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It was the day before the wedding.

Wedding, it's a strange word. Weird isn't it, how our lives can completely change overnight. Here I was 22, on a death bed that only I could see, only to marry the love of my life the next day. Not a clue as to whether or not I'll wake up or not.

A non-dying Spencer would never do something like this. She was responsible, she thought everything out before making a choice. She wasn't reckless, she took her time planning things out, making sure every little detail was perfect. She was a perfectionist, everything that she did had to be excellent, failure was never an option. She wasn't perfect, but she sure damn tried to be.

But dying Spencer was different. She was impulsive, reckless, audacious. She only lived for today, knowing that tomorrow is never truly promised to us. She was a fool, a hopeless romantic, and a damn good liar. But she knew how to have fun, she knew how to let go. She was everything I wanted to be.

So who was I?

You see, I have no idea. And I don't think I'll live to see the day I find myself.

My typing fingers abruptly stopped when I heard the front door fly open, "It's a nice day for a white wedding!!!", Bec sang into the apartment. "Oh god here we go", I whispered to myself, enjoying my last moment of solitude.

She threw herself on my bed as Armin trialed behind her, "Are you so excited?", her eyes lit up, "Extremely", I smiled. "Honestly, I thought I would be the first one to get married irrationally but wow", she started to nod, "I have to say I'm impressed, married at 22 is a whole new low for you", I laughed, so did she.

"Fuck off", I threw my pillow at her head, "No but in all seriousness", she sighed, "I'm really fucking happy for you Spence", her tone genuine. I smiled warmly, "Thanks Bec, I'm really happy".

"You deserve it", we shared a moment.

"You call mom?", she asked hesitantly, I sighed heavily, "No", I rubbed my face, unsure what the hell to do. "Well you don't have to, it's your day, don't let anyone else take it away from you".

I looked out the window, hoping that the cloudy sky would give me some sort of answer. Mom. Where do I even begin that thought. I still hadn't spoken to her since that day. And I was dying, and she had no idea.

All of it was too much. All the thoughts in my head were piling up and it was only a matter of time until they all flooded out.

"No mom talk, let's go do something before you ruin your life forever", I laughed through my nose, "You guys are cute", Armin held up a photo we had taken together. "He's at work, isn't he?", he sighed, "Yep, sorry Armin".

"I'm gonna go harass him at the bar", "Have fun with that", Bec muttered under her breath. "Remember he's-", Armin cut her off, "Staying at the hotel with me, I know", he grinned, she rolled her eyes.

"Love you", he winked at her, she couldn't help but smile, "Whatever", she paused, "Love you too".

They're cute.

"Rebecca Bradley you have gone soft", I looked to her with wide eyes glowing like the sun. "I have not!!", she shoved me, unable to hide the smile on her face. "Looks good on you", I said genuinely, "Shut up", she left my bed.

"So what does my last day of freedom entail?", I asked her, "We get absolutely shitfaced", she smiled and turned to face me.

We went to the liquor store and bought an expensive bottle of champagne, and two bottles of cheap wine. Along with a bag of lays potato chips and cool ranch Doritos. "Ooh, do I want hot Cheetos?", her eyes lit up. "It's my last night of freedom, get the damn Cheetos".

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant