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The plane landed safely, as much as I didn't want it to. We unboarded and gathered our bags, making our way out of the airport.

"Black 4Runner", Armin watched his phone closely, "Right there", I pointed to the Uber across the way. Everyone followed and we threw our bags in the trunk of the car, barely fitting.

Eren sat in the passenger's seat, Bec beside me and Armin next to her. "Alright, 1222 Sunset Boulevard?", the blonde driver asked, "Correct", Armin confirmed, "Damn Armin, you can afford an Airbnb on Sunset Boulevard?", Eren looked back at him, "Turns out my parents are happier than I am about the move, they think this is my destiny or some shit, so they added a shit ton to my trust fund", he laughed.

"Must be nice", Eren sighed, "Yeah", Bec muttered under her breath. "Hey don't hate, that trust fund bought us our first apartment", Armin threw his arm around her and she couldn't help but blush.

I smiled at the sight and my eyes found Eren's, there was a look in his eyes. It looked like a glimpse of us. And I couldn't help but smile. I quickly looked away, hoping he didn't catch it.

Eren's POV:

But I did.

Spencer's POV:

After the long drive, we finally arrived at the Airbnb, "Holy shit Armin", I said as my eyes stared up at the mansion on the beach. The windows were as tall as the walls, white paint coated the modern home, a large pool at the edge of the ocean.

"Jesus fuck", Eren muttered under his breath, "How much extra did your parents give you?!", Bec's eyes grew wide, "Couple hundred thousand", he shrugged his shoulders as if it were just normal to say that.

"COUPLE HUNDRED THOUSAND?!?!", Bec, Eren and I all said at the same time, shock plastered on all our faces.

"Isn't your trust like a couple million?", Armin looked to Eren, "COUPLE MILLION?!?!!?", Bec and I shouted in disbelief. "It was but after I told my dad to fuck off he emptied it", Eren said, "Oh that's right, I forgot about that", we all followed Armin into the Malibu mansion.

"Holy shit", I said slowly as I took in the grand interior.

"Goddamn", Bec whispered, "Fucking hell Armin", Eren's eyes roamed the vast interior.

"What time is it here?", Bec yawned, too lazy to pull her phone out, "3 hours behind from Manhattan, it's 3:52", Armin joined her side as they admired the view of the vast ocean.

"Alright, let's all get settled and relax a bit, then dinner? That sound good?", Armin grabbed his and Bec's bags, "Yep", Eren and I both said at the same time.


I rolled my eyes and moved past him up the large white marble staircase, "Really?", I heard him say from behind, "Gonna be a long week", I sighed.

I shut the door to the room I had picked and rested back, I shut my eyes for a moment.

The days would be longer here, the sun would set later and the moon would take the night longer. 3 hours doesn't sound like much, but when you're used to the days passing you by, you cherish the extra time you're given. You savor the sun in the sky as it burns for three more hours you never had before.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the fast pace of the city, but coming here, to California, was like a breath of fresh air to me. A final breath to understand how much time we take for granted.

Thing between Eren and I were...complicated, to say the least. I wasn't quite sure where we stood, I knew I still loved him, as much as I didn't want to admit it. And I knew he still loved me, because it's all he seems to say.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat