Nineteen - 🔞

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It happened by pure chance but it was perfect!

I was driving back home after leaving Wooyoung in university when I spotted the huge old house with a big yellow sign: "FOR SALE!". Sure it was old and there were lots of works to do, but I knew it was the perfect place for us to live in.

Since the accident with Hongjoong happened I tried my best to never leave Wooyoung alone. We were still living together but my place was very far from Hanyang and I didn't want him to walk or take the bus, so I was driving him almost everyday and if I could not I asked Jongho. It wasn't easy to convince Wooyoung though: we decided that I would drive him until he passed his driving test, after which he could move back alone. I wasn't happy about it, but I knew that he was so stubborn and that it was the best I could get from him. He was sure Hongjoong wouldn't bother him again, but I was still very worried.

After what had happened I cut all the business Hongjoong and I had together and even if it was hard for my company, we still had decent income and things were getting better month after month.

So, I was driving when I saw the house. It was perfect! It was big, but didn't give the cold and empty vibe of my apartment. While I was walking throught the rooms I could really picture my life together with Wooyoung there. Few days later I was signing the deed of sale.

Plus I could kill two birds with one stone: the house was amazing but really old, but I was lucky because I knew Wooyoung had a talent. In one year he would have graduated and I saw many of his projects: he was going to be a great architect. I contacted a friend of mine who worked in a well-known construction company and asked him to partner Wooyoung with the manager so that they could work together on the renovation of the house.

That night when I came back home I told him that one of my American clients wanted to buy the house and that I found the job for him: he was so excited that started to jump around the apartment stopping now and then to kiss me and hug me.

It was one of the happiest periods of our life together: all our little feuds seemed to fade away, he was constantly smiling and laughing and it made my heart flutter. One day we went together to see the villa, Wooyoung showed me all the spaces where his suggestions were followed. I was so proud: he really did a great job!

"Your American friend's got money pouring out of his ears. He spent so much on decorations!" he said showing me the last details.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I love it! It really is a beautiful house. It has a Scandinavian feel"

"Scandinavian?" I laughed "If I told you this is our house, would you like the idea?" I asked him taking his hands and staring at him with a sudden serious air.

He gave me a wide-open mouth stare and looked around before stuttering "I... Well... Fuck!" he was speechless.

"It's ours, Woo!" I exclaimed without being able to hold back the enthusiasm anymore.

"I'm so happy, Sanie" he hugged me tight and I couldn't help but feel happy too.

The first time we did it in the new house it happened in one of the bathrooms. It was evening. Wooyoung was lying in the big oval tub while I, naked to the waist and wearing only pajama pants, was looking in the mirror to see if my beard had already reappeared.

"You don't look older than 25!" he said checking me out.

I smirked without hiding my pride: to achieve this goal I did every day at least one hour of physical activity and I was very careful with my diet and skin care. Couple of weeks earlier I had died my hair blond on Wooyoung's advice and I have to admit that I really looked even younger.

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