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I left the dark room, Eren peacefully asleep in the large bed. I rubbed my face and looked out the large window across the room. My eyes averted to my phone, the time 4:44am.

I left the bed and grabbed my laptop, I made my way down the large staircase as quietly as possible.

I sat on the cool concrete outside on the patio. The large pool ahead of me, and the vast ocean behind it. I opened my laptop and did the only thing I knew how to do.

I focused on the synthetic body of water, how still it was, and how perfect it looked.

That if you dropped one sliver of nature into it, it would cease to be perfect and be tainted with abnormality. The water would ripple irregularly and lose its clear glimmer of innocence. And soon the once perfect pool of crystal clear water would become everything it feared, an ocean full of imperfections and irregular beauty.

But if you ask me, I think the true beauty is the kind that is consumed by darkness.

Like roses.

Roses are known to be the symbolism of beauty itself, they grow in many different colors, lighting your eyes when you see them and filling your nose with the same scent of royalty.

They are given to show our affection, to show our gratitude and our devotion. We display them in our homes as a token of enchantment.

But every rose has it's thorn, just as every beautiful thing in this world has it's most painful flaw.

The flaws consume us and create a wall, protecting the beauty that lies deep within us. They shield predators and people that wish to cause us harm. They keep away the bugs that wish to tear and eat our flesh until there's nothing left of us.

If we didn't have thorns, we'd be consumed by the chaos.

I think the most beautiful things in this world stay hidden, shielding their beauty from this desolate world.

The lost city of Atlantis, it was perfection itself, not a flaw in the entire city. The buildings we're breathtaking, the environment was serenity. Everything about it was just...bliss.

But the humans that inhabited Atlantis needed more, perfect wasn't enough for them. Greed ate away that their minds, feeding like a starved tiger. Not stopping till everything and anything in its path was destroyed.

They needed more, their minds wouldn't allow them to accept the peace. So they became greed itself, breeding monsters of a hunger that could only be fed with impossible thoughts.

But the gods that bestowed this gift of Atlantis to the people didn't like that. They were disgusted with what the humans did to this once beautiful palace of bliss. The greed that stained the walls and streets, never to be washed away again.

So they destroyed it. They flooded the land and sunk the lost city. Hoping that the humans would understand their mistake, and learn to cherish the stillness instead of trying to better it.

So now the city lies deep below the depths of the ocean. Never to be brought to the light again. Because if the world today found such beauty. We'd do the only thing we knew how to.

Destroy it.

"You should be sleeping you know", I recognized Bec's voice. She sat beside me and I closed my laptop.

"When creativity calls, you gotta answer", I sighed lightly, my eyes tired from my lack of sleep. "You're gonna be one of those great writers like dad one day, you know that right?", her words caused me to smile.

"You really think so?", "Are you kidding? I've only read some of your stuff and that's mainly me sneaking around because you don't let anyone read it, and Spencer it's....you've got a gift". "Eren's read some of this book I started", I looked over at my laptop.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora