17. Call Me Maeve

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'Call me Maeve.' She requested and jorah smiled over at her. ''I was a bastard a few years ago then a princess and then a queen. All so quickly. A prisoner queen but still...' she added softly. 'I like just being Maeve when I'm with you.'

''I would like that. You being you around me.'' Jorah told her. Maeve sat up moving to put her book away, when she turned back to him he was off the bed and walking towards her. He moved slowly as he approached and he watched him curiously.

Jorah gently cupped her cheek lifting her head to him. Jorah moved so slowly because he wanted her to know she could tell him to stop tell him no and he would leave but she didn't. She stared up at him her lips parted as he got closer. His touch so gentle on face as his lips met hers. His brain caught up with his body and he pulled back with a sigh.

'I'm sorry.' he murmured resting his forehead against her. 'I sh-shouldnt have-' but she wrapped her arms around him burying her face in his chest he sighed with relief as he hugged her back. He kissed her forehead not letting her go.

A knock at the door pulled him away. Maeve watched him walk to the door his posture stiff as he held the hilt of his sword moving with efficiency. He pulled open the door and his posture remained stiff, it made Maeve nervous but it was only Ned.

''Lord stark. What a nice surprise.'' Maeve remarked and Jorah took a step back, his hand still gripping the hilt of his sword but Maeve put a gentle hand on his arm and she felt him relax at her touch.

''I was wondering if you wanted to walk the gardens with jon and myself?'' Ned offered.

''That sounds lovely.'' Maeve informed him. Jon smiled up at her. ''Look at you getting so big.'' Maeve said reaching a finger out for jons hand he grabbed her finger shaking it like a rattle.

''How are feeling your grace?'' Ned questioned he glanced back at Jorah. Ever the dutiful guard and Ned couldnt get a moment alone with Maeve it seemed.

''Much better. Thank you.'' Maeve answered quickly as they walked.

''Your grace-''

''Maeve.'' She corrected. ''You could call me Maeve.'' She told him offering him a small smile as they walked. Jorah tried not to take it personally, he thought himself special, that she requested him to call her Maeve but he supposed it was good that she trusted Ned as well.

''Maeve.'' He agreed. ''I worry for you.''

''Don't. I'm fine.' Maeve assured jon had fallen asleep in her arms his mouth open drooling on her shoulder. ''Lord stark might I ask you something?'' Maeve requested hoping to change the conversation

''Ned.'' he corrected as Maeve ran her fingers gently over Jon's very black hair. ''and of course. Anything.'' He agreed.

''Why are you so kind to me Ned?'' Maeve asked and Ned stopped walking and stared at her she turned around to face him. ''It's not so difficult a question. Is it?'' Maeve offered ''my father did awful things to your family. He didnt do anything to the baratheons yet they seem to hate me most. You have a real reason to hate me want me dead and punished but instead you worry for me. You... give me gifts and trust me with your son. You should hate me.'' Maeve remarked tears in her eyes that she willed to stay put, 'but instead you have been a friend. I don't understand your kindness to roberts hatred.'' Maeve admitted.

''Oh maeve.'' ned took a step towards her wiping at her eyes, a ghost of a smile appeared on her face as her eyes turned down to her feet.

''My father didn't do anything to him. My brother... Robert was engaged to your sister but could he have really loved her that much to start a war? To kill a king a whole family a legacy over love?'' Maeve offered

''People do stupid things when they are in love.'' Ned remarked thinking of his own growing love for the queen and how he had murderous thoughts against the king, Robert, his eldest friend for years, but he was willing to throw away all their history to get Maeve's smile back. The things he would do for love... but thinking and doing were two completely different things.

''Ser jorah a word in private?' Maester pycelle requested

''No. I stay with the queen.'' Jorah told him

''I'm alright Jorah.'' Maeve told him

''I won't let any harm to the queen.'' Ned agreed.

''Are you sure?'' Jorah countered locking eyes with Maeve.

''I'm alright. I promise.'' Maeve assured. Hesitantly jorah followed maester pycelle.

Ned put his hand gently on maeves back leading her deeper into the gardens.

''After hearing what your father did to mine. To my family... I was mad.'' Ned admitted ''Not at you though, at your father."

"I wasn't too happy with him either in the end." Maeve agreed softly as a little snore escaped Jon's lips.

"But lord Varys and maester pycelle told me that you tried to stop your father begged him to spare my family.'' Ned informed her.

''Your brother and father seemed like good men. I'm sorry I couldn't stop their fate.'' maeve whispered running a hand over jons head.

''I was asked why I didn't take the throne for myself.'' Ned told her softly. ''After seeing how robert treats you i wish I did.'' Ned admitted.

''What would you have done with me?'' Maeve asked cautiously but Ned didnt answer her he leaned in kissing her gently. His hand came up to her chin keeping her lips on his as her eyes flickered closed.

Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before.

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now