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We sat beside each other on the curb, her black hood was hiding her face. Her jet black hair shielding her eyes from the world in front of her.

Her long black acrylic nails shined as the streetlamp hit them sharply.

"I'm not angry at you...or mad...nothing like that", she spoke first, "Eren and I both knew it was over between us a long time ago...we just didn't want to say it out loud", she sighed heavily as she picked at her fresh set of acrylic nails.

"Were you ever in love with him?", I asked her, she smiled to herself, "Yeah, I was", her smile began to fade, "But he wasn't my person, if he was...I would've fought harder for him...and I didn't".

"We were just...two strangers sharing a bed", she threw her head back and focused on the stars.

"We fell in love when we were young- I don't even know if it was love", she began to question herself.

"It was good until...it wasn't", her voice was regretful, "One day we woke up and it was like there was this mountain between us, and we were too tired to climb over it", my eyes fell to the ground, focusing on the black asphalt.

"I'm sorry", my voice filled with empathy, "That's life, people grow apart, people stay with the person that's next to them because they think they'll always be there, when they really want the person that's right behind them, but refuse to look back".

There was a longing silence between us. We both knew what we wanted to say, but our lips stayed flat. Not a single word between us as cars sped down the street, and people passed behind us on the sidewalk.

Mikasa and I were more similar than I thought.

We both hated change. We hated the idea of starting over. But it also excited us, the thought of change. It was a double edged sword. And we couldn't decide what side to run into first. One side was safe and somber with empty smiles. The other was chaotic, reckless and unpredictable.

It was just a choice of which side you wanted to die on. And at the end of the day, that's life as we know it. There's two roads you can go down, two suns you can look up to, and two moons you can cry to.

Which choice was the right one?

Thing is, there's no right choice, there's just tomorrow.

"Are you going to start looking back?", I broke the silence between us, her dark grey eyes lit up for the first time, like a new star in the night sky, shining brighter than all the rest. Begging to be seen and begging to be adored.

Her eyes smiled first, then her lips followed.

"I will if you do too", her smile was warm and kind, something I hadn't seen from the coldness that surrounded her.

"Deal", he held her bony soft hand out, I grinned and held her hand.

"I don't want there to be any bad blood between us, I want you to know", she sighed and sat in front of me, "I want you to know that I just want to see Eren happy, and if that's with you, then I'm happy", her smile was genuine.

"I love him, and I want to see someone love him the way he deserves", my lips parted slowly, as her words echoed in my mind.


That word scared me. It was too soon to say that out loud. It was too soon for an "Eren and I". I cared about him a lot, and I loved being next to him, but the thought of 'love' was too much to think about right now.

Jean and I had ended things a month ago. 3 years of my life spent by his side. And now I was alone, I was just Spencer Bradley. I was still meeting this girl, writing her dreams and discovering her desires.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now