Melo 46

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As much I wasn't happy that I would be staying at the mansion because it meant mom will be all up in my face 24/7, I was glad that I was leaving the hospital. We got home and the family was all there, mom was preparing something to eat, it smelt heavenly. She was a good cook no doubt but she was nothing compared to dad, who barely cooked for us. Yaya helped me inside and she helped me sit on the couch, I was in pain but I was not about to give them reason to send me back into that hell hole and have every one of them treating me like a baby who can't do anything for himself. My good looks were still there but now I had scars here and there. That accident screwed me up, I was literally at the wrong place at the wrong time. My love for Yandiswa Gxaba will be the death of me I swear, if she wasn't mad at me then I wouldn't have been driving to Mthatha in the first place... ok maybe I would have been but not on that day. Next time I won't be so lucky. She did apologize for being mad and she also apologized for being in this situation, she blamed herself for it but I told her it wasn't her fault because I believe that if something is meant to happen then there's no stopping it, even though some of you may argue and say that nothing is written on stone but we can't change reality. If we could then death wouldn't exist. Anyway she helped me sit down and I pulled her onto my lap.
Her: come on Melo. Respect your parents please
Me: have you any idea how much I have missed you Yaya
I said kissing her cheek. This cement needed to get off already. I needed my damn arm in this situations. She got off me and who am I to fight when I have one working arm.
Her: I'll go see if your mother needs help
Me: seriously? I didn't bring you here for my mother Yandiswa
Her: you didn't bring me here at all
She said laughing and walking away. This girl. Always ready with an answer. My big sister walked in and kissed my cheek then sat next to me.
Her: how are you?
Me: coping. This shiit hurts like a moth..
"language!" that was dad's voice. I rolled my eyes.
Dad: had you stayed in the hospital like you should have....
Me: spare me the lecture dad please. That place gives me creeps
Iya: then its time you stopped watching those horror movies... wouldn't you agree?
Me: seriously guys.
Iya: yeah... seriously. So when are theses coming off?
Me: don't know... but I want then off already
Dad: tough luck son
Me: aren't you supposed to be at work?
Dad: nah, figured you were coming back and I didn't want to miss this...
Me: miss what?
Him: you whining like a little baby.
He and Yana both laughed at me.
Me: one day is one-day dad.
Him: ncooooh aren't you the cutest thing
I threw a pillow at him and he caught it laughing. I pushed Iya who just laughed at me even harder. They could be so annoying when they wanted too. You could even go as far as saying I hated them... well at that moment, I love my family. I ended up laughing myself.
"come on share the joke" Ase walked in with her phone in her hand. This thing of her's having a boyfriend was going to be trouble I can already see it!
Dad: we just making fun of your brother. He's whining like a little baby
Me: I'm not! This is painful dad; I was in an accident 3 days ago ok!
Ase: 2 and a half twin. Had you sta....
Me: ha.a... don't start with me
Iya: where were you off to anyway? You were picked up in Oribi plaza
Ase: he was going to get laid
I looked at her with that "seriously" look
Her: don't look at me like that. You know I'm right!
Me: thanks Asemahle
Her: you welcome
Dad: and you couldn't wait for her to come back maybe?
Me: she's lying. Yaya was mad at me and I wanted to fix things
Iya: what did you do?
Me: none of your business
Dad: this girl has you by the balls huh?
Me: I thought we were minding our language
Dad: I didn't swear
Me: there's still kiddie ears around here
Dad: who's a kid here?
Me: your precious daughter. I bet she doesn't even know how they shaped.
I said laughing and so did Iya. She threw a pillow at me annoyed... Karma is a b*tch...
Ase: whatever Derrick
Dad: you still a virgin honey?
He said looking shocked and so was his tone which only made Yana and I laugh very hard
Ase: why do you sound shocked?
Him: probably because you're a rare breed. I never want to imagine you guys having sex, no father ever wants to but when Iya fell pregnant it made me wonder about you... I lost all hope on you being a virgin... and then there's the lifestyle you lead... you can't blame me baby
I couldn't help myself. I was in stitches. Dad was throwing so much shade on his little princess.
Ase: nice one dad. I'll sleep with the next guy I meet just to make you proud
Me: I will murder you!
Dad: you know I didn't mean it like that. I'm glad you still a virgin baby, stay like that. These boys aren't good. Look at your brother for instance. Had he been a good boyfriend then he wouldn't be sitting on my couch like he is now
Me: seriously dad? Why are we suddenly talking about me? you were better off throwing shade at Melody
Iya: you're a typical example of a bad boy. You the perfect example of why our sister should stay away from boys
Me: yeah well you have to kiss a dozen frogs before you find your prince charming now
Dad: which she won't. She doesn't need a prince charming when she has a king to do everything for her
Iya: does that mean you don't want her to get married?
Dad: if it were up to me, none of you guys would get married. These boys of today don't know how to treat a woman right
"that's right baby. Derrick take down some notes" mom said walking in with a tray of snacks and Yaya walking behind her with drinks on a tray. They put them on the table.
Mom: they think that all girls want is money and that's it. Girls need more than that, they need love, attention, your time, support... and a whole lot more
Me: but mom that's what I'm doing for Yaya... babe come to my rescue please
She smiled showing off her perfect white teeth.
Yaya: he's a good guy
Me: I'm the perfect guy.
Iya: if you were, you wouldn't be like this... scar face and all
Mom: what am I missing?
Ase: he was driving to Mthatha when he got in an accident to apologize
Yaya looked down and sipped on her drink... Asemahle and Iyana thou! Sometimes I just wish I could duct tape their mouths.
Mom: why? What did you do? Yandiswa what did he do?
I looked at Yaya. She had to think of a lie. The last thing I want is them knowing about the pregnancy and the upcoming abortion. Mom would skin me alive. The way she's emphasized using a condom during sex, telling her Kate is pregnant was definitely a no-go area.
Yaya: he uuhmm. He wasn't answering my calls
Mom: why?
Yaya: it was a misunderstanding. Given his history and all, it's kind of hard to just assume that he was doing something important... you know that type of thing
Phew! Nice save. I winked at her.
Me: and this is why I didn't tell you guys about my relationship with Yandiswa. You like to meddle
Mom: I wasn't meddling
Iya: but you kind of were mom. What they argue about is really not any of our business.
Mom: ok. I'm sorry, it won't happen again. It's just that I don't want you hurting this child Melo. She is one of a kind
Me: and I know that mom which is why I wouldn't dare dream of hurting her. I love her mom
I don't think mom has ever heard me say I love a girl. You can imagine the look on her face and the rest of the family.
Iya: somebody is growing up. 20 suits you little one
Me: shut up and pass me my drink please. It's a little too hot in here
Dad: of cause it would. You just declared out love that you're in love
Me: you guys are making my girlfriend nervous. Please stop already
Knowing Yaya, her palms were probably sweating. I know my girl. She may be an artist but she is not a fan of being put on the spot. Her phone rang and she asked to be excused.
Me: see what I mean.
Mom: she'll be fine. You really love her...?
Me: you have no idea mom. I'm going to marry her someday, just watch
Dad: I'm proud of you son
Mom: so am I baby
Iya: you guys are the most weirdest parents.
She said sipping on her drink. She was right though, conversations with our parents weren't like any other child-parent conversation, they were different. It was like you chatting with your friends, it took years to build this kind of relationship with them. The only time they turn on you and become like any typical parent is when you force them to be. Screw up and you will see their true colors.
Iya: so what were you and Yandiswa talking about?
Mom: none of any of ya'lls business
Me: should I be worried?
Her: is there a reason you should?
Me: really mom?
Yaya walked in and sat down, she was sitting next to Asemahle on a three seater couch with mom.
Me: so what were you and I mom talking about?
Yaya: none of your business
Mom: marry this one baby. She is perfect
We all laughed. Mom was something else, it's no surprise that she and Yaya got along so well... they were pretty much the same, attitude and all... well not 100% the same but you get my point, their personalities were similar. But Yaya wasn't as strong as my mom, no woman was as strong hearted as my mother was, this woman has been through hell and back ok. She was molested by her nanny as a child until she was 7, she walked in on her first boyfriend having sex with someone whom the dude had claimed was nothing but a friend and then she later found out she and the dude were actually cousins, her best friend slept with her boyfriend then and fell pregnant with Iya but look at her today, she forgave Aya for what she did and they became friends again, she was the only one who survived in a plane crash with my grandparents, she had a miscarriage and she is still standing... I could go on and on about my how great of a woman she is and how I only pray that Yaya turned out like her. We had a great chat and everyone was enjoying themselves. Mom offered Yaya to sleep over but refused her offer so she was driven to her place by one of the drivers. In all honesty I wasn't comfortable with her sleeping in that big house alone, Ledi and Anita weren't back yet and then there's this asshole of an ex of her's who's in town... nothing good ever comes out from such but I trust her, she wouldn't do me like that.

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Where stories live. Discover now