21. Keep Pushing

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"The baby is due any day now." The wet nurse assured. Maeve rested her hands on her stomach.

"Joy." She whispered.

"The king will be back on from his hunting trip, your grace. He should be back after the birth." Maeve nodded as she walked, freely down the halls. Without worry of being thrown against the walls. "But don't worry most men are not present for the births. It is not unusual."

"Like I would want him here." Maeve muttered her fingers trilling along her stomach as she walked to the throne room. "Jorah..."

"Yes Maeve?" He whispered walking to closer to her now that they were alone.

"Is he gone?"

"Yes, left this morning." Jorah agreed.

''Maybe if I'm lucky his hunt will kill him.'' Maeve muttered and jorah pressed a kiss to her temple

''Be careful with what you say your grace.' jorah whispered in her ear.

''What are they going to do to me? I'm already in hell.'' Maeve retorted as she walked up the steps her fingers dragging along the throne, Jorah watched her silently.

"You would look good up there." Jorah told her keeping a wary eye on the door.

"Maybe one day." Maeve told him softly, "There used to be a sword...' she remarked softly as she gently pulled at the blades.

"There are a lot of swords." Jorah mused and Maeve smiled down at him.

"Haha," she agreed. "There was one that was loose," Maeve told him. "I would play with it when I was younger." Maeve told him trying to remember the blade. "My brother and I would play around the throne room, he would train me. when father came in and saw a sword in my hand the first time, I thought he would be mad... he laughed and told me to knock Rhaegar on his ass." Maeve recalled and a smile tugged at her lips. She wiggled the loose sword, finding it she debating pulling it free but left it be, what good would a sword do her now?

"Did you? Knock him to his ass?" Jorah mused offering her a hand.

"No. but I tried like hell. Ser Barristan can tell you, Rhaegar always knocked me down but offered me a hand right back up." Maeve didn't know if she wanted to cry or smile at the memory of her brother.

"Your brother seemed like a fine man." Jorah told her as she came down the steps a deep sigh in her chest.

"He was the very best." Maeve agreed


''Your grace you have to keep pushing.''

"FUCK YOU!" Maeve shouted.

"Keep pus-'

'If you say that one more time I'm going to kick your ass to the floor." Maeve shouted, it hurt too much she didn't want this child, she hated that she didn't but she didn't want Robert's baby.

"Your grace please, we are trying to-'

''JORAH!'' Maeve demanded ned looked to jorah as he pushed open the door kicking to closed behind him ned saw a pale and in pain maeve before the door sealed closed

''I'm right here.'' jorah told her kneeling next to her.

''I'm scared,'' she whimpered.

''I know, I know,'' he hugged her a she buried her face in his neck

''I don't want to do this.'' she whimpered

''Gorgeous you have to.'' Jorah whispered holding into her. ''Can't have the baby in you forever.'' Jorah reminded brushing damp hair from her face. Sweat dripped down her body her dress clinging to her as her legs shook.

''Jorah I'm scared.'' Maeve whispered 'my mom died giving birth to me. I don't want this baby to only have Robert,'' she whimpered into him.

''You are not going to die. You are a dragon.'' Jorah reminded her. ''Come on I will help you.'' Jorah offered as he stood up, moving behind Maeve.

''Ser that is not right. Men should have no part in this.'' A wet nurse declared but jorah didnt listen he eased maeve forward and sat behind her his arms wrapped around her chest his chin on her should as he kissed her cheek.

''Be a dragon.'' He whispered. Maeve nodded and began pushing again screaming again she held tight to jorahs hand she had never felt pain like this before. She hated it. But when her baby started crying it made it all worth it. The baby was wrapped up and placed in her arms happy tears on her face.

''Congratulations your grace its a...''

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now