2. Heart Eyes

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Rhaegar's and Lyanna's relationship began at the Tourney of Harrenhal, about one year before Robert's Rebellion. Rhaegar was one of the combatants in the tournament, and eventually he made it to the final round, where he faced off against his friend and personal bodyguard, Ser Barristan Selmy of the Kingsguard. Rhaegar won the round and was awarded with the crown of Winter roses. He was then supposed to give it to the most beautiful maiden in the crowd. What Rhaegar did with it shocked everyone. He silenced the entire audience by giving the crown to Lyanna Stark, rather than his own wife Elia. Since Lyanna was engaged to Robert, the act was most disrespectful to him. The tournament was beginning and lyanna had caught the eye of the mad kings son. Rhaegar targaryen....

The news of Rhaegars actions spread worse than wildfire. Maeve grabbed his arm pulling him aside but he was smug.

'Rhaegar!' she shouted. 'do you not understand what you did? How you hurt your wife?' Maeve questioned.

"Elia was duty.' Rhaegar reminded her.

'And Lyanna stark is to be married to another man.' Maeve reminded him.

"She is not yet-'

'Rhaegar! Listen to yourself, you are the prince, the heir to the iron throne you cannot be foolish like this.' Maeve begged. 'They already call father the mad king, do you want a rebellion before you even make it to the throne.'

"I can't explain it Maeve.' Rhaegar told her and it was like he had hearts in his eyes. 'It's love at first sight.' Rhaegar exclaimed.

"Love? Rhaegar!'

'Tell me that love is not in the cards for people like us, but I saw Lyanna and I knew that she was the one for me.' Rhaegar told her.

'You are an idiot.' Maeve shouted.

'You were a bastard for so long, you always followed the rules and did as you were told-' Rhaegar reminded her.

'As should you!" Maeve countered. 'you are the crown prince! You will sit on the throne. You must be careful with your words and your actions. The world is watching.'

'Let them watch.' Rhaegar told her. 'Maevey look at me,' Rhaegar said putting a gentle hand under her chin. 'If you find love, don't run away from it. Run towards it, head first.'

"I don't like getting hurt.' Maeve told him softly. 'I don't want love, I just want father to be proud of me.'

'Oh maeve, he is. I am too.' Rhaegar told her. 'he would not have legitimized you if he didn't deem you worthy of the name.' Maeve picked at her nail as Rhaegar took a step back. 'I'm going try and speak to Lyanna again.' Rhaegar told her.

'Nothing can come of this, love or not.' Maeve warned.

'Just a talk.' Rhaegar told her but she saw a smile on his face that said otherwise.

'I saw the way she looked at you.' Maeve admitted.


"She had the same hearts in her eyes as you do.' Maeve told him and Rhaegar's smile got even bigger, she could see all his teeth, as white as his hair.

'Don't tell anyone.' Rhaegar said hugging her tight.

"You are coming back.' Maeve meant it as a question but it came out as a statement.

"I am following my heart.' Rhaegar told her. 'When you find someone that makes your heart flutter, don't let him get away.'

'Please,' Maeve began as she grabbed his hand not wanting to let him go, but she knew she had to. '...be careful Rhaegar.'


But when Lyanna disappeared, Rhaegar was blamed said to have kidnapped her but Maeve knew the truth but the Barathons and the Starks rebellion to get Lyanna back and take down her father was under way.

Brandon and all his companions were charged with treason. Aerys demanded all their fathers, including Lord Rickard Stark, come to King's Landing and promised they would receive a fair trial.

Rhaegar's and Lyanna's actions had very severe consequences to their houses, as well as the entire realm. Brandon Stark, Lyanna's eldest brother accused Rhaegar of kidnapping her, and traveled to King's Landing to demand Rhaegar's father, Aerys, to surrender Rhaegar for judgement and return Lyanna. Maeve's eyes ping ponged back and forth as her father clenched his fists in anger.

'How dare you talk to me this way!" Aerys shouted. 'I am the King!"

'And lyanna is my sister. I want her back.' Brandon shouted, hand on the hilt of his sword. 'I want Prince Rhaegar brought forward, I want him to explain his actions and I want my sister home at Winterfell safe and sound.' Brandon told him.

"YOU! HA! You don't make the demands, the orders here.' Aerys yelled.

"father he is worried about his sister as I am worried about Rhaegar.' Maeve pleaded but Aerys waved a hand ignoring her requests. 'Father, I'm sure once we find them, everything can be explained.' Maeve told him and Brandon sent her an appreciative look, so not all Targaryen's were of blood and fire.

But instead of handing over his son, Aerys had Brandon imprisoned for treason. Alerted by this, Lyanna's father Rickard went to King's Landing himself to demand his son's release, as well as Lyanna's.

Maeve's head spun, no one would believe that Lyanna went willingly, no one would believe it because they were already set in their lies. They had painted Rhaegar the villain and her father was going to further their hatred for him by killing anyone that got in his way.

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now