36. Jon?

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"Barristan I need to-" Maeve began before she saw Tommy. "never mind,' she said running off.

"I used to be the favorite!" Barristan called after her and maeve smirked back at him.

"Tommy!" Maeve declared her feet shuffling to a stop before him. "Arthur...'

"Your gorgeous grace." Tommy said fondly.

"I need to get to Polly and Ada. Now." Maeve told him.

"Talking like a queen." Tommy said nodding to the path.

"What's the rush?" Arthur questioned, they walked on either side of her, royal protection program.

"Girl talk. Urgent girl talk." Maeve informed him and Tommy nodded.

"Girl talk code for something?" Arthur asked.

"Just girl talk." Maeve offered.

"So when are we... " Tommy clicked his tongue and Maeve looked up at him confused. "You know."

"I don't ." Maeve countered as they walked she let her short silver hair see the sun as they walked. She received smiles from everyone as she passed and they seemed sincere.

"If anyone is fucking Maeve it will be me." Arthur said with a wink.

"What?" Maeve laughed out.

"No. I'm not...' Tommy swatted a hand at Arthur.

"It sounded like a proposition." Arthur remarked.

"it did.' Maeve agreed.

"The king." Tommy whispered. Maeve stared up at him. "Is that not why you want polly... something to...' he traced a finger across his neck, sticking his tongue out as he tilted his head and Maeve laughed out.

"No... not yet at least." She whispered. "Stay here please." She requested entering pollys tent.

"What a nice surprise." Polly declared hugging her.

"Polly I'm late." Maeve declared.

"For wh- ohh." Polly nodded and started brewing a tea. "Sit, love sit.' Maeve took shaky breath as she sat down. "Does anyone know?"


"Is it..." Polly wanted to ask if it was the kings but she thought that a touchy subject.

"No one knows, I just wanted to be sure."

"You want it?"

"I want it." Maeve confirmed. "I love Rhaegar he is a little light in my life and I do want another. I want him to have siblings, family. In case something happens to me." She added softly.

"Nothing will happen. You drink this."

'Like a gypsy pregnancy test?" Maeve offered taking a sip.

"I read the leaves." Maeve nodded "Drink it all." Maeve did as instructed and polly took the cup back. A smile crossed her face.


"You are having another boy.'' Polly informed her and Maeve just about cried as Polly hugged her. "We are here for you. For the both of you, always."


"Surprise." Maeve said with awkward jazz hands.

"That's wonderful." Varys said kissing her hand. "Congratulations your grace." Robert stared at her scratching his beard.

"About damn time." He grumbled. Maeve watched him march off.

"Congratulations your grace." Tywin said through a stiff lip.

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now