20. Mae

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''Are you gonna kiss me first or do I gotta lean in? And make me, fall harder that I've ever dreamed, tell me everything.... Do you wake up with the sun or stay up with the moon? Does it run in your family having eyes that blue? If it's anything like tonight...."

"New song?" Maeve near jumped out of her skin when Ned came out on the balcony.

"Um..." A hand on her heart she nodded.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Ned said adjusting Jon in his arms. "You mind if I join you?"

"Yes, I mean no. I mean... yes, sit. Please." Maeve said her words scattered.

"Jon was fussy and I figured he missed his favorite person." Ned remarked. "He hadn't stopped crying all morning yet he heard you singing and he silenced immediately..." Maeve was a little disappointed that Ned didn't want to see her but seeing Jon brightened her day. Her stomach was getting larger and larger, her body sore.

"Aww." Maeve reached a hand out and Jon reached for her the biggest of smiles on his face. "Hi Jon... you missed me?"

"Mae, Mae!" Jon declared and Maeve stared back at Ned.

"I might have missed you too." Ned admitted.

"Mae, Mae." Jon repeated leaning into her.

"He hasn't said dada yet but song and Mae he has down." Ned remarked.

"Mae song." Jon told her resting his head on her chest.

"He is a great judge of character." Ned told her. Could Jon somehow deep down know their shared bloodline? No. it was impossible. Yet Jon bonded with Maeve. Jon was also very easy to love.

"What song are you working on?" Ned questioned getting closer to Maeve their legs brushed together.

"A song to try and figure out what im feeling, trying to figure out... how others are thinking perhaps." Maeve offered vaguely.

"Could I hear it?"

"its not ready."

"Could I hear it anyways?" Ned asked hopefully. "After your song last week... in the streets of flee bottom I think everyone is waiting on an encore." Ned remarked. "I know I am."

"Thank you." Maeve said softly.

"You are so beautiful Maeve, heart and soul too, you know that?" Ned questioned.

"I was thinking... Do you say what you're thinking? Do I gotta read your mind? Does your heart fall fast or does it take its sweet time?" Maeve hummed out.

"Most people don't say what they feel."

"Most men use actions, instead of telling people what they want." Maeve remarked. "You and Jorah are a rare breed that tell me how you feel. They never raise your voice... gentle... it is refreshing." But there were other things, like how their hearts felt. How she wondered about second kisses and she wanted to know if they would be the type of man to dance in the rain with her. What it would be like loving them...

"Let us not only fall in love, let us live life as if life is our love affair..." Ned read off her parchment. "A love affair." Ned repeated with a smirk.

"I read it somewhere. Thought I could turn it into something." Maeve told him.


"Jorah, Jorah, Jorah!" Maeve declared putting tapping her toes against his chest. He kept massaging her feet, her ankles were swollen and her stomach tight against her dress.

"Yes Maeve?" Jorah chuckled he loved her excitement.

"Listen to this." Maeve instructed.

"Ned Stark get you that book?" Jorah questioned cautiously.

"Yep." Maeve agreed. 'The earliest known documentation of spontaneous dragooning in recorded history can be found in the formally lost ratings of Timaeus of tauromenium. These manuscripts were discovered originally during the evacuation of the vast underground libraries located in the heart of the palace of Nestor but remained unread and understood until recently." Maeve began

'This is shed light on the Storico person Queen DIDO of Carthage for priestess swindler store swindler of kings and trickster of the high seas. Specifically, that Dido either because of grief or rage or revenge or simply as an act of self sacrifice to save the city she had founded and built and loved, ascended her own funeral pyre and threw her self upon it has been sore breathing her last breath is the flames engulfed her.' Maeve read. (When women were dragons)

''Sounds Targaryen,'' Jorah told her his hands sliding up her legs. Maeve adjusted awkwardly as she tried to pull herself up, moving closer to him.

'They think she might have transformed into a dragon!' Maeve told him as he traced a hand up and down her thigh. "Spontaneous dragooning!" Maeve declared with a laugh.

'Spontaneous dragooning.' Jorah repeated

'They don't know if it did work and she turned into a dragon if it is reversible.' Maeve remarked looking over the pages again

'And I thought you didnt like history.' Jorah recalled.

'This is dragons, it is different.'

"Oh is it?" Jorah teased.

"mm Hmmm." Maeve agreed as Jorah helped her up. "I like Targaryen history. Viserys and Daemon, Rhaenyra... Queen ALicent though is not one I model to be." Maeve remarked.

"No, she seemed..." Jorah chuckled.

"Exactly." Maeve agreed. "Targaryen's are hard, we fall with our whole hearts... but the majority of the world just wanted us for our power and our dragons." Maeve reminded him. "When Rhaegar found..." Lyanna. But she silenced herself. "Rhaegar was a good man, he wouldn't hurt anyone that didn't deserve it. He liked to sing he didn't like to fight."

"I believe you, Maeve."

"I was a good fighter." Maeve remarked. "Rhaegar taught me. Everything I love about myself is him. Things he taught me, things he... things we did together... those are the memories I hold onto. The memories I hope to make with my child one day."

"You are going to be a wonderful mother." Jorah told her honestly.

"Will you protect my child if I don't make it? Raise my baby to be good and kind and tell my baby I love them every day."

"Maeve you are not dying. I wont let him take you." Jorah told her confidently.
"you and ned..." Maeve whispered. "Robet does what he wants that is why he calls himself king."

"I don't care about Robert I care about you." Jorah told her and suddenly they were face to face, breathing the same breath and Maeve stared up at him speechless. His lips moved closer to hers, her face lips parted silently as she watched him get closer. His hand moving gently to her cheek.

''If you want me to stop, tell me now." Jorah whispered. When Maeve said nothing Jorah brushed his lips against the hollow of her temple, "Or now..." He traced a finger along Maeve's cheek and a smile crept onto her face. "Or now." Jorahs lips were on hers again.

You'll feel underlying happiness despite what is going on around you

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang