11. Feels like an eternity

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Maeve set up her dragon eggs on the shelf next to the books from Ned. She took a step back admiring them when jorah came in.

'What do you think?' Maeve questioned

'Stunning.' jorah told her and she looked back at him. He moved slowly and cautiously because he knew what he was doing was wrong but he had spent so much time with maeve protecting her and not able to protect her enough not to have fallen in love with the little dragon.

'No one looks at me like you do'. Maeve whispered

'Then the whole world must be as blind as a bat.' Jorah told her. 'Because you are stunning heart body and soul.' Jorah told her his hand caressing her cheek.

Loving someone is giving them the power to break your heart but trusting them not to.

He took a step back looking down and clearing his throat.

'Are you to retire for the night?" Jorah asked.

"I am." Maeve agreed. "Thank you for today." Jorah smiled softly at her. 

"Goodnight your grace.'

'Goodnight Jorah.' Maeve whispered and he looked over at Maeve a moment longer before heading out and closing her door. She stared at the spot where he stood willing him to come back. To make her heart flutter. He didn't.

'Lord stark.' jorah remarked as he closed the door

'Ser Jorah.' Ned answered. 'Might I have a moment with her grace?' Jorah looked back to maeve's door, it opened the words died on Maeve's lips as she saw Ned and Jorah.

"Might I have a word, your grace?" Ned asked Maeve. She nodded as she clasped her hands in front of her. 'Alone. If I may?' Ned questioned when jorah didnt leave, he stood in the doorway protectively.

'It's alright Ser jorah.' Maeve assured. Jorah hesitated at the door for another moment

'I will be right outside your grace.' He informed her, maeve nodded looking to Ned.

'Something I can do for you Lord Stark?' Maeve questioned.

'I just... well I...' Ned sighed deeply running a hand over his face

'You seem very conflicted." Maeve acknowledged.

"I am." Ned told her honestly. 'That's why I'm here. I want to do the right thing.' Ned told her

'Right thing...'' maeve repeated confused. 'I'm afraid I do not understand.''

'Your wedding.' Ned began and maevs smile dropped

'Oh...' it was more an expelling of breath than a word.

''I'm sorry I don't mean to trudge up bad memories.' Ned told her. 'I mean not that your wedding was bad....' Gods ned was putting his foot in his mouth

'It was terrible.' Maeve assured. ''Every moment with robert is terrible and horrific.'' Ned stared at her. ''Tell me what you mean to say. I'm not a violent person. I won't hurt you. Ser jorah might though.' she told him softly.

'I'm sorry.' Ned told her quickly. 'I'm sorry I couldn't stop him. I am sorry I didn't protect you I'm sorry I was not a braver man.' Ned told her and maeve took a step closer.

'Had you gone against the king you would have lost your head and jon lost a father. You have to remember who is important and who needs you. You did what was right.'' Maeve assured. ''I thank you for trying.''

'What kind of father am I to jon if I let the queen get beaten by the king? What kind of man am I to allow that? As hand of the king where the king can beat his wife unpunished?" Ned offered

''A smart one.'' Maeve told him. ''It's alright. I don't blame anyone but robert for his cruel actions.'' maeve told him kindly. ''I hold no hatred or grievance in my heart against you Ned stark.''

'Thank you.' ned had met maeve a few times and each time he was more sure that she was the queen that would build them up if robert stopped tormenting her long enough to see the heart of this beautiful young woman. Ned was about two years older than maeve yet maeve was wise beyond her years. Compassionate beyond compare. And for the trauma she went through that was hard to believe. Ned found it hard to believe that Maeve could offer kindness when Robert made her want to kill herself.

'I worry for you my queen.' Ned told her


'The last time I was in the capital-'' ned said but he silenced himself

''Oh yes...'' she recalled offering him a tight smile. ''That was a long time ago. At least it feels like a long time."

'Not so long.' Ned reminded her

'It feels like an eternity.' maeve whispered

'I just want you to know I'm here. If you need anything or just a friend.' Ned offered. 'You don't have to be alone. Go through all this alone.'' Ned assured her and he stepped forward and grabbed her hand gently in his. Maeve looked down at their hands such a simple gesture but it brought her comfort.

''Thank you Lord stark but I'm not alone. I have ser jorah.'' she reminded him.

'You can always use more friends.'' Ned remarked

''Thank you. I would like that.'' Maeve admitted. Ned gently raised her hand in his to his lips pressing a gentle kiss to her hand.

''Good night your grace. Sleep well.'' Ned said heading off.

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu