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I was angry more than anything. But that was expected, because I got the raging anger issues from my dad. Spencer definitely dodged a bullet with that. It's been a month, but it felt like longer.

The university had allowed me to take a leave of absence due to the circumstances I'm in. Thing is, it ended today. How generous.....

"You sure you're okay to go back to class, I just think it might be a little too soon, because y-", "I'm fine", I grabbed a hoodie. "Yeah but babe, you're still not okay", Armin stopped me from the door.

"Life goes on, well that's what Spencer thought, right? 'I don't need to tell everyone I'm sick, I'll just die and they'll have to live with it'", I ranted, "Yeah, you're not ready", he shook his head and took my bag.

"Hey, that's mine!", I snapped angrily, "Sit down, you aren't okay", his tone was demanding enough for me to listen. "Why are you so angry at her!? She's dead Bec, shed a fucking tear for fucks sake!", he finally snapped.

"Yeah, I'm sorry she didn't tell you, but she didn't tell anyone! You cant be mad at her for dying!", "WHY NOT!!!???", I shot up. "Why not Armin!?", I stepped closer to him.

"She left! She fucking left and she didn't even say goodbye!! She just fucking left!! Not bothering to send a fucking text, 'hey, I'm sick'! She was fucking selfish!! She could've called someone, asked for help!! But she didn't! She just accepted it!!".

"It was an inoperable brain aneurysm Rebecca!! You're pre-med you should damn well know that it's a fucking death sentence!!", he shouted.

"Stop blaming her and start missing her. Because she's gone Bec, you need to love her until her memory dies", I shook my head and looked to the side, avoiding his piercing blue eyes of truth.

"You need to figure this shit out", he grabbed a hoodie, "Where are you going?", I snapped, "I'm late for class, see you later", he kissed my cheek. "I love you", he grinned, "Whatever", I muttered under my breath.

Just before he closed the door, "I love you too!!", I shouted hastily.

I sat myself on the couch, my arms crossed and my jaw clenched.

Why was she so selfish? Why couldn't she just let me say goodbye? Was that so hard for her? I just wanted a hug, a smile. Anything. But she just left. Without a fucking word.

I was mad at her, I did blame her. And I know that it was wrong, but I can't help the way I think. I'm angry, I know that. That's why I needed Spencer the most, because she always knew how to calm me down. She was the blue to my red in the best way.

And I was mad that I couldn't control my anger without her. Because that meant I needed her. A lot more than I knew.

There were so many things I wanted to say to her. So many places I wanted to go with her. We had so many plans for the same future. So why didn't you tell me you weren't going to be in it?

She lied right to my face that day of the wedding. Telling me about having kids at the same time so they grow up like siblings. Talking about all the ideas you had for different stories. And we talked about thanksgiving, and that she was going to make dinner.

Thanksgiving was 4 days ago.

Why did you lie to me?

Do you know how much that hurts? Knowing all you ever wanted was ripped right out of your hands? That all you know is gone? You were my everything, my other half. So what am I now?

If we aren't Spence and Bec, then what are we now?

You were gone, so now I was simply just Bec.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن