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Spencer's POV:

It's been a week since Eren and I said our final words to each other and I still didn't have my thoughts together.

My mind was a fucking jungle, I couldn't find my way through all the thoughts.

I was still processing that day, because so much happened.

I was given a death sentence and found out the man I love had been lying to me for the past 3 months, lying about my sick father.

It was a lot. A lot to think about, a lot to process.

I was hurt, really fucking hurt. He lied to me about something you shouldn't ever lie about. I mean, what if my dad had died, what would he have done then? I gave him my trust and he threw it away right in front of me.

My dad, the only parent I have, is sick again. We're both dying. Though I didn't want to tell him that, I didn't want to tell anyone. Because I didn't know what to even think.

I was overwhelmed. With the worst emotions possible. I felt like I was drowning in the middle of the ocean while everyone watched from a boat.

There was just too much to think about.

I was dying.

My sick dad.



But what came first? That's what I couldn't figure out. That's what was eating away at me.

"Your thoughts are loud", my dad spoke up, signaling he had waken up from his nap.

I had spent every second I had with him since I found out. We didn't say much to each other, just because there wasn't much to talk about. Except a very uncomfortable and shitty conversation, which we both dreaded.

"Well I have a lot on my mind", my gaze lifted quickly to meet his, my eyes sharp. "Talk to me", he offered to listen, "About what dad?", I started to get angry.

"About the fact that my boyfriend was lying to me for the past 3 months, telling me everything was okay and telling me how much he loved me and telling me nothing but fucking lies", I raised my voice slightly.

"And my own dad didn't tell me he was sick- my own fucking dad, who I tell everything to, didn't tell me he was sick, no- he thought 'yeah let me lie to my own daughter, no one will get hurt, everything will be fine!!'", his face dropped slowly.

"Did you guys ever think for one second how this might affect me?! How much this would fucking hurt me!?", I started to take all my pent up emotions out on him.

"No of course you guys didn't- because if you did, you would've been fucking honest with me!!!", my eyes were wide with pain, tears beginning to well in my eyes. "Spencer-", "No! Fuck you dad!", I shook my head and looked elsewhere, refusing him eye contact.

"Fuck all of you", the tears fell from my eyes but I wiped them away quickly. "Spencer I dragged him into this, this was not his fault, I made him lie", he tried to reassure me.

"No-", I looked to him, my eyes cold and narrowed, "You didn't make him do anything! He made his fucking choice, not you! He decided to lie to me! Don't act like he didn't have a choice, because he did", my words were sharp and painful as they left my lips.

"There's always...a fucking choice", I refused to blink, not allowing the tears to fall.

"Spencer you-", "No, we aren't talking about this anymore, in fact I don't wanna talk about it ever again", I shut him down quickly, "But you-", "No", I stopped him again.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt