Melo 34

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Yaya sulking over sex is very cute if you ask me. It's not that I don't want to have any with her just yet but dad told me to slow things down with this one if I want to keep her, I asked him for advice this one time and he once told me that some girls are worth the wait and Yaya is worth the wait. I don't want to force this whole thing, yes I crave her but I want to do things right. What Lathitha did was childish! Yes, I called her and she is the one I was talking to over the phone.
"Ready to go?"
Said Yaya with the most adorable tone and a smile standing by the bottom of the stairs.
Me: yeah, let's go
I went to take the things from her hand and then she locked up and we walked down to my car.
Her: what time are you coming out today?
Me: it's a half-day actually. I'll be out at 2pm and then you are going to come help me pick an outfit
Her: but you dress up nicely all on your own
Me: I know but I want to see if you can dress your man up...
I said rubbing her hand
Her: uhhhhm.... We'll see
Me: that is not convincing at all... should I be worried?
Her: yeah you should
She said laughing
Me: I have a lot I need to teach you!
We got to her place and I stopped right outside, I wasn't late for work or anything like that.
Me: be ready when I get out of work
Her: as in be dressed for the occasion or to go to your place
Me: you know what I mean. I'll call you when I leave the office so that you dressed when I get here
Her: fine
She said rolling her eyes.
Her: see you later then
She kissed my cheek and attempted opening the car but it was locked, I can't help but feel like something was bothering her. I know I don't know her that well but I think I would know when something was bothering mine.
Me: is everything ok?
Her: yes, why?
Me: you seem a bit quiet and that's unlike you
Her: nothing's bothering me. you going to be late for work
Me: I rather be late for work then. Tell me what's bothering you? Is it still the sex thing?
She shook her head.
Me: then what is it?
Her: I heard you talking on the phone earlier
Of cause. Why am I not surprised?
Me: how much did you hear?
Her: you telling whoever to stay away from whoever
I chuckled. She pouted, this one was definitely like my mom. she just doesn't like being kept in the dark.
Me: I was talking to Lathitha. I don't like what she did, she was a one-night stand and that's as far as it goes. She had no right to confront you
Her: this is my life now Melokuhle. These are the kinds of people I'll probably be dealing with at times
Me: people you don't have to deal with Yandiswa. You didn't sign up for some girl drama, you just got into a relationship with me.
Her: getting into a relationship with you comes with these perks Melokuhle
Me: no it doesn't. look none of my flings have ever bothered anyone I'm with or they see me with because they understood what they were getting into. Lathitha is messed up, I don't know what her problem is but I will handle her. the last thing I need is you having to fight off these girls I had flings with. it's not fair on you.
She nodded. I put my hand behind her neck and pulled her in for a kiss, she responded to it. she broke it after a while
Her: you going to be late
Me: but are we good thou?
She smiled and nodded, her smile seemed genuine making me smile too.
Her: Melokuhle I love you and I am willing to fight off all these girls if I have to just as long as I'm with you
Did she just tell me she loves me??? Am I hearing things or did Yandiswa Gxaba just say she loves me? I smiled and looked at her
Her: why are you looking at me like that?
Me: you just said you love me for the first time
Her: your point?
Me: really? You really don't know how to stay in the moment do you?
Her: like you, I have a thing for ruining the perfect moment
Me: I don't ruin such cute romantic moments. You are the worst Mafaku!
She smiled
Me: why are you smiling?
Her: you called me by my clan name
She said with the widest smile. What is it with you girls and being called by your clan name? what's so exciting about the whole thing? I am so confused by really.
Me: uhhhm I won't even get into detail with you on this. Bye baby, I'll see you after work.
I kissed her on the lips and then unlocked the door
Her: enjoy your day
Me: you too
She got off and I drove off to work. Turns dad's meetings have been outside of the office the whole of today which meant I would only be seeming this evening. I got a visit from my twin.
Her: hello Melo
Me: hey twinny, how are you?
Her: who was the girl you were with last night?
Me: man I'm good too thanks
Her: oh please don't play with me. who is she?
Me: I don't know what or who you talking about
Her: is it Kate?
Me: I told you she dumped me
Her: then who is she? Just give me a name and a surname or any detail I can use
Me: use for what?
Her: Facebook
Me: all you need to know is that she is beautiful with the word beautiful in bold and in capital letters by the way
Her: do I know her?
Me: where's the fun in telling you?
Her: come on Melo please
Me: so when are you getting a boyfriend?
Her: so you really not going to tell me anything about her?
I shook my head with a smirk, I know that me smirking would only annoy her and it worked
Her: fine! I don't have a boyfriend and I don't want one
Me: why?
Her: you yourself told me never to date these boys, they might just be like you
I couldn't help but laugh at that.
Me: ouch! and here I am trying to change for the better
Her: this girl is working miracles I swear. Even God was unable to work these kinds of miracles on you Melo
Me: what can I say, love changes people
Her: did you just say "love"?
She said quoting the word in air quotes
Me: whatever
Her: I'm proud actually. Despite everything but I'm glad you finally have a girl you love and seems to love you back judging by how happy you are lately. I'm really happy for you brother and I hope you guys treat each other well and my word I PRAY that you guys stay together. Don't mess this up, I don't care who pisses you off or says what just don't mess this one up Melo
Me: geeez, you make it sound like I'm some sort of screw up
Her: relationship-wise you are but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt with this one.
I nodded. She really was proud of me and happy for me which meant I was doing good and with the way Yaya was, I think it's safe to say I had this whole relationship thing figured out after all and I was performing well at it. We continued to talk for a while and then I accompanied her to her car. Yes, the parents had given her all of her keys and she was back to being independent again.
****Later after work****
I left work later than I should have, BESS decided to throw me a surprise pre-party. After the party at work I went to go and fetch Yaya at her place and then we drove off to mine. We got to my place and both took a shower then we changed into our outfits for the family and friends thing held at the mansion. She was wearing a black knee length open dress that had something like a choker-it's actually prettier than it sounds- with a pair of red heels. I wore a black fitted suit with a red bowtie and black red bottom formal shoes. I had just finished tying my shoe laces when she walked out of the bathroom with her clean make up and her hair tied up in a knit bun at the top of her head. I looked at her from head to toe, I was literally drooling over how good she looked.
Her: uhhm how do I look?
I could see her lips moving but my mind was on how hot she looked, my cousin was going to hit on her no doubt. If not him then my friends, well business associates were going to hit on her all night. I had to do something about how STUNNING she looked.
Her: Melo?
Me: yes, babe?
Her: how do I look?
Her camera was sitting on the bed next to me. she has taught me a thing or two about taking the perfect picture. She was standing in front of the mirror admiring how good she looked. And dare I say she was perfection!
Me: you look beautiful
The words just slipped right out of my mouth. I took her camera and took pictures of her, she started posing for me as I showered her with compliments left right and centre.
Her: come, your turn now
Me: use my phone
Her: after I take a few with my camera
There was no fighting with her, I always let her win anyway. I let her take the pictures and she made me pose every now and then, it was tiring but I did it anyway complaining every 2 seconds.
Me: we going to be late
Her: you the guest of honour, you and your twin so you allowed to be
I chuckled and flashed her a smile which she captured. She took a few shorts with my phone and then we took a few more together before leaving the flat. It was 10 to 6 already. I drove off to my parent's place. I got in the yard and parked my car, the street was packed with nice cars which meant this wasn't an intimate gathering. Trust Mrs Bess to go all out. I got out of the car and went to open her door for her then put my arm up for her to hook her arm into mine
Her: what about your mom?
Me: what about her?
She looked at me confused. We walked in and greeted a few business associates and then I went to find my parents but bumped into Iya on my way.
Her: Hey handsome
She said hugging me making me let go of Yaya
Me: hello sister.
I broke the hug
Me: how are you?
She responded looking at the ever so beautiful Yaya next to me.
Her: I'm good. Yaya you look BEAUTIFUL! How are you?
Yaya: thank you, I'm good thanks and how are you? You look just as beautiful by the way
Her: thanks.
Me: any idea where the parents are?
Iya: they by pool mingling. Why?
I just looked at her and took Yaya's hand into mine and left Iya standing there. We walked out to the pool and spotted them talking to Linda's mom.
Me: mom, dad, Mrs Mbira
Mom: hey baby, hey Yandi
Mrs Mbira: hey Derrick
They both kissed me on the cheek, then both greeted Yandiswa
Dad: son, Yandiswa
We both shook his hand.
Me: mom, dad and Mrs Mbira meet my girlfriend Yandiswa Gxaba

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Where stories live. Discover now