30. Trust

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"Maeve!' Ned ran after her.

"Hello Ned." Maeve said happily.

"I was... how are you?"

"I'm well. Yourself?"

"Well... I... there was something..." Ned began and Maeve smiled over at him.

"Jon and Rhae-Joffrey are in my chambers. I was just getting them some fruits. Rhae-Joffrey." Maeve corrected again and Ned could see how it pained her to call her son such a name. "They are growing so fast."

"I can't believe how big Rhaegar is already." Ned agreed. 'Almost a year already... has Robert... have you been..." Maeve grabbed his hand gently. "Since that... night." Ned added awkwardly.

"The Shelby family has been... glorious." Maeve assured.

"Good I'm glad... you seem in a better mood." Ned remarked.

"Fresh air, happy kiddos, the sun is shining," Maeve said looking up at the clear blue sky. "The king has found himself other things to play with and..." so had she. "... I'm in a better mood." She confirmed.

"Anything I could do to make it better?" Ned questioned and Maeve smiled back at him a small tilt of her head. "Actually I wanted to show you something... give you something..." Ned said vaguely. Maeve nodded confused as he led her back to his chambers. He closed the door as Maeve looked around.

"I love you Maeve." Ned whispered. Maeve turned to him smiling softly. There was a hunger and desperation in his eyes that made her body shiver. "I want you Maeve." He got closer hands on her waist his touch gentle.


A low growl almost escaped his lips and he released his hold on her. Bending to his knees she watched as he slowly lifted the skirt of her dress. Maeve stared at him, her mouth slightly gaped as his hands moved so slowly. Allowing her any moment she wanted to push him away to tell him to stop. She didn't. She wore nothing beneath it and he saw this, he pulled one of her legs up onto his shoulder looking up at her she had a little smile on her face.

"Maeve..." he whispered and she could feel his breath on her thigh, she couldn't speak she only nodded and dived his face down between her legs. She leaned back gripping the bed post for support as she closed her eyes at the touch of his lips on her.

She grabbed onto his hair, she pulled him in further as her thighs began to shake with growing pleasures. She reached her climax before she released him he licked at his lips as he rose a hand on her waist stabling her.

"Maeve." his voice was low and desperate, as she only smiled back and flattened down her dress. She could tell from the look in his eyes he was desperate for her. There was a knock at the door as Ned wiped at his lips. She tried to make herself invisible as she leaned back against the bed post.

"Now?" Ned questioned agitated.

"The king demands it." Barristan remarked.

"Fine." Ned hissed closing the door he looked to Maeve a blush still high on her cheeks. "Can I find you later... supper? Drinks?" Maeve nodded kissing him gently and Ned couldn't help the smile that appeared.


Maeve didn't think it was right, she also didn't know that it was wrong. She was a bastard herself, her father wasn't loyal to the queen. Robert wasn't loyal to her, not that she wanted him anywhere near her. But she felt loved. Special, like she was someone worth love.

"What's on your mind?" John asked walking up to her.

"I, nothing." Maeve said frazzled.

"Nothing? Nothing to do with you leaving Lord Starks chambers with a blush in your pretty cheeks." John offered and Maeve stared back at him with wide eyes. "I didn't see anything."

"There was nothing to see." Maeve countered and John chuckled. "What?"

"You know if you are testing the waters-" John began and Maeve stopped walking and turned back to her with the smuggest of smiles. "What? Something I said?" he offered innocently.

"I think you for your... digressions John." Maeve assured "But... I'm just... its not..." it was she was falling and her heart was pounding. "It wasn't..."

"It's alright... you deserve some fun." John assured.

"I thought I was being sneaky." Maeve whispered.

"I'm a peaky love, we are built sneaky." John corrected and Maeve stared back at him.

"A peaky?' she questioned.

"Don't worry, I know things, but I will keep you secrets, give you intel when needed, help you get this place looking like a castle again." John told her. "And not feeling like a prison." He added pecking her cheek quickly.

"John." She called after him as he walked down the hall. "Thank you." He winked at her before continuing.

"What was that?" Jorah questioned his hand at the small of her back.

"just another reason I trust the Shelby family completely." Maeve offered. 

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now