19. Used to be Mine

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Maeve's castle crumbled over night. They took the crown but she was still alive. All the liars are calling her one. But she had friends now, people that cared for her, yet she felt like the girl she once was, was gone. She wanted to feel closer to her family, especially after her talk with Ned.

"My queen." Jorah whispered as she leaned into him as they walked. "I don't think that we should be down here."

"Whats the worst thing that could happen?" Maeve countered.

"Someone tries to kill you." Barristan offered bluntly and Jorah shot him a glare.

"Thank you for the confidence but we did this all the time with Rhaegar and I think its about time we try again." Maeve told them with a laugh.

Ned was visiting Tobo Markeet when he heard Maeve's laugh echoing to his ears.

"Excuse me... I will back." Ned remarked. He had needed his blade repaired and heard that Tobo was the best in kings landing.

"I think here is good." Maeve remarked finding an empty corner.

"I will keep them from killing you if you make anything we get drunk after this." Barristan teased.

"If?" Maeve scoffed faking pain. "Barristan, you wound me. My voice is just as good as Rhaegar, I just liked hearing him sing."

"Alright your grace. Entertain me." Barristan agreed. Maeve cleared her throat, took a deep breath and smiled softly at Jorah.

"It's not simple to say, most days I don't recognize me..... These shoes and this dress, that place and its patrons.... Have taken more than I gave 'em," Maeve began and Barristan smiled he missed that voice, she used to sing everywhere but in public she left it to Rhaegar.

''It's not easy to know I'm not anything like I used to be.... Although it's true. I was never attention sweet center I still remember that girl.... She's imperfect but she tries. She is good but she lies. She is hard on herself. She is broken and won't ask for help.''

"This sounds very personal." Jorah whispered watching as people came forward dropping coin down, Maeve's hair uncovered her voice echoed trialing down the streets. Jorah looked down to see people coming from all directions, from the sound of her beautiful voice.

"She used to write happy songs." Barristan told him as Ned walked up behind them.

''She is messy but she's kind.. She is lonely most of the time.... She is all of this mixed up, and baked in a beautiful pie.... She is gone but she used to be mine." Maeve's voice cracked just slightly, writing the words, stumming the tune in private was one thing but singing for all to hear. She thought people would keep walking but they didn't, they stopped and swayed. Dropped money at her feet and some people danced with their partners in the streets. It made her heart ache. She looked to Ned, Jorah and Barristan. Jorah offered her a smile and she kept going.

''And it's not what I asked for...Sometimes life just slips in through a back door and carves out a person and makes you believe it's all true.... And now I've got you." Maeve went on.

"She has a lovely voice." Ned remarked softly.

"She is raking it in, we are getting drunk tonight." Barristan remarked, his arms crossed over his chest a smile on his face as he watched her.

"What?" Ned questioned.

"We... Rhaegar, Maeve and I used to do this." Barristan told him. "Rhaegar would sing and Maeve would dance around, stung the strings sometimes for him... then we would donate the money to a mission or drink. After this song Maeve needs a drink." Barristan told him.

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