7. Death is Mercy

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The Heir // King Viserys// Daemon Targaryen is out now!

"Jon Aryn is my hand.'' Robert decided. Ned stared over at him. "He doesn't question me." Robert sneered and Ned nodded. "You will dead back to winterfell and never question me again, am I clear Ned?" Robert glared down at him and Ned nodded leaving the table when Varys stumbled upon him.

"Lord stark.' Varys said kindly as he fell into step with him. His hands clasped together, tucked into his robes.

"Lord Varys.' Ned said stiffly.

"You know, Queen Maeve, she was always a sweet girl.' Varys told him. "She pleaded with her father to save your family." Ned stopped walking and looked to Varys. "She begged him, pleaded with him to spare them and talk to Rhaegar first, before he did anything. That Rhaegar would explain.' Varys went on. "Your brother... I saw just a bit of hope in his eyes as Maeve begged for him." Varys admitted.

"Aerys still burned them.' ned remarked.

"Yes.'' Varys agreed. "But Maeve... she has always been a sweet girl, it's a shame she is going to be subjected to this kind of torment.'' Varys added quietly.

"Sometimes death is a mercy." Ned told him.

"Yes, the Lannister's were not happy about this either." Varys informed him. "Jaime was on the throne and you made him give it up. Was that wise? Do you think Robert a good man, a good king?" varys questioned and Ned didn't have any words. "After how he treated his new wife...' Varys shook his head knowingly.

"It is not my place to know.' Ned reminded him.
"But you could have taken the throne. You could have spared Maeve and let her live, I think you are that kind of man.' Varys told him honestly.

"What kind of man?" Ned pondered.
"The kind that saves the innocent." Varys told him as he headed off, ned watched him for a moment before continuing on his way. He couldn't worry about Maeve, she was not his responsibility, but then he remembered the first time he saw her as the tourney, the same moment that Lyanna saw Rhaegar. Ned remembered the smile on her face, he hadn't seen her smile since he arrived, he had only seen tears.

Ned heading back to his room to pack his few things when he passed Maeve's room. He knocked wanting to check on her, after last night, he was sure the girl was traumatized. He knocked again but heard no answer, he pushed the door open slightly.
"Your grace?' he questioned peering in. "It's Ned stark...' he looked around to see the tub a bubble floated up and ned ran in pulling her up and out of the water she collided into him. She choked for breath. Coughing up water.

"What are you doing?" Ned questioned as she shook in his grasp, he saw the extent of her injuries. Bruises and cuts along her body.

"My queen?" jorah questioned hearing her coughing he pulled a blanket around her, pulling her away from Ned. "What happened?" he questioned his gaze harsh at Ned.

"I don't... want to live.' Maeve shouted her wet hair blending with her tears. She gripped the blanket around her tighter as she curled her legs up into her chest.

'You are a dragon.' Jorah reminded her. "Be a dragon."

"I don't feel like a dragon.' Maeve whimpered as he knelt before her.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault.' Jorah admitted.

"Your fault?" Ned questioned.

"He was supposed to kill me.' Maeve told Ned as she leaned into Jorah. "I begged for my life, like an idiot.' She muttered. "Death would have been a mercy."

'I got her Lord Stark.' Jorah said picking her up. "Go home.'' Ned nodded as Maeve curled into Jorah he could feel her shaking still in his arms. Jorah put her down on the bed brushing the hair from her face when he noticed the clumps of hair on the ground and on the sheets. "Did you do this to yourself?" Jorah questioned touching her hair but she shook her head.

"Robert.' She told him bitterly.

'Oh you sweet thing,' Jorah coed. "I'm so sorry," Ned watched from the doorway, was Robert truly a monster? How did he change so much? Or was he always like this and Ned looked the other way...

"I want to die." Maeve told Jorah. "Kill me. Please.' She whimpered and Ned felt his heart breaking. Targaryen's were known to be of fire and blood, fierce, dragons. But Maeve sat shivering before Jorah, weak and terrified.


Maeve was done with robert's abuse, he mounted her every night, thoroughly drunk, her would grip her hair, pulling and pulling. They called Aerys the mad king but Maeve was sure that Robert was no better. Aerys loved his family, took care of his family. Protected them. When Maeve was born, her mother died and Aerys knew that Maeve was his. He took her in and claimed her as his bastard and for years everyone knew her as the bastard, that was her title. She was okay with it, she was loved and appreciated by her family. Now she was the queen, she had no family and the man she was forced to marry liked to torture her. Abuse her daily, pulling her hair, beating her, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop him.

Maeve was a play thing to him, something to take his anger out on. Jorah saw the results of Robert's abuse and he never saw Maeve smile. He didn't think he ever would. 

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now