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A/n: im so sorry.

Spencer's POV:

I finished brushing my teeth with Eren, "Alright, remember you gotta give me a ride to my doctor's appointment", I wiped my face with the towel then handed it to him. "Yes ma'am", he saluted, I laughed through my nose.

"I'm gonna go to the café and write for a bit, but you'll be able to pick me up at 2, right?", I needed more reassurance. "Yes, my love", he kissed my forehead, calming my bubbling nerves.

"Why do you need to go again?", he yawned and threw a black t shirt on, "Just another checkup, I gotta do them every month cause of the surgery, they don't let me drive when they take my blood", I started, "And they gotta make sure my organs aren't failing", I threw my laptop in my bag.

"Organ failiure, sounds rough", he shook his head, "Perks of almost dying", I grinned and kissed his cheek, "Yet you're still here!", he shouted form the room as I made my way to the door.

"See you at 2!!", I shouted before I closed the door.

I made my way through the city, clouds covered the sky completely, shielding the sun from any hope of shining. I passed different strangers, tall buildings, and countless hot dog stands.

I loved days like this.

Days where the sun was nowhere to be found, where the day felt blue. But not the sad kind of blue, the calm one. You didn't know if it would rain or storm, or if the sun decided to steal the sky again, the day was unpredictable.

I never understood why people associated cloudy days with sadness. Cloudy days always made me happier, almost...calmer.

The sun begged for attention. It demanded to be seen and felt. The burning rays turning your skin to a bright red if you were outside too long. Or when you're driving and the sun shoots through your windshield, blinding you to a state of anxiety. And if you stared at it just too long, you'd lose your eyes.

The sun was relentless. It demanded to be seen, felt. And when you finally give it the attention it so desires, you burn.

But the moon, the moon was soft, it was cold. It was the only source of light in a sea of loneliness. It didn't want to be seen, it just wanted to be there. It wanted to light up the night for us, so when we're lost, we can always find our way home.

It stayed up in the sky, through the night. The time when our eyes rest from being followed by the sun all day. It stayed up there so the sun could rise the next day.

It waits for the sun to shine brighter than the moon could ever hope to.

I wonder, does the moon chase the sun to bring an end to its loneliness? Or does the sun chase the moon to rest in loneliness?

"Spence! Haven't seen you in a while, how's everything?", Sasha rushed to me as I sat at my same table, "It's...good", I sighed hopefully. Her big brown eyes were wide, glistening like the morning sun against still water.

"Good", she smiled warmly, sitting herself right across me.

"Eren moved in with me", I said as if were forced from my stomach, "HE WHAT!?!?!?!", her jaw dropped. "Yeah", I sighed, "Holy shit that's awesome!! You guys are like totally married now", she chuckled, I did too.

"Feels like it sometimes", I nodded slowly, memories of us cooking and living together flashed through my mind like an old movie.

"So, how is it?", she raised one brow, "Well, we haven't killed each other yet, so that's a plus", I raised my brows, "Is he messy?". "Not really", I shrugged my shoulders, "You in love with him?".

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now