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I stumbled out of the car, sirens bright as they shined around us. Red and white flashing into my dry eyes. The paparazzi was being held back by the paramedics, but they snapped photos regardless.

I fell to the ground, my head was dizzy, my vision blurry. "Miss! You okay?", a medic rushed to me.

"I'm okay", my voice tired and brittle. "Mikasa what the hell happened!!?", I recognized Levi's voice. I saw him in the distance as he rushed to her.

"She did this!!!", she pointed to me, after my strength came back to me, "What?", I stood up slowly. "Spencer, is that you?!", Levi rushed to me, "Are you okay??", his tone full of concern, he held my shoulders as he inspected my face.

"Just a bloody nose and a god awful headache", my voice cracked, "What the hell happened??", he asked with wide eyes. "Mikasa said she was okay to drive- then she just like snapped-", "HEY!!", she yelled and made her way towards me.

"What's she telling you!? More lies!?", Mikasa snapped, "You need to calm the fuck down Mikasa!!", Levi yelled at her. "FUCK YOU!!!!", she threw her fist into his back, "Calm the fuck down!", he grabbed her arm and made her sit.

"Spencer! Spencer!!", I heard Eren's voice from afar. "Eren!", I cried out wearily, I looked around the area for his face. And that's when I saw him shoving past the paparazzi, "That's my girl- let me in!!", he yelled to one of the officers, and they allowed him in.

"Spencer!!", he rushed to me, shoving Levi in the process, holding me in his arms tightly, "Are you okay?! What happened??", he held the sides of my face, fear and concern in his eyes.

"I'm okay", I nodded softly, "What the hell happened!?", Eren snapped as he focused on Levi. "Apparently Mikasa had too much to drink and thought she could drive and she snapped", Levi said flatly, not bothering to look at him.

"Driving drunk still? Guess nothings changed with you", Eren glanced at her, coldness in his eyes, "She started all of this!! She ruined everything!!", "What are you even talking about!?", Eren looked her up and down.

"Us!! She ruined us!!!", Mikasa's eyes began to water, "She didn't ruin us, we did that on our own", Eren said coldly.

Mikasa's face turned dark after those words left his lips, she grabbed her phone and tapped her thumbs on the screen a few times before she put it away again.

Her dark eyes met mine for just a second, peril and chaos hidden in those grey eyes sparked fear in my stomach.

"Are you okay?", Eren kneeled in front of me so his head was level with mine, "Yeah, my head just hurts", I shut my eyes, hoping it would make the pain go away.

In an instant, his arms hugged me tightly, as if I would slip away in his embrace, never to be seen again.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there", he whispered, "No- don't", my hand held onto his shirt tighter to bring him more comfort. "I promised I wouldn't let anyone hurt you again", his eyes looked into mine sadly, as if he ruined me.

"You never said that?", I furrowed my brows, "Well, I did, you were just asleep", he started to smile, as did I. "You did?", my eyes lit up, "I did".

"I need to check her blood pressure", a medic interrupted us, "Sorry", Eren stepped back and gave him the space he needed. Levi was still beside me, Mikasa next to him on the curb, Eren ahead of me.

The soundless silence between us burned our eardrums, like an overwhelming feeling of anxiety no one would acknowledge.

I noticed a familiar figure in the corner of my eye, not just anyone, Jean. My eyes grew wide with anxiety, lips parted from fear.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat