Yaya 49

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I was still a bit high but I was stable... or at least I think I was. I called an uber for Sino who didn't want to leave... I also didn't want her to leave, she and I got along all too well. After she was gone I took a taxi to West street because that's where I was meeting Asemahle. She was at Sportscene busy looking at sneakers.
Me: you never struck me as a sneaker chick
She was wearing a sandal, a dress and a leather jacket. I on the other hand was wearing blue ripped boyfriend jeans, nude pink leather converse, white vest and a nude pink long sleeve cardigan.
Her: a girl can't always be in heels now
Me: good point. So what kind of sneaker you looking for?
Her: nothing today. I was just waiting for you that's all
Me: well then let's go eat. I'm hungry AF!
Her: you going to have to quit weed ey, my brother is not a fan of it
Me: I'm not going to quit weed because Melokuhle is not a fan... I'll need a better reason than that
Her: you so stubborn... like him
Me: that's why he and I get along so well.
We were at Spur sitting in a table for two. I ordered wings for starters. I was very hungry, weed was playing its part too in my hunger.
Her: right....
Me: so how's Kate?
Her: she's uhhmm... not handling things well
Me: I still don't get why she would go through with something like this. The baby didn't do anything wrong to anyone
Her: trust me Melo and I have tried to get through to her but she has her mind made up. She mentioned something about how the child would be baggage to her family
Me: the baby has two parents. She doesn't have to keep it after birth
Her: my point exactly. Argh this is not any of our business so let's let things be. The parents of it came to an agreement
I nodded. I should be happy that my boyfriend is not having a child with another woman but I'm not. If Kate kept the baby, then they wouldn't have to have a relationship as per say but now they have something to bond over should they meet later in life. I mean Kate will need Derrick emotionally and I don't think I will be able to stand that. What if later in life they realize that they made a mistake and then one thing leads to another and they decide to have a baby? Where would that leave me? Melo cares about Kate and I know very well that he will be there for her emotionally, Kate may try push him away but I know my Melo, he's persistent and does what pleases him. A year from now or a few months down the line one of them will regret getting rid of the baby. What happens when Kate can't get pregnant when she wants to get pregnant? She'll blame Melo for not trying hard enough to stop her from going through with the abortion.
"Yandiswa your phone"
I was brought back to reality by Asemahle. The weed was making me paranoid I swear!
Me: yes
Her: your phone
I looked at the screen and it was my best friend. I answered
//Her: my favorite person in the whole world
Me: hey Ledi
Her: OUCH! Where's the excitement? Where's the love?
I laughed
Me: hey baby. How are you? My word I miss you
Her: now you just sound fake, tone it down a notch
Me: now you just annoying
Her: I just got to Durban. You home?
Me: nope, I'm out having breakfast with Asemahle
Her: bonding with the sister in law I see. Can I join you guys?
Me: I don't see why not. Lemme ask her. Ledi is asking if she can join us?
Asemahle gave me a smile before saying yes
Me: you can join us babe. Weren't you coming back with Anita?
Her: she's coming back when we open
Me: oh okay cool. We at Spur on West street
Her: on my way. Bye
Me: bye//
Ledi doesn't know about Kate being pregnant and aborting the baby. As much as she means well but I don't need her trying to convince me that I'm making a mistake by staying with Melo after this one incident. Knowing her she will probably tell me that this is the first of many and I don't need that in my life. As much as she is for my relationship with Melo, she's still a bit doubtful of Melo and his intentions... his past doesn't really sit well with her, especially with the stunt Lathitha pulled with Kate.
Me: seeing that Ledi is on her way here, can we not mention the Kate thingy. She doesn't know and I'd like to keep it at that
Her: why?
Me: Ledi tends to be judgmental and over protective and motherly...
Her: then my lips are sealed
Me: thank you.
Ase: are you ok?
Me: yeah I'm fine babe
Her: you sure?
Me: yeah I'm sure, it's the weed that's all
She shook her head and laughed at me. Just then Ledi walked in, I waved my hand at her and she walked over
Her: it's going to make you crazy
Me: yep but I aint quitting anytime soon.
Ledi: what are we talking. Hello beautiful people
She said kissing our cheeks and then taking her seat
Me: that I do some of my best work when I'm high
Her: you kidding me right?
Ledi: she's telling the truth, it's weird but it works for her. Anyway I am starving. Have you guys ordered yet?
We had wings on the table with our drinks. I don't just take pictures, I also paint... well when I'm high and I am the best painter there is... when I'm high of cause but either than that, my paintings are normal and dull without any emotion or story to tell. I guess I'm more into my emotions and feelings when I'm under the influence rather than I am when I'm completely sober. I'm a weird being.
Ase: not really, we were waiting for you
Me: and you took forever by the way
Ledi: and then what's wrong with you?
