6. Queen

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Willow // Tywin Lannister is out now!!

Maeve was dressed, her hair done but tears kept falling down her cheeks.

"Give us a moment." Jorah requested as he came in seeing Maeve's little broken face.

"I can't do this. Kill me.'' she begged "please, please Ser jorah, kill me." she sobbed.

"I'm sorry...' he whispered as she cried into him. "It is time.'' He told her after a long moment. She shook her head, she couldn't marry him.

''It was my name day yesterday.'' Maeve told him. "Two years ago, my father legitimized me.'' Maeve told him and his heart broke. Yesterday had been all about Robert, as everyday seemed to be. Jorah didn't know, Maeve didn't say anything. "I was so happy.'' She told him as more tears filled her eyes. "I didn't think I could get any happier but everything went to seven hells after that." Maeve told him.

"I didn't know,' Jorah told her softly.

"I don't want to marry him." Maeve whimpered. "Please," tears ran down her face and the powder that the handmaiden had put on her neck smudged away and the bruises bleed through. Jorah traced a finger down her neck. "Living with him is going to be worse than death." Maeve told him. "Please, kill me... I'm not strong enough to do it myself."

'Hurry the fuck up!' there was a pounding on the door and Maeve flinched. The door swung open and the handmaidens rushed back in seeing all their work to make her look presentable had faded away.

'Out ser.' They insisted and he walked sluggishly to the door, keeping his eyes locked on Maeve as her lip quivered and her eyes continued to bleed tears.


When Maeve was ready she stood at her door for what felt like an eternity but it wasn't nearly long enough. Jorah offered his arm as she took minuscule steps to get to the sept. Jorah had so much to say but none of it mattered. No matter what he said she was still going to marry Robert and he would continue to abuse her. What kind of life was that?

Ned stared at Maeve as she entered, she looked like an angel. But upon closer inspection he saw puffy eyes and chattering teeth, each step looked like it took all her strength to get down the aisle. She ever so slowly ascended the steps to Robert and she let out a shaky breath, she looked to her feet trying to remember to breathe as the septon started speaking.

'Let it be known that princess Maeve of House Targaryen and King Robert of house Baratheon are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.' The septon said and maeve gnawed at her lip. Robert pinched her arm making her look up to him.

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' They repeated. Jorah could hear the tremble in her voice the way her eyes wavered.

'I am his.' She said her voice barely a rasp.

'I am hers'

'He is mine'

'she is mine,'

'from this day, until the end of my days.' Robert said stiffly as Maeve trembled out the words.

'You may now cloak the bride with your protection.'

Protection maeve thought as the heavy material was draped around her. Protection from what? From who? Robert was the one causing her the abuse. Robert was the one she needed protection from.

'In the presence of your family and friends, I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together and Maeve looked down at them thinking them more like chains then a bond of unity and love. 'Now, please look at one another and pledge your vows to seal your union.' But Robert grabbed her chin with a harsh grasp and forced his lips upon hers. She felt bile rising in her throat as he pulled away. the septon nodded before moving to the coronation.

'In the light of the seven I now proclaim Maeve Targaryen Baratheon the first of her name the Queen of the andals and the first men and Lord of the seven kingdoms.' Grand maester crowned Maeve 'long may she reign.'

'Long may she reign.' they echoed. Robert descended the steps but Maeve wavered in her spot, the crown forced her down, it didn't feel right, she was a bastard, but now she was queen to a cruel man, wife to a man that would surely beat and rape her until she couldn't provide him more heirs. She felt faint, she couldn't breathe, her vision went spotted. Ned ran up the steps as she collapsed into his arms.

'Fucking hell.' Robert muttered more annoyed than worried.


When Maeve woke she was in her bed, her eyes blinked open and she was startled to see Ned and Jorah staring down at her.

"It's alright my Queen.' Jorah told her and she swallowed the lump in her throat.

'Queen?" she questioned, she didn't remember anything. Had she married him? Had they consummated the marriage? Did she by some chance forget the awful experience...

'Yes...' ned stared down at her before putting a gentle hand on her forehead. "A bit warm.'' He remarked to Jorah.
"she is Targaryen, they run hot." Jorah told him. Maeve looked between them.
"What... happened?" she questioned her throat dry as she licked at her lips.

'You got married, you were crown, your grace.' Ned told her.

"It's over?" maeve questioned hopefully.
"You collapsed your grace.' Jorah told her. "Fell off the stairs of the sept.'' jorah informed her. she nodded but she still didn't remember. So Robert had yet to... she sucked in a pained breath. "The king is enjoying the feast, I think it best you stay in bed." Jorah offered and Maeve nodded disoriented.

"Are you hungry, your grace?" Ned questioned and Maeve shook her head tears filling her eyes. Jorah moved to get her some water she tried to take the cup from him but her fingers were numb. He brought the glass to her lips but she nearly choked forgetting how to breathe.

'My queen?" jorah questioned softly. She looked at him before covering her face with her hands and curling into a ball, pulling the covers up over her. "Best leave her be.' Jorah suggested. So they headed out, Robert was having a grand time at the wedding feast, didn't even notice his new wife was still nowhere to be seen.

"The queen is unwell." Jorah told Robert.
"Fuck that," Robert muttered chugging the rest of his drink. "Gotta put a child in her. Get me a damn heir.' He demanded.

"Robert,' Ned urged. "Let her rest, there is plenty of time for that.'

'The sooner she gives me a son the sooner I can be rid of the bitch." Robert remarked, taking a flog of ale with him, drinking it as he moved.

'Your grace,' Jorah ran after him.

"Stay." Robert sneered and Jorah stopped.

Robert moved a drunk rage filling him he threw open her door and Maeve trembled as he grabbed at her.
"Please, don't do this.' She screamed as he tore at her dress. "Please!" she begged.
"Robert-' Ned said rushing in but Robert threw an elbow back at Ned it connected with his nose.

"Fuck off.' Robert demanded. "I AM THE KING!" Ned was escorted out as Maeve sobbed.

Robert fisted Maeve's hair yanking her head back, she shrieked. Her screams of pain echoed. He forced himself inside of her as she sobbed and sobbed. He swore and cursed and belittled her the entire time. His hand moved to her throat, she felt her head go light as she couldn't breathe, but he didn't stop. Her eyes flickered closed as she felt Robert pulled away from her she collapsed back her body bloody and bare as she faded away.

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now