Yaya 43

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One minute you talking to someone and the next you hear glasses shattering, I don't know how that sounds to you but it sure doesn't sound too good to me. Something had happened to him.
Me: Melo???
He didn't respond. I kept calling out his name but still nothing. My mind started wandering to a place it shouldn't. If he died his death would be on my hands. I shouldn't have been arguing with him in the first place but naye he just makes me so mad! What was so bad that he couldn't tell me over the phone huh?
"Yandiswa yintoni"(what is it?)
I was brought back to earth by mom picking up my now broken phone... well it wasn't in pieces but my screen protector had cracked badly... just great! I think she came to check on me because of the impact of my phone hitting her tiles.
Me: I have to go back to Durban.
I said walking to my room and she followed behind me
Her: what? Why?
I could feel tears threatening to come out, my eyes were burning with tears. If something bad happened to him I'd never forgive myself. I took out my suitcase and put it on my bed without responding to mom. All I knew was that my man needed me, it's my fault he's even in this.
Her: Yandiswa baby please talk to me
Me: I think Melo has just been in an accident
She put her hands on her mouth showing shock with a bit of fear. I didn't mind her, I just started packing. I needed to be in Durban ASAP! She stopped me and pulled me to her chest and that's when I let the tears win; Alicia Keys said it herself, these tears always win.
Me: it's all my fault mama. What if I killed him?
She just kept quiet and brushed my back as I sobbed on her chest. I felt really bad.
An hour later I was on a plane to Durban, my clothes would be coming back with Nita who by the way really was pregnant and let's say it wasn't as joyful as we had made it out to be the last time we had spoken over the phone. She was crying saying that her mom was disappointed and that she would lose her spot over at Davily Dance Academy... weird name for a dance school but it was a combination of David and Lily Bess's names, Damien named it that to honour his parents. 3 hours later I was landing in Durban. I requested an uber and in no time it was here, I rushed to the hospital still trying to get hold of Melo but nothing. I went to st Augustin but he wasn't there. I called his sister, I was hoping and praying she knew something.
//Her: hey Yaya
Me: Mahle have you spoken to Melo?
Her: not since yesterday I think. Why what's wrong?
Me: have you spoken to your father at least?
Her: Yaya you scaring me. What's wrong?
Me: I don't think. A while back I was talking to him and then the next thing I don't know what happened. Asemahle I'm scared.
Her: Yaya breathe ok. I am sure he is fine
How could she be this calm? A call came through on my phone.
Me: I have to go; I have a call coming through
Her: ok cool. Bye//
It was an unsaved number. I answered it scared of the worst.
//Me: Hello?
Person: hi, you speaking to Thabo
Me: ok?
Him: right. Is this Yandiswa?
Me: yes
Him: uhhhm I picked up this phone and it's written to call your number if lost
Me: uhhm what phone is that?
I needed to be certain!
Him: it's the latest iPhone, it's grey in colour and it has a picture of a sleeping girl as it's wallpaper
Me: Thabo where are you calling me from?
Him: Port Shepston.
Me: uhhm may I ask where you picked the phone up?
Him: there was an accident a few hours ago, I found the phone on the grass
Me: uhhm ok. I'm on my way there. Please send me a location I can meet you at.
Him: sure//
He cut the call. I was defeated. What kind of hospital doesn't alert the parents of a patient that just got in huh? I called Siya who came to pick me up right away.
Him: what happened?
I was about to respond when my phone rang and it was Asemahle.
//Me: Mahle
Her: Derrick has been admitted to Shepston hospital. I didn't get all the details but mom and I are on a flight back to South Africa as we speak
Me: thanks for letting me know
Her: sure//
Her voice was breaking like someone who was holding back tears.
Him: everything ok?
I shook my head. Nothing about this was ok.
Me: he's in Shepston hospital.
Him: sure
He didn't ask any further questions; it was already past 5pm. We got to the hospital an hour and a half later and we found his father there. He was sitting in the reception waiting room. I had texted That to meet me at the hospital instead and he agreed, he gave me the phone whose screen protector was as bad as mine and I thanked him. Siya and I greeted Mr Bess who told us that Derrick wasn't badly injured. He had a head injury, sprained leg and a broken arm which to me sounded pretty bad. He asked that they transfer his son to Durban's best hospital and they did just that... perks of being Damon Bess's son. We got to the hospital his Aunt works in and he was allocated a room. The last time we spoke was back in Shepston when we were greeting each other and that was as far as it goes. Melo was sleeping, seemingly the drugs they gave him knocked him right out. Siya decided to break the ice.
Him: did they tell you what happened?
Bess: They say a truck smashed into this other car which swerved into his making him hit a pole with his side of the car. Apparently it was a terrible accident.
Him: damn.
Bess: yep Damn. He's going to be ok Yandiswa.
I just nodded. I didn't really need assurance, Melo is a fighter anyway but what my problem was is that had I not been arguing with him in the first place, he wouldn't be here today. It was around 7pm when the doctor came to tell us that he was awake and we could go in and see him. I literally ran to his room and jumped on him.
Him: I see who would be sitting on the mattress on the floor if I was dead.
I hit him playfully
Me: you scared me
"We glad you're awake son"
We were disturbed by Mr Bess's voice which was as bold as Melo's. I tried to break the hug but young Bess wasn't letting go of my grip.
Me: Hayi Melo
Him: I'm not letting you go. Join me in Bed
He whispered in my ear
Siya: if this is how you guys are going to be, then dad and I might as well leave you guys to it
We laughed and so did Mr Bess.
Bess: they missed each other, its allowed
I giggled in embarrassment. I got ontop of the bed next to him and he snuggled me with his free arm, the other one had cement on it
Siya: aren't you hurting him?
Him: nah I'm good. I just want to get out of this place
Dad: what is it with you people and hospitals?
Melo: well you've never been in one so you wouldn't understand
Dad: right... Your mom and sister are on their way
Melo: it's really not that bad dad. They don't have to fly here; I'm getting out tonight anyway
Me: says who?
Melo: me. I'm sick of being here. I want my bed
Siya: it hasn't even been a day. Relax!
Dad: you not going anywhere until the doctor discharges you Melo. At least stay for the week
Melo: no ways dad. I will go mad!
Me: would it hurt!
Melo: Yaya will take care of me... how's that?
I looked up at him and he had a serious place.
Dad: you know your mother wouldn't have that. Let's just here what the doctor says first and then we'll take it from there
I watched this two go back and forth and both of them were just as stubborn as the other, I finally saw where he got his stubbornness from... oh and his mom too.
Melo: fine. A day
Me: 3 days' max
Dad: yes, Yandiswa is right. you need to recover properly!
Siya: I totally agree with them
He was cornered.
Him: fine.
Dad: I'll talk to your doctor and see how badly injured you are and we'll take it from there
Him: mom has really ruined you
He said rolling his eyes. The doctor came in to tell us that visiting hours were over. He was not so happy with me sleeping with the patient but this stupid patient had it his way or no way at all. Dr gave up and let me sleep on the bed with him for the rest of the night. I woke up before him and went home to wash. When I came back 2 hours later he was with his mom and sisters. Mrs Bess gave me a big hug when she saw me walk in the rest followed
Melo: where did you disappear off to?
Me: I had to go shower and change my clothes
I kissed his cheek but he pulled me in for a real kiss
Mom: Ahem. Mother in the room.
We broke it.
Ase: they've missed each other mom... like you and dad
Iya: yep... you not one to talk
Mom: oh shut up! I spoke to your doctor and he said you will be out tomorrow later and you coming home so I make sure you recover accordingly.
Melo: you kidding me right?
Mom: you either stay here and recover or you come recover at home. Your choice
Melo: this is not fair.
Ase: you know she's impossible bruh
Iya: yep so just give in
He looked at me
Him: I'm sure you also have something to add
I shook my head. We had meaningless conversation until everyone else left and I was left with just him. His phone rang.
//Him: hello
Him: listen I'm in hospital at the moment
Him: I was in a car accident. nothing serious
Him: I'm fine Kate. Friday morning?
Him: I'll talk to Asemahle and she'll give you my card
Him: bye//
He looked at me probably trying to read my expression but I wasn't about to act like a jealous girlfriend. I kept quiet.
Him: please come seat here
He said patting on the bed. I did as told and went to seat where he asked me to. he took my hand into his, he had a serious face. My mind literally went to being dumped for Kate. She's HOT! I wouldn't blame him; she was flames no doubt.
Him: Yaya Kate is pregnant
I kept quiet. I remembered a conversation we once had about him pregnanting (if such a word exists) someone and how it would be the end of us because I am not cut out for baby mama drama. Ok not every baby mama brings about drama but I don't think I would be strong enough to play step mom, I love kids and all but at this point in my life I am not ready for that, I'm way too young. I pulled my hand away from his.
Him: please just hear me out.
It felt like a spear had just pierced right into my heart. It hurt so much.
Him: it was before you and I happened Yaya I swear. And to top it off she's not keeping it
I didn't hear whatever he said after the aborting part. What did this mean really? Why would they decide on abortion? It's wrong. The child has no sin. They are the ones that committed the sin. Abortion in my eyes is just wrong no matter the reasons, it's just wrong. The baby deserves life. I pulled my hand from his and he let go of his grip.

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Where stories live. Discover now