Ase: she smoked weed before coming here
Me: that was in the morning
Ledi: it's still morning
Me: I mean around 8am, its after 10 now
Ledi: whatever you smoked is strong ey.
Our waiter finally came over and took our orders, I ordered ribs, chips, onion rings and wings. Ledi ordered the same while Ase went for chicken and a salad... explains why she had a killer body.
Ledi: you a salad girl... what am I asking... of cause you are
Ase: I don't like eating fats before 1... that's just how I am
Me: wow... So Melo told me you have a boyfriend
Ledi: finally! Does that mean you ready to break your virginity?
Me: she just met the guy Ledi. So details
Ase: that brother of mine cannot keep his mouth shut to you! I bet you know all the family secrets
We all laughed. She was right though, Melo couldn't not tell me things, be it intentional or unintentional... its all the same. He loves sharing things with me
Ledi: it's called pussy power babe. It works wonders
Ase: right... Anyway, no I am not losing my virginity anytime soon. I met the guy back in Amsterdam and we hit it off, he lives in Joburg and he is a great guy...
Ledi: your first real relationship and you go for a long distance one?
Me: I'm in a long distance
Ase: only when you in Mthatha... you don't really count because you are here 80% of the year
Ledi: exactly. So how's this going to work out?
Ase: well today he called me telling me about a possibility of him moving to Durban... they just need to finalize the deal first and then he'll be here in 2 months' time
Me: you must be excited
Ase: I don't know... I don't even know if I'm ready for a relationship. Like the things you guys go through and stuff scare me, I don't think I'd be strong enough for those relationship problems and the drama they come with
Me: if you like him and he likes you back, the problems and drama won't matter
Ledi: someone's become an expect in dating... We thank God for Melokuhle Bess!
We all laughed. Naledi could be dramatic when she wanted to. I mean was that really necessary
Me: shut up! What about you? Where's Mr. Porsche?
She took a deep breath in and then out... she smiled
Ledi: Mr. Porsche is moving to SA. He'll handle his business from this side and visit the states every now and then
Me: you kidding me
She was all smiles. My friend was in love with this guy. Who would have thought? I was happy for her, I was happy that she was happy. We continued chatting about boys, shoes and fashion. As we were busy chatting I got a text from my lecturer telling me that this other hot shot street artist from Joburg named Taylor Meier... my favorite artist by the way... the reason I am even doing the course I am doing has asked to feature my art in his exhibition taking place next week Saturday. I literally screamed.
Ase: and then?
I gave her my phone. And her and Ledi both read the message
Her: "I just got off the phone with Mr. Taylor Meier's assistant and she told me that he would like to feature some of your pieces on his exhibition next week Saturday... you game?"
She was reading the text out loud. Ledi screamed when she was done reading
Her: who is Taylor Meier again?
Ledi: Missy's favorite artist
Me: only the best Artist that's ever walked on this earth! He's been everywhere around the world; his art is sold everywhere! He is my reason for taking up art. And he wasn't to feature my work. Flip!
Ase: congratz
Ledi: of cause I'm your date for the exhibition
Me: I have a boyfriend
Ase: who is on bed rest for the nest 6 weeks
The thought of going to an exhibition without Melo sucked. I wouldn't say he was an art person but he had a great eye and I would have loved to have him right next to me. this was a great opportunity for me to grow because then my work would probably make its way to the states which mean moola and recognition from all over the world. I was excited and scared. I took my phone from the table to call my lecturer, it's the same lecturer who hooked me up with the 21st birthday gig. She answered.
//Her: I take it you game?
Me: hell yeah! Where's my invitation?
Her: I emailed it to you sweetie
Me: how'd you pull this one off?
Her: I received an email saying that he was hosting an exhibition this coming next weekend and he wants to help a young artist reach their dreams by showcasing their art at his exhibition so I sent him your portfolio and he responded today... so email me another portfolio with some of your stuff from over the holidays
Me: what kind thou?
Her: your best work. I don't mean paintings; I mean your best pictures you captured... be it friends or family or whatever. Just your best pieces
Me: uhhhm ok I'll email it to you when I get to my pc. Thank you so much
Her: don't thank me just yet. Thank me by accepting his scholarship
Me: wait what?
Her: you get a scholarship to go finish your studies overseas, everything will be sorted for you. All you need to do is sign and then you'll be off
Me: uhhm I don't know what to say
Her: sleep on it ok. For now, enjoy whatever you were doing and send me these pictures
Me: will do. Again thank you for considering me
Her: you one of my best students Yandiswa and this is a great opportunity for you
Me: thank you so much.
Her: have a great day now. Bye
Me: thanks, you too. Bye//
I had mixed emotions. I didn't know whether to scream or cry or what... it was exciting news but where did this leave Melo and I if I go study in the states?
Ledi: is everything ok?
Me: the exhibition comes with a scholarship to study abroad...

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Where stories live. Discover now