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Eren's POV:

I hadn't left the chair beside the bed for 12 hours now. She had been asleep since that tear fell from her eye. Bec and her father sat across me in the room, both of them were asleep.

My hand stayed beside hers, so I could feel her warmth. I watched her closely, catching every feature on her face. Along with all the bruises and cuts that were painted across her.

It hurt me knowing she was in pain. That she was hurting. And I couldn't take it away, I couldn't make her feel better. I was helpless. All I could do was sit here beside her, so she knew I was there.

"She was on her way to see you, you know", Bec broke the silence in the room, I lifted my gaze to hers, "She was?".

"She said she needed to see you and there wasn't any time", my lips parted as I took her words in. I shut my eyes and the tears fell down my cheeks.

My heart began to ache with agony. My bones felt heavier and my eyes burned. I didn't understand what I was feeling, but I knew it hurt.

"This is all my fault", my head fell in my hands, "No, this is NOT your fault Eren", she tried to make me feel better.

"She was driving to see me- and...she almost got killed", my voice cracked, I refused to look into Bec's eyes.

"I...almost killed....her" I stared at my blood stained hands.

"Stop", she grabbed my hands, "Accidents happen Eren...not everything is for a reason", she paused, "Do not blame yourself for this", her eyes became watery. "She's here, and she's safe...that's all that matters now", I inhaled deeply, "You're right".

But that didn't make this awful feeling go away. I was loosing control of my mind, and my body was following.

My bones were shattering. My muscles were beginning to melt. My skin began tear and crack. My eyes were dripping down my face. And my mind was slipping away from me ever so slowly.

This was torture.

"You need rest...you look like shit", Bec said, I laughed tiredly, "I wont be able to sleep", my eyes averted to Spencer still sound asleep. "Eren-", "I'm not leaving her", my hand held onto Spencer's.

"The doctor said she might not wake up for a day or two I think you should-", "I'm not leaving Bec", my tone more stern. She sighed in defeat and sat back, "I tried".

Hours passed, and so did days...

Each day those eyes of hers didn't open, a piece of my soul was taken from me.

We waited.

And waited.

"Why isn't she waking up yet?", her dad asked the doctor in a panicked tone, "It could be a number of things, her body has been through a lot of stress in the past few days, everyone reacts differently to trauma", he said.

"But she woke up- and I saw her- she was...awake", I said with wide eyes, "We aren't quite sure why she woke up then, maybe it was the charge to her heart, but all we know now is to wait", he informed us.

Anxiety and unknowing lingered in the air. Holding us down with invisible chains. Drowning our minds as it took full control of us.
"Please...just wake up", I begged to her sleeping body.

-2 weeks later-

I had basically been living in her hospital room with her. I read her favorite book to her everyday.

I told her about Bec and Armin, and all the people at work missing her. I told her stories about the stars. We watched old movies together, all the classics. I played her favorite songs.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now