Nineteen - 🔞

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"This semester there's a new researcher who takes us to practice, he's not even 30 and he already has a beer drinker's belly" he added.

"You got a good look at him, huh? How is he? Attractive?" I shot him a glare.

"He's very nice to me" he answered, teasing me.

I turned and flashed my eyes, he smirked. Seeing that he was holding his arms on the edge of the tub I slowly approached and bit him there. Wooyoung, who had observed me still grinning, the moment my mouth bit him with his other hand lifted a column of water that bathed me from head to foot. His noisy laughter filled the room. I let go of his arm and jump straight into the water. I sat on him, blocking his legs and arms and I started to bite him wherever I could find space. He didn't stop laughing out loud for a second. When we'd had enough of laughter and bites I looked intensely at him holding his face between my hands.

"We can't be a real couple but, I swear, I gave you all I could and I want to do it again..." I kissed his forehead "And again..." and his nose "And again..." and his lips "For the rest of my life"

He looked at me with his tender, bright eyes and just nodded.

"Do you regret meeting me?" I asked, it was something that worried me deeply.

This time he shook his head strongly "No, I don't. I don't regret anything" and he kissed me.

═══•°• SMUT WARNING •°•═══

His hands flew to the nape of my neck, pulling me closer to him, our bodies colliding perfectly. I opened my mouth to give access to his tongue. He tasted good, so good that I felt like intoxicated, I couldn't have enough of him. He bit my lower lip, pausing the kiss, and looked deeply at me. His hair were still wet, drops of water falling from his collarbone to his chest.

"You are so beautiful, Woo!" I sighted.

I spotted one drop sliding down his neck and I licked it away, following its path. Wooyoung threw his head back, moaning silently and giving me more access. I kept licking his toned body: his neck, his jaw, his shoulders, his chest... I stood up and moved him so that he was sitting on the edge of the tub. I kneeled between his legs and looked at him. He was staring at me, mouth agape, slightly panting. His right hand caressed my cheek and I kissed his palm repeatedly moving up to his fingers. I took his index in my mouth swirling my tongue around it. He never took his eyes off me, neither did I. My hands started moving, caressing his thighs and getting dangerously close to his private area.

"M-mmmh" he whined "Touch me!"

He removed his finger from my mouth and went to my hand, moving it on his throbbing cock. I've never seen him so demanding, usually I was the one leading, but I liked it so I didn't complain and followed his order.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked in a low voice.

"I-I want you to make me feel good" he said in a whisper while his face turned crimson.

"How?" I slowed down my pace to tease him.

He hesitated. His hand interlocked with my hair, pushing back those who had fall before my forehead.

"Say it! I'll do anything for you, Woo" I whispered biting his arm and quickening my movements on his shaft.

He groaned but didn't interrupt the eye contact, instead I saw a new light brightening his eyes.

"Suck me off!"

I felt my cock throbbing inside my wet pants at his commanding tone. I didn't hesitate and took him in my mouth: my tongue swirling around his tip licking away all his precum. He moaned in pleasure while he kept me there, his hands guiding my movements.

Seoul nights • WoosanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat