15. In the stars

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Treacherous // Podrick Payne out now!!

"There are much more important places money should be going." Maeve spoke up and Ned saw the vein start to bulge in Robert's neck. "My brother liked to donate money to the lower towns, buy from them, help them thrive, keep the people happy and fed and they respected him. Loved him." Maeve said confidently. Jorah took a step closer sensing Robert's fury.

"We are done for today." Robert demanded as the room cleared out. Maeve rose slowly as she headed out.

"That was dangerous your grace." Jorah warned.

"It was the truth." Maeve corrected. 

"The truth can be dangerous." Jorah reminded her.

"I know." Maeve's hand went her stomach as she walked. A little baby was growing inside her, Robert's baby... would the child be a monster like Robert? Or kind like Rhaegar? Would the baby have black hair or silver? Would the baby have a temper and mean streak or patience and compassion? So many possibilities, she was drawn out of her thoughts when Jorah placed an hand on her back. She was at her door. 

"I'm going to retire for the night, suddenly I'm very tired.' Maeve told him softly as he pushed open the door.

"Can I get you anything, your grace?" Jorah asked but Maeve shook her head.

"Goodnight." She whispered closing the door. But she wasn't tired she was pacing, her nerves getting the better of her. She was foolish to think chopping her hair and speaking up would give her power. She was still the scared girl, still felt alone in a place where she once felt loved.

Jorah stood guard at her door listening to her pace and murmur until he heard her settle. Assuming she tired herself out he left his post confident she would be okay.

Maeve climbed down the balcony though, she used to do this all the time, the vines were overgrown and the trellis was just in view. Maeve and Rhaegar would sneak out, Barristan would always find them but he was never mad, he always joined them on their adventures. She descended the trellis and her feet hit the ground. She thought about running but how far would she get? Her hair was a dead give away and if Robert found her he would kill her on the spot. But was living here, like this, in fear in her own castle really living? Maeve looked up to the stars twinkling above them.

Rhaegar had told her that when Targaryen's died they went up into the stars, forming a constellation shaped like a dragon, that's why there were so many stars. All their ancestors looking out for them from above. But the more Maeve thought about that the more she thought her family was seeing her struggle to uphold the Targaryen name. She didn't think herself worthy of ascending into the dragon constellation in the sky. Real dragons were brave and strong like Rhaegar and Aerys, she thought herself brave and strong at one point but not anymore. She felt weak, more like what dragons devoured than a dragon herself.

'I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone. I don't wanna say goodbye because this one means forever.' Maeves sad song drifted into the gardens. 'Now you are in the stars and you have never felt so far. Here I am alone between the heavens and the embers. It hurts so hard for a million different reasons. You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces.' She whispered as she headed back inside.

 She couldn't find the strength to climb back up the trellis she walked through the front and down the empty halls. She picked at her cuticle as she walked, keeping her eyes down, she didn't hear the footsteps coming up behind her.

Robert marched up behind maeve grabbed her by the back of her neck and smashed her head into the wall before shoving her to the ground.

'You don't question me in front of my council bitch!' Robert sneered down at her. Maeve's heads spun and her eyes flickered open and closed as she panted for breath

'Robert!' Ned declared as Jorah dropped down pulling her to him. Robert cursed as he walked off. ''Mae- your grace?'' Ned corrected as jorah picked her up her eyes flickering open and closed, her heart beat erratic and blood trickled down her head over her eye and into her mouth. Three long blinks later and maeves eyes shut.

''Maeve,'' jorah whispered as he moved quickly. ''Maester pycelle.'' He demanded bringing maeve forward

''Oh no the poor girl.'' He murmured tending to her jorah refused to leave her side. Ned moved to yell at robert but jorah called him back

'You know she wouldnt want you losing your head over this.'' Jorah remarked not looking away from Maeve as he spoke.

'He can't keep doing this.'' Ned told him. 'He can't keep hurting her as he pleases. She doesn't deserve to be his training dummy.'' Ned declared

'I know that.'' Jorah told him as maester pycelle worked. ''But I know she cares about you and jon. I know she would t want you fighting her battles and losing your head.'' Ned let out a deep sigh before nodding and sitting down his elbows on his thighs and his face in his hands.

''I feel so helpless to help her.'' Ned muttered looking over at maeve

'I'm her guard. I can't protect her from Robert.'' Jorah reminded him. ''I thought she was asleep... I should have been there. I could have stopped him. Blocked him before he...'' jorah stared down at Maeve. ''Will she be alright?''

''Should be fine. But we will have to see when she wakes up.'' Pycelle remarked. ''Head injuries can be tricky.'' He added ''but I'm hopeful.''

''Good.'' jorah answered softly. ''Should she stay here or i can bring her to her room?'

''Just be gentle with her. I'm sure she would be more comfortable waking in her bed to this stuffy old room.'' Pycelle agreed.

''Thank you.'' jorah said as he eased maeve up.

''Yes thank you.'' ned echoed following jorah out. ''She's strong. To go through all this and still find the strength to get up in the morning. To smile. To laugh.''

''She is a survivor.'' Jorah added.

''I worry for her.'' Ned told him as they walked the quiet halls

''As do I.'' Jorah confirmed.

''I think I love her.'' Ned said softly

''As do I.'' Jorah echoed, a silent moment passed neither looked at the other as they walked. ''We just have to try our best to keep her safe and know she has friends. She doesnt have to be alone.'' Barristan came running up.

''What the bloody hell happened?'' Barristan declared seeing a limp maeve in jorahs arms

''Open the door and I'll tell you.'' Jorah instructed and barristan pushed open maeva door. Jorah placed her down on the bed pulling the blankets up around her.

''Well? Robert did this didnt he?''

''Yes.'' Ned answered

'I otta wring his neck.'' Barristan hissed

''Be careful what you say.'' Jorah added quickly.

''Maeve used to sing. All the time her and rhaegar. We would go into town and they would sing raise a bit of money and donate it. Or get drunk.'' Barristan mused. ''They were the sweetest. I dont see her smile. I dont hear her sing. Robert might as well have killed Maeve Targaryen because she is ghost of the woman she used to be.''

''You knew her well?'' Ned questioned

''Better than most.'' Barristan agreed.

''I know she loves her brother rhaegar still. I know she misses him and i know she feels alone here.'' Barristan told them. ''I also know that maeve cares for you both. I'm grateful you are here but I'm... disappointed in the circumstances that brought us all here.'

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