending time with me or each other hence no baby sibling to keep me company, except for the servants, they saw me more as a boss rather than a child, all of them were so uptight and tense around me afraid I was going to fire them for the most minor transgressions, I was extremely hard to handle, I don't know why I was like that, was it just me lashing out? Or was it me never feeling anything that even vaguely resembled love, no one gave me love and therefore I gave no one love, at school I created this aura of superiority, the spoiled brat got into trouble sometimes too, as per usual no mom or dad came to my defence just their secretaries, they never cared for me, they thought I was a problem child because I was shown nothing but love at home, I could never see their eyes and when I did, it was disgust, like trash by the wayside, it hurt me, I was alone no one to confide to and no one caring.

Her eyes opened and she looked around, the sun had seeped in through one of the few windows, her eyes adjusted to the light and she remembered the frontiersman in the cell right next to hers,
She looked to the left to find it empty, he's gone, she was alone like always

Professor Ozpin walked into the holding area, right infront of her,

"Perhaps after a time to think it over, You might change your mind about talking."

They betrayed you, left you for dead

"What did they offer to you anyway? Power? Prestige?"

He followed up

"They offered me, a life for my services."


"Yes, someone else's life, they could bring back someone."

"That's..." He pondered for a bit, looking for the right word "Insane."

"They said they could!"

"And you believed them?"

"Of course not!" She looked away "Not right away."

"You have to learn something Miss Pulse, We all lose something in our short journey through life, I too have lost numerous people close to me, I know how you feel, all too well, but you cannot bring people back from the dead."

"I know that, Headmaster but I just-" she sighed, she couldn't explain what she meant or what she was feeling, he doesn't know how she actually felt, he never could

Ozpin turned his back on her looking at the open basement window as sun shone through it, in this cell you could see a glimpse of the outside world, as the sound of the birds and the howling of the winds passed through this tiny window and footsteps, the noise of a bustling city, people talking to each other their voices mixing together 

"I lost someone close to me, very close to me, my wife "

"You had a wife?" She questioned, Ozpin was still a bachelor after all of this time, rumors among students were even circulating that he was a extremely closeted homosexual

"Of course I did, I was quite the looker when I was younger, her beauty was unparalleled, she was extremely tenacious and determined, she won me over, and I was happily married to her for what seemed like centuries and I was happy, every single second, One day, we got into a fight and because of that fight she was taken away from me, I mourned her, I still am, that is the reason I never remarried, I wanted her back I wanted to do anything, I did everything to try to take her back." Ozpin turned back to face her, his face mirroring his soul, as if it were laid bare, his eyes were red and tears were flowing like a river. He was forcing himself to remember these painful memories "But it was too late, she was gone, the woman I loved, gone." 

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