5. King

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Call it what you want // Oberyn Martell // Ellaria sand is out now!

Robert Baratheon was handsome and he knew it. If he weren't such a pompous dick Maeve might have liked him even one day but he killed her family and he was a monster. She felt like a prisoner in her own home. Jorah was assigned as her guard, to keep her from running, to keep her in the castle and bring her to Robert when he requested.

"AH Ned!" Robert declared happily. 'You brought the boy?'

"Jon Snow.' Ned told him. He couldn't really leave him at winterfell with Catelyn.

'Give him to someone, I don't like children.' Robert told him. Ned's face pinched but then he saw the Princess and her face was a picture of pain and sorrow. Robert noticed his stare. "Mormont convinced me to leave the bitch alive, she is going to be my personal whore. Give me a few silver haired sons and no one will ever question me or my reign.' Robert told him.

"You plan to marry her?" Ned questioned.

"That's what I said didn't I?"

"No.' ned murmured.

'Give the babe to her, get her used to children.' Robert suggested. Ned nodded walking off.

"Princess.' Maeve jumped, she was like a mouse, scared of every shadow. 'I'm sorry,' Ned said immediately. 'it was not my intention to scare you."

"I am s-sorry.' Maeve said averting her eyes.

"I hear you are to marry Robert.' Maeve nodded. "He was supposed to marry my sister."

"Lyanna,' Maeve recalled still not looking up at him. Ned noticed the bruising on her arms and neck.

"Perhaps we should go Princess.' Jorah suggested.

"HURRY UP NED!' Robert shouted. "Bitch!' he hissed. "take the babe.' Maeve finally looked up seeing the baby the ghost of a smile appeared on her face.

'Would that be alright?" ned questioned and Maeve nodded taking him from Ned's arms.

"What is his name?" Maeve questioned and Ned stared at her.

"Jon... Snow.' Ned told her.

"Hello,' she coed softly down to Jon.

"My friend Howland,' Ned remarked and Maeve looked to him, she knew that name. "He told me how you protected him, the day of the tourney.' Maeve looked back down to jon. She had long since lost her fire, her bravery, she felt weakened by her pain.

"Is Lyanna okay?" maeve questioned. "My brother...' she stopped herself, it was not her place.

"Lyanna died.' Ned told her and Maeve couldn't believe it. She started shaking her head, Rhaegar wouldn't kill her, he loved her, he was so in love.

"I'm so sorry,' Maeve rasped, tears in her eyes, her brother wouldn't kill her. He wouldn't.

"Rhaegar didn't... he didn't.' Ned told her he couldn't say more.

"He..." maeve silenced herself again.

"NED!" Robert shouted.

'Come Princess.' Jorah insisted. Maeve turned cradling Jon to her as she went back to her room.

"Coronation and then, you marry the princess tomorrow?" Ned questioned as Robert got ready.

"I marry and fuck the bitch tomorrow.' Robert agreed. Ned was glad that Lyanna didn't have to suffer Robert's foul ways but he saw how terrified Maeve was, Robert was going to break her further.

"Are you sure marrying her is the right idea?" Ned questioned hesitantly.

"I was going to kill her but Mormont thought this was for the best. Lets not talk about her. Lets talk Hand of the king.' Robert encouraged.

"Hand of the-' Ned began confused.
"Be my hand.'

"Robert I don't know the first thing about running a kingdom.' Ned reminded him.

"Neither do I!' Robert said with a jolly laugh. "But it is mine now and that is thanks to you."

'I think you should pick someone more seasoned." Ned suggested.
"I want my best friend here with me." Robert told him. "I am getting coronated, you cant really say no to me.' Robert reminded him.

'I'm scared." Maeve whispered as Jorah shut her door. She let her shawl drop to the floor as she adjusted Jon in her arms. Jorah saw the bruising, she had forgotten about them, the past moon since Robert had taken the iron throne had been nothing but misery. The bruises were the least of her worries.

"princess,' Jorah said as he gently touched her arm. She smiled down at Jon as he grabbed onto her finger shaking it like a rattle. "Robert did this to you?" Maeve sucked in a breath her head turned but she couldn't look at him, he was the only one that tried to protect her. That kept her alive, but she wasn't living anymore, she was suffering through every day.

"Once he is king and we are wed...' Maeve said in a soft voice. "I'm scared Ser Jorah.'' She whimpered.


'In the light of the seven I now proclaim Robert Baratheon the first of his name the King of the andals and the first men and Lord of the seven kingdoms.' Grand maester crowned Robert 'long may he reign.'

'Long may he reign.' they echoed. He smiled a vindictive smile over the crowd, the crown was his, the seven kingdoms were his and anyone that challenged him would be silenced once he wed Maeve Targaryen. She held Jon in her arms still as Robert sat down in his throne. It was officially his and Maeve's life was officially over.

King of my Heart // Ned Stark // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now