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"Bec?!", I called into the large house, "Armin!!", Eren and I searched for any sign of them. "They probably went out or some shit", I turned back quickly, "Or they could've been abducted by aliens", my eyes widened a little.

"Or the government took them to run experiments on their brains and turn them into zombies", he played along.

We laughed together.

"So we have this entire mansion to ourselves, what do we do first?", he stepped closer.

"Well, there's a few things", I started, "We could play shitty music loud enough to drive the distant neighbors to madness". I roamed around him, "We could make the greatest pillow fortress of all time. We could watch a shitty sitcom and stuff our faces till our stomachs are full of chemicals. Or maybe we could cover the windows with sheets and wallow in the darkness so we lose all sense of time".

"I've never met anyone quite like you Spencer Bradley", his eyes were looking at mine like I was all he ever wanted, "Well I hope not".

Rays of anticipation, pain and desire danced in the emerald pools that made his eyes. I couldn't look away, all I wanted to do from now until the end of time was to look in his eyes. See the wars scarring his soul, the passion consuming his body, and the rage blinding his grace.

I knew our story has been written awfully complicated. It was full of pain, but also full of so much love. Two very contradicting emotions that consumed your soul. But with all love comes pain, and with all pain love lies below the surface.

Neither of us knew how long it would last, or if it would last at all. We both knew we were the beginning of an epic love story. But with every epic love story, there's hurt. A brooding, consuming and captivating hurt that demands to be felt.

I wanted to stay by his side until the sun gave out, I wanted to grow old with him, maybe raise a family with him one day. I wanted to die with him in our bed when we're old and wrinkly.

I wanted us to have a tomorrow.

But there was no guarantee. There was no right stating we'd stay together forever. Life happens, lies cloud the heart and uncertainty consumes the mind. So to say we'd be together forever wouldn't be realistic.

Because no matter how much two people love each other, the universe can have other plans.

But I didn't want to think about that...a bitter ending to our love story. The inevitable doom our minds create to ruin any chance at happiness we thought we once had.

So I decided to not think about an 'end', but instead I thought about our tomorrow. I savored the time I did have with him, the time I had before the universe would rip it from my bloody hands.

"What kind of thoughts are running wild in that mind of yours?", Eren noticed my lost eyes, I started to smile, "Wish I knew".

"So we're both lost then?", he raised one eyebrow, "Better to be lost with someone you love, than found alone", he shook his head slowly, "I love hearing your words". "I've got a lot", I raised my brows, "I hope you never run out of them", "Not until my last dying breath".

We laid on the sofa together, my chin atop his chest as his hands combed through my hair.

"Is all the fun over now?", he asked softly, "How do you mean?", I knitted my brows. "The chase is over, we're together now", I started to grin from his comment. "So it's all downhill from here, isn't it?", I sighed, "Unfortunately".

"Why don't we just stop while we're ahead, and beat all the sad shit?", I proposed, "You know what, you're right", he nodded. "It'll hurt less now", I shrugged my shoulders, he exhaled deeply, "I'm glad we got that out of the way".

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now