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A/n: a lot of this chapter is backstory so I'm sorry about that. And I projected ALOT of my mommy issues so anyone who has them too THIS ONES FOR U♥️

Eren and I were working the bar together.

"I had a dream about your margarita last night", he said, I laughed, "Dreaming about me hm?", "Yeah, you and your margaritas".

I shook my head, my phone ringing caused my attention elsewhere. When I saw the name on the screen my stomach dropped.

Jane Bradley. My mother.

All the color left my skin, the anxiety bubbling in my veins as it grew by the second. My eyes wide with shock as I stared at the name.

"Everything okay Spencer?", Eren noticed, my lips parted, but no words came out.

I couldn't remember the last time I had spoken to her. So why the hell was she calling me?

I didn't want to answer, but part of me was curious to what she wanted.

"I'll be right back", I rushed to the alleyway and answered the call, I brought my phone to my ear, anticipating the words to come.

"Spence?", I heard her voice on the line, "Hi mom", my voice shaky and unsure. "How are you?", my eyes narrowed, "I'm good, how are you?", we continued small talk.

"I miss you", her words echoed through my mind, like a feeling of calmness before destruction hit.

"Would you stop by for dinner and talk?", I choked on my words, not able to say anything.

"Uhm- yeah", was all I managed to get out, "How's tomorrow at 5?", "That's fine". "looking forward to it, love you honey", "Bye".

I ran my hands through my hair, and let out a deep breath.

My mother and I's relationship was rocky. Well, the little relationship we had left.

After she cheated on my dad, he was a mess. He went to therapy almost every day. Cried most nights in his room, screaming to the sky asking what he did wrong.

He didn't think I heard it, but I did. I was young, but old enough to understand and see his pain.

Becca was younger, she didn't understand what was happening. Mainly cause I protected her from it. I held her close when mom left at night, I stayed up with her till she fell asleep. She has less resentment for our mother, probably cause she didn't see the hurt she bruised us with.

After the divorce, they agreed on joint custody. Which meant we stayed with mom one week, dad the next, and so on.

The weeks with dad were my favorite. He would make us dinner every night, despite being an awful cook, he tried. He'd drive us to school every morning, then pick us up after. We watched a movie with him every night before bed. He made us lunches everyday for school. He made sure to be present, and loved us like we were all he had.

As any parent should.

When I was about 13, he was diagnosed with cancer. I didn't know what it was at the time, but when I saw the pain in his eyes, I knew.

That summer, we spent most inside his hospital room. Our grandmother, his mother. Took care of us that summer. When he was getting sicker, we couldn't see him. And she would tell us, 'your dad is really nauseous today, it'll smell in there anyway'.

I didn't find out till years after that the cancer he had been diagnosed with had a 12% survival rate.

He fought hard and long for my sister and I. He knew we needed him, so he fought for his life and beat it.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