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"Levi?", I questioned when I saw him standing there, soaking wet. "What are you doing here?", my voice confused and unsure, "And- why are you wet?".

"It's raining", I looked to the window across the ways, I didn't even notice.

"I'm sorry- about tonight", was all he managed to get out. "It's okay- really", I shook my head, "Just a shitty coincidence", I joked.

"Very shitty", he started to grin, "And-I'm sorry for embarrassing you like that, it was rude and selfish of me", he started.

"I can see that you clearly have feelings for the Yeager kid, and I'm not mad or angry", he sighed and slicked his hair back.

"I know my sister isn't happy with him, she hasn't been, but maybe this will finally let them be free from each other", his eyes fell to the ground, memories of the years flashed in his eyes like a movie.

"And despite my issues with him", he looked to the side, as if the next words were going to be painful, "You deserve to be happy".

"And if happy is him and not me", his eyes finally met mine, "Then so be it".

My eyes softened, "Happy isn't a person, it's a feeling", he stepped closer to me, "A feeling someone brings you", he corrected me.

"And I can see it's him, clear as day", my eyes trailed to the white door beside me, "Thank you for stopping by", I smiled softly.

"Have a good night Spencer", he watched me closely, "Bye Levi".

I sighed when the door shut, my head rested back on the door. Processing all the events of the night.

And considering the chaos I was wrapped up in, I needed a fucking drink.

Thunder struck outside, I filled a glass of whiskey and tossed it back quickly.

"How was it tonight?", Bec grinned as she walked past me, "You fucking knew", my face dropped.

She laughed, "Was it a disaster?", "A warning would've been nice!!", I raised my voice.

"Thought you needed a little more drama in your life", she shrugged her shoulders, "Just let me walk right into the lions den? Thank Bec", I smiled overly sweetly. "Aw relax, couldn't have been that bad", her tone calm, I laughed.

"Levi and Eren got into a heated argument inside the restaurant, almost got into a fight and Eren basically told me he has feelings for me right in front of Mikasa", I said quickly, her lips parted and eyed widened. "Oh shit", she muttered under her breath, "Yeah oh shit!".

"I didn't think it would be that chaotic, honestly", her tone genuine, "I just thought it would be a good wake up call for you".

I knitted my brows, "Wake up call?", I questioned, "You have shit you need to figure out Spence, and that shit is Eren", she paused, "This is going to get a whole let messier if you aren't honest with him, and most importantly...yourself".

I rubbed my face, "I know", my tone low and ominous.

"So where's Eren now?", her words echoed in my mind on repeat.

My eyes looked across the room, out the window, the light in his room was off. Rain falling down angrily on the window. The sky was chaotic, dark clouds and spurts of thunder poured down on the land.

I wasn't worried about where he was. Who he'll go home to. I'm just thinking about him.

"I'm not sure where he is", my words trailed off as my eyes got lost in the city.

I didn't know where we stood. I knew he had some things to take care of, feelings he needed to understand. And feelings he needed to say out loud.

Scary ones.

Let's Meet Again, For the First Time (Eren x OC)Where stories live. Discover now