A proposition you say?

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Carolyn was walking with Emerald and Cinder, as she was invited to ' hang out' they sat at a coffee shop, Carolyn and Emerald were chatting as, Cinder was getting their coffee and some pastry.

"So, What kind of person was Y/N?" Asked Emerald

"He was... Unique and cute..." Said Carolyn.

Cars zoomed by and this part of the city was always lively.

"Does someone have a crush?" Teased Emerald

"What? No I don't!"

"You speak pretty highly of him."

"Well, He was supposed to be team leader..."

"Oh, evading the question, eh?"

".. I'm just giving credit where credit is due."

Cinder with the coffee and pastry arrived and sat at the empty seat.

"Credit that you abandoned him?" Said Cinder.

Carolyn's eyes widened.


"I know everything."

"Please don't tell anyone..."

"I won't."

"What do you want..."

"I want you to join us."

"Join you? For what?"

"Look, Ozpin isn't who he says he is, we're fighting against him, We'll give you what ever you want."

"Ozpin? What do you mean?"

"He's sending your classmates and to their demise, He's nothing but a murderer, That Six guy is just one of his lackeys."

"Why would he-"

"We think he... Lost it a few years ago, in that joint operation in Mount Glenn." Said Emerald "We we're sent here by Headmaster Lionheart to make sure he hasn't ... lost his mind"

"You think he was overtaken by grief on losing so many students?"

"It's possible. We've confirmed that he's lost his mind."

"You've been at the Branwen Ruins right?"


"That was only one of many, ruins Ozpin helped create."

"How do you know all of this."

Emerald looked around alertly, as if looking for possible eavesdroppers
Before leaning in to talk to Carolyn.

"I have friends underground, saying that Ozpin might have went insane."

"We still are confirming the rumors, but him hiring that mercenary is all the proof we need."


"You really think a student would do that much damage and not even flinch?"

"I guess you're right."

"So? What do you think?"

"I-I need time to process this..."

"Time is one of the things we cannot waste." Said Cinder

Emerald took Both of Carolyn's hands and looked into her eyes and putting on her best sorrowful look she could pull off.
"Please, Help us so less people will become like the Branwen Tribe."

"I still need to think this over, Can I give you my answer tommorow?"

"Okay." Said Cinder

"I-I gotta go." Said Carolyn before standing up and walking away.

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