Melo 18

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So, turns out Bonke isn't the saint we all thought he was?! Man, that caught me off guard. I mean, we're pretty tight, talk about everything under the sun, and he never once mentioned getting cozy with anyone else, especially not his girl's friend. We ain't even that close. It's funny how these dudes go around pointing fingers, calling me a dick, when they're out there doing way worse. Sure, I've got my flaws, but cheating on my girl with her friend? Nah, that's a whole different level of messed up.

Woke up this morning with a bit of a hangover, stumbled through my usual routine, then dragged myself to the office. Decided to give Yaya a ring, not sure why, we're not exactly buddies or anything. After that call, Kate hits me up, asking if I'm up for lunch. Couldn't turn her down, could I? So, she swings by the office, and off we go to the restaurant down the road, the same joint we hit up yesterday.

"You're quite the fan of this place, aren't you?" I tease as we stroll in.

"It's not that I love it, just figured since you've got to get back to work soon, might as well keep it close," Kate replies, flashing me a smile.

"Gotcha," I nod, letting her lead the way. And let me tell you, this girl's got style, strutting ahead like she owns the place, giving off those Cassie vibes, if you catch my drift. We wait around for a table, and that's when I spot Yandiswa Gxaba across the room, looking as stunning as ever. Our eyes meet for a split second before she glances away.

Finally, a waiter sorts us out, and we snag a table. As we settle in, Kate drops a bombshell.

"I did some digging on you," she confesses.

"Oh yeah? What'd you find?" I raise an eyebrow, intrigued.

"That you don't exist," she quips.

"What do you mean, I don't exist?" I play along.

"Who are you really?" she presses, a hint of suspicion in her tone.

"I told you, Derrick Ngesi," I reply, keeping it cool.

"Are you sure you're not Derrick Bess?" she challenges.

"Is this a lunch date or an interrogation?" I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"So, is this a date then?" she shoots back, a playful glint in her eye.

"If you want it to be, then why not?" I shrug, flashing her a grin.

She laughs, and damn, she's even more beautiful up close. Just as we're getting into it, Mrs. Mbira, a family friend, swings by.

"Derrick, hey there," she greets me warmly.

"Hey Ma, how've you been?" I reply, standing to greet her.

"I'm good, dear. It's been ages," she says with a smile, turning to Kate. "And who might this lovely lady be?"

"Nice to meet you, Mah," Kate says, extending her hand.

"Pleasure's all mine, dear," Mrs. Mbira replies kindly. Then she turns back to me. "Young Bess, I expect to see you at my daughter's graduation party this Saturday."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Ma," I assure her.

"Make sure your mom remembers, okay?" she reminds me.

"Will do," I nod.

"Alright, baby, catch you later," she says, giving me a fond smile before heading off.

"Did she just call you Young Bess?" Kate raises an eyebrow once Mrs. Mbira's out of earshot.

"Please, let's not," I groan.

"Why'd you lie about your surname?" she asks, curiosity piqued.

"Didn't lie, per se. Just... omitted a few details," I explain with a sheepish grin.

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora