38. Kings Fall All The Time

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Robert threw the dragon eggs into a blazing fire. Maeve screamed out as she pulled from Jorah's grip.

''Maeve!'' Ned shouted reaching for her but she didnt let the flames stop her. ''Robert she is your wife!''

''She already gave me a son. I have no use for her. Let the bitch burn.'' Robert declared. Ned looked to jorah her personal guard but he stood shocked as she disappeared into the fire.

''I'm not fire proof.'' jorah remarked both felt helpless to save the queen.

Maeve stood among the fire and smoke her hands searching for the eggs but what she found surprised her. The egg was cracking she squinted in the flames to see the eggs were cracking and little dragons peered out at her. Her clothes burned away as she knelt before the eggs transfixed as ned and jorah shouted stepping closer and calling to her but the fire seared their clothes keeping them back.

"Polly did we just kill the queen?" Arthur whispered.

"She is not gone. Do not fear." Polly said calmly. They stood there for what felt like hours, the party had cleared out but Jorah, Ned and the shelbys stood focused on the fire as it flickered and waned slowly before them.

Fire still raging maeve picked up the dragons and walked out of the flames her skin unburnt dragons in hand.

''My queen.'' jorah dropped to his knees as ned wrapped his shirt around her.

''Maeve, are you alright?'' Ned questioned disbelieving. The shelbys dropped down before her.

''I am fine.'' she confirmed. ''Dragons,' she told him holding them up. ''Dragons ned. '' she looked to Polly holding them up.

''I see.'' Ned told her running his hands along the ashes littering her skin but her skin was unharmed.

''Fire and blood.'' Ned remarked. ''Lets get you cleaned up.''

"I'm not done." Maeve whispered heading back inside.

There was a mysterious way a glorious haze about Maeve Targaryen. When she walked out of the fire with her baby dragons.

''I'm done playing nice I'm not bending the knee. I am the fucking crying.'' she declared as she marched past Ned and Jorah.

"What are you doing?' Jorah questioned as they chased after her

''I'm killing the king obviously.'' Maeve said calmly as she marched into the castle

''Fucking hell you're still alive.'' he grumbled throwing down his goblet it shattered on the floor

''I am alive. And it's about damn time that I took back the power that you stole.'' Maeve told him.

''Power? You don't have any power here I am the king.''

''You ever play chess Robert?'' She asked taking threatening step towards him ''the king is useless that applies in Westeros as well.''

''What are you doing bitch?''

''The queens hold all the power, once the king falls," Maeve remarked with a chuckle ''no one gives a damn, it is the queen that needs to stand strong.'' Robert glared down at her. she was a dragon.

''I haven't been strong I have been weak but I'm not weak anymore. I'm done feeling scared in my own home." Maeve declared ''my child will never know your cruel ways, the legacy of Westeros will not be Baratheon. It is the Targaryen name that will live on for centuries to come because I am never going to bend the knee to another man again especially that one as weak and pathetic as you.''

''You are treasonous I could have you killed right now and no one would give a damn about your blood spilled!" Robert declared. "Anyway who's going to listen to you?"

"You're a drunk man that has everyone else do your work for you." Maeve countered ''you drink and you whore. You are no king.'' She walked up to the iron throne pulling a sword from the side

''What are you doing?'' He asked as she marched down the steps towards him sword gripped tightly in her hand.

''Kings fall every day you know how that throne was built? All the fallen soldiers their swords welded together. To make that monstrosity of a throne for pompous men to sit their pompous asses and pretend they have all the power or they shout and yell and demand other people do their work for them.' Maeve told him her baby dragons screeching on her. Ned's shirt clung loosely to her as she moved with purpose.

''My father wasn't a good man. But he was good to me he was good to his family but I know why they called him the mad king.'' Maeve told Robert.

''Bitch stop it I'll have your head.'' Robert declared holding his blade up to her

''Robert stop!'' Ned demanded

''Stay out of this Ned. Bitch has to pay.'' Robert told him.

''Maeve.'' Jorah said her dragons squawked on her shoulders.

''But you Robert are not a king at all.'' Maeve told him.

She hadn't picked up a sword in a while, not since her little sparing session against Renly and even then it was a sparing sword, she hadn't felt the strength to do so but she used to. She used to train with her brothers. Rhaegar trained her. She was a force. She was a warrior. And warriors survive and thrive from what's important is right for what matters. And right now to Maeve that was her family her son and she didn't want him to know pain. She didn't want him to ever be scared. So Maeve was going to fight for her family.

She lunged at him. Robert wasn't expecting her to have such strength and power. She swung at him but robert was a warrior to. But maeve had years of anger and rage building up in her ready to explode. A scream expelled from her lips and robert swore she breathed fire before she slit his throat. She dropped the blade to the ground as robert clutched at his neck blood slipped through his fingers before he dropped face first bleeding out over the floor.

Maeve looked to Jorah and Ned as she let out a deep slow breath. She turned on her heel and moved up the steps with grace and elegance as regal as the queen that she was. She sat down on the iron throne as Ned and Jorah approached.

''I want his body burned.'' Maeve declared. ''To ash.''

''Yes my queen.'' Jorah answered he marched back out pushing open the doors instructed the guards to throw Robert into the pyre.

''The king is dead. Long live the queen.'' Jorah declared kneeling before Maeve.

"Long live the queen." Ned agreed kneeling before her.

''Long live the queen.'' The Shelby's echoed happily. Maeve's hand went to her stomach. She knew with complete certainty that it wasn't Robert's. 

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now