Early Mornings: Draken (Tokyo Revengers)

Start from the beginning

(Y/N) chuckled.

"No worries, I'm always up for a good fight, anyways let's get you some good food and maybe some new bandages"

(Y/N) slipped his arms under me and hoisted me up before I could even comprehend what was happening. He gave a quick smile before taking me downstairs to a small kitchen. (Y/N) sat me down in a chair before going to make some food.

One thought was running through my mind as he began cooking. Why was he being so nice? I mean sure we are both a part of toman and all but we rarely ever talked much less actually hang out or anything.

"Here you go, I hope you can keep it down"

(Y/N) laid out two plates in front of us.

They.... We're... MASSIVE.....

Dear lord, no wonder this guy is huge. This plate is twice the size of a normal one and is packed full of food.

"Heh sorry over in America our serving sizes are different so I'm a little use to bigger meals"

(Y/N) basically read my mind but nonetheless I thanked him and began to eat. It was genuinely great food and with my stomach greedily took whatever it could get.

"So why are you wearing soaked clothes?"

I asked between bites.

"Oh! Damn I forgot to change in all the madness that happened all night, excuse me for a sec"

(Y/N) rushed off upstairs to change. I now thought over the situation more, did he stay up all night taking care of me? It would explain the eye bags. The thought brought a tumbling feeling to my stomach,

Shit- why am I blushing?!
(Y/N)'s Pov

Damn it, I'm hopeless, he's probably already seen through me. I just hope it's not too obvious how much I stressed over Draken last night. I mean when you find your crush passed out in a puddle soaked in rain it's kinda hard not to basically throw out any rational thoughts.

I sighed as I made my way downstairs. Draken was done eating and so I took our plates to the sink.

"Do- you live alone?" Draken asked from behind me.

"Yeah my mom bought me this little place so I could live close to school and not have to be dragged around when she moves for work and we'll my dad- he's- not in the picture anymore" I said trying not to think too hard about him.

"Oh- I'm so sorry-"

"It's fine you didn't know" I reassured him. I sat back down now staring back at him, he seemed kind lost in thought as he stared almost through me.

"Something on your mind?" Draken seemed to come back to reality hearing my voice.

"Its- it's just- I don't mean to be rude but why are you so nice? You've done so much for me and the gang yet seemingly don't want anything in return?"

I chuckled at his question. I got up and led him to the small couch in the living room. He seemed confused but sat down nonetheless.

"It's because I love you guys. All of you are like family to me, sure some are idiots and kinda crazy but I love them all the same. You guys helped me when I was going through tough times and gave me a place to feel safe, I could never be able to thank you guys enough for it. Kinda sappy I know" I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck.

"Hey don't say that, it was cute to me" Draken said as he grabbed my hand. My face flushed as he looked at me, his long hair down around his face. He leaned forward and pushed a small kiss on my lips.


"Call me Ken, (Y/N)"

I blushed even more, is he serious?! He's never like this.

"Uh what was that for Ken?!"

He chuckled at my flustered response.

"Don't think I didn't notice all the stuff you did, I assume you stayed up all night taking care of me from those bags, plus the different clothes that smell like your cologne, the fresh bandages, hell you even brushed my hair didn't you?"

My face burst into flames as he laughed at me

"You really are just a sweet teddy bear, now come here I'm not done"

He pulled me in and kept pecking at my lips before laying against my chest.

"In all seriousness, thank you (Y/N),  for everything"

He looked up to me from my chest

"This might be a little late now but wanna go on a date? Just me and you, see where this goes?"

My heart raced a little

"I'd love to Ken."

"Good" he gave me another peck on the lips, he went to stand up before nearly tumbling to the ground, I caught him and lifted him up.

"Yeah I forgot to tell you your legs are a little beat up so I'm gonna have to carry you" I laughed as he blushed into my chest.

"God I feel like Mikey now" I laughed as I gave him a piggyback ride on our way to town. We stopped, however when I noticed basically half of toman outside my door, I completely forgot I told them I was taking care of Ken.

"Pfft HAHAHA- DRAKEN, WHY IS (Y/N) CARRYING YOU?!" Mikey laughed out.

"Oh boy this is gonna be hard to explain" I said as Ken tried to hide from the embarrassment.
Hey guys- I'm uh back I guess- so yeah been about a year I think which is crazy. But uh yeah I'm so damn sorry about that I'll be honest I kinda just fell out of favor with writing for awhile but recently I've fallen in love with Tokyo Revengers, now when I say recently I mean like this last week so I'm still very new to it but I gave me a new fandom to fall in love with other than haikyuu and bnha, speaking of in my time away I did also fall in love with Knb and Demon slayer so I planned on doing a few oneshots for those anime but never got around to it but yeah and I know this one-shot is sorta rough, I wrote it all in about two hours I'll be honest so sorry about the quality but hey I hope to be back more often, hopefully. Speaking of I have started writing a new seme male reader book, it's not published as of now and I'm not sure when it if I actually want to but it basically an idea I really liked in my head so I'm putting it to paper or well I guess on a screen to see how it goes so if your guys like Tokyo Revengers maybe be on the lookout for that if I ever publish it, and if you guys ever have questions about stuff surrounding this book or other don't be afraid to ask I'm more than willing to answer. Anyways thank you all for sticking around and continuing to read this book it's insane how much it's grown in my absence and I can't thank all you beautiful people enough, anyways thank you all for reading and hope to see you all again soon.

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