32. Fool

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Maeve woke wrapped around Ned. She looked to him completely content in her bed. She turned looking to Jon and Rhaegar still sound asleep but when she looked back to Ned his eyes were wide open.

"Hi." He whispered and Maeve smiled wondering if this was what normal marriages felt like. Children sleeping and waking up next to something that looked at you like the whole universe. He pulled her onto him.

He leaned forward and captured her lips in a lingering kiss. He wanted to know every inch of her mouth by the taste and touch of his. She moaned deep in her throat. The sounds she made had his gut clenching, and his heart rocketing about its cage. She bit his lip, and he nearly came undone. He pulled back to kiss her eyelids, her forehead and then trailed kisses along her jawline. Maeve writhed beneath him, tilting her head to the side so that he had better access. Everything about her was liquid sensuality. Maeve was effortlessly taking to lovemaking as a duck did to water. His need for her was growing exponentially with every catch of her breath, every involuntary shudder. Her hands roamed his chest but hadn't ventured out further. He pulled her closer.

His hardened cock began to rhythmically rock along her clit. She couldn't breathe. Her hands slipped under the fabric of his shift, fingers trailing along his abs, and she lifted and rubbed herself shamelessly against him. She felt him pull her closer. Her body shook as he continued to thrust through the first orgasm.

"Fuck," Her eyes were closed, she could still feel his length throbbing between her legs. Her cunt throbbed in the most delightful way. But he wasn't there, wasn't in her just along and she thought this was torment and heaven at the same time. But there was a knock at the door.

"It's the world doesn't want us to be happy." Ned whispered kissing her again.

"Jorah." Maeve said breathlessly.

"Are you alright?" Jorah asked bringing a hand to her clearly flushed face. "You are warm, are you sick?" Jorah questioned worried.

"no... I'm no...' Maeve offered trying to breathe. John passed by in the hallway with a grin. "Actually!" Maeve declared holding up a finger. "JOHN! Don't move."

"Yes your grace." John agreed. Maeve ran inside and threw on a proper dress, Ned watched her shamelessly as she threw her night dress to the floor and slipped on a clean dress, the fabric falling around her perfectly.

"Come on Rhaegar... lets go play with the shelbys today." Maeve said sparing a glance at Ned still in bed, watching her. "I will... um... later... see you..." Maeve offered as she stumbled out, Rhaegar on her grasp as she closed the door behind them. "Jorah... John and I were going to visit Polly and Ada today."

"We were?" John questioned and Maeve pinched his arm. "We were." John agreed.

"I will... see you later." Maeve offered heading down the hall quickly pulling john with her.

"You fucked him?" John sniggered.

"I didn't. stop." Maeve instructed.

"are we really going to see my sister" John questioned.

"I need women to talk to." Maeve confirmed. Ned got Jon up and moved to the door Jorah stared back as Ned came out with the smuggest of smiles.

"Lord Stark." Jorah said stiffly.

"Ser Jorah." Ned retorted. "Sleep well? I certainly did." Jorah pushed him back into the room and Jon stared up at them as Ned put Jon back down. "What?" Ned offered innocently.

"What did you do?"

"You don't have a claim on her." Ned reminded him.

"She is the queen."

"It didn't stop you." Ned countered and Jorah hissed out a breath.

''You are a fool if you think sex and fondness have anything to do with the other." Jorah informed him.

"And you are a fool to think that Maeve would be satisfied with you and you alone." Ned countered. "She is the queen. I don't want to share her but I'm willing to put aside my pride, and not restrict her from having the freedom to choose."

"You lords always talk so pretty." Jorah hissed.

"Maeve likes my tongue." Ned countered smugly.

"You know what would happen if it was Robert this morning and not me? What would have happened to her?"

"You know how I knew about you and her?" Ned countered calmly. "I saw the aftermath." Ned informed him. "I saw her tangled up in you. I thought Ser Jorah is a man of honor yet he beat me to it. Why was I trying to be honorable and noble when I have wanted her since I first saw her."

"I don't want her getting hurt." Jorah hissed. "You are married."

"To a woman I don't love over a moon away."

"You have a bastard." Jorah reminded him. "If Maeve were to bear-'

"Luckily for me, Robert and I share one thing.' Ned said picking up Jon again. "Black hair."


"Stop it I'm not a whore." Maeve hissed as they walked.

"I didn't say anything." John chuckled.

"You were thinking it." Maeve corrected and john nodded. "I didn't... not with Ned." She whispered.

"But you wanted to." Maeve noticed how he said it as a statement and not a question and glanced over at him. "I support fun maeve, the let it all hang out Maeve." John assured.

"Nothing is hanging out." She corrected.

"Come on." John whined. 'you have been the good girl all your life, time to have some fun." John declared.

"It was fun." Maeve admitted. "You think they know... about each other?"

"I think after this morning little miss stuttering mess they do." John told her bluntly.

"You talk to everyone like this or just the queen?" Maeve teased

"Everyone." John assured. 

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