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It was about 12:57 am, I sat at my desk, looking out to Eren's window, the light shined brightly into his room.

I focused back on the word document in front of me.


Our greatest ally, and our biggest enemy. Time waited for no one. It took from us each day, like a parasite feeding into flesh, never fully satisfied with their meal. Yet most days, we took it for granted.

We say, "I'll do it tomorrow", and, "There's always tomorrow".

But the thing is, tomorrow is not promised to us. It's a hope, something we look forward to when today was wrong.

But for all we know, a meteor could come crashing down during the night, and we'll never see tomorrow. And all the hopes and dreams we had for tomorrow will be crushed as we are.

Aliens could destroy the planet, bringing mass destruction to life. And tomorrow would vanish, and we wouldn't even know.

It's assumed there's a tomorrow, so we live each day as time eats away at us slowly. We're rotting from the inside out, and time is what is devouring us. Each day that passes, is a day we are closer to death.

So we walk the streets like zombies, fill our bodies with caffeine hoping it'll make us feel somewhat alive. We work all day as the sun shines brightly outside. And when we get home and see our families and loves ones, we hope that tomorrow will be change. We wish that tomorrow, will be the day we're finally alive again.

But it never is, we live each day as a robot. Being told that if you work hard enough, you'll be happy. That if you try hard enough, your dreams will all come true. That if you forgive and move past the hurt, peace will find you.

And at the end of the day time is money. This cold world thrives off greed. And just as time, greed is eating away our minds slowly. Till it consumes us completely and we all become slaves to the dollar.

But at the end of the day, you can have all the money, all the gold, and all the riches. No amount of money can buy the stairway to heaven.

And you die, all the money you worked so hard for means nothing in the end.

Once we understand time is not our ally, that's when we'll wake up. When we walk past greed without turning our heads. And when we use today instead of tomorrow. That's the day humanity will start living again.

My phone started to ring, it was Eren. I looked to his window a ways away and answered the call. "You're not sleeping", he said, "Neither are you".

I smiled and spun around in my chair, he sighed, "What's your excuse?", "Don't know if I have one, I like the silence, it's easier to write".

"What about you?", "I like the quiet too", his words soft.

"What are you writing about, me again?", I could tell he was grinning, "Time", I looked out my window. "Our greatest ally, and biggest enemy", he took the words from my mind, "Took the words right out of my head, didn't you?".

"Yeah, it's my thing, I can read minds now", I chuckled, "Tell me what I'm thinking then".

There was a short moment of silence on the line between us.

"You're thinking about me", his words caused a smile to grow on my face, "What else?".

"You're thinking, 'wow I met this handsome, hilarious, perfect guy and I don't know why I cant think about anyone but him'", he paused for a moment, "You feel guilty, cause you know you shouldn't be thinking about him, but you are, and no matter how hard you try and push the though of him away, he's there, in the back of your mind. Like a scar on your skin you want to fade, but it never goes away".

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now