Melo 30

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I left mom and Yaya in the kitchen to bond, I know mom likes her but I want her to more than like her. I want her to embrace her as her daughter that way she won't be so judgey when I introduce Yandiswa as my girlfriend to her. I got to the lounge and my sister was under dad's arm watching whatever on that was playing on tv.
Me: hello dad, Mahle
Dad: you finally decided to show up
Her: hey bro. did you hear about Yandi?
Me: yes, and she's in the kitchen with mom by the way
Her: you joking right
She said jumping off under dad's arm in excitement
Me: go and see for yourself.
She walked out in a happier mood. So not I was left with just dad.
Him: so what is it about this "Yandi"?
Me: I told you dad, she's different from the others and that's not why I'm here. Patricia said you summoned me
Him: I didn't summon you, I just said meet me here. I want to know how the meeting went
Me: your friend gave me a hard time; he didn't want to deal with me but eventually he came around
Him: that's what I like to hear! I taught you well son
Me: right... I wasn't here to stay so I'm going to head out
Him: tell me about this girl. one minute you want to be with her and the next you don't and then suddenly you leaving work early to go visit her
Me: I think my actions speak for themselves father
Him: where does that leave Kate?
Me: we broke up, well she broke things off with me
Him: what did you do?
Me: I slept with this other chick
Him: are you that unable to keep it in your pants Derrick? What is it with you and pussy?
Me: it was Yandiswa ok! she had made me so mad that I needed to retaliate dad
Him: and you couldn't hit a punching bag and go shoot some hoops like any sane person? Did you at least use a condom?
Shiiit!!! I didn't use a condom with Kate. I just hope and pray that she got the morning after pill, the last thing I want is a repetition of what mom and dad went through with Iyana's mom. I don't want to put Yandiswa is that situation.
Him: NO Derrick! Dammit!
Me: relax dad I used it ok. its Kate that I didn't use it with
He ran his hand through his hair frustrated.
Him: are you ready to be a father Derrick?
Me: what? No! I still have graduation
Him: then what the f*ck are you thinking going around having sex without a condom huh?
He was now shouting; well thank god the walls were sound proof.
Me: it was a once off thing and it was a mistake
Him: you better hope and pray that she's not pregnant Derrick. I really don't know what goes on in that head of yours
Me: dad please!
Him: it's your life. Do as you please, that's what you and your sister have always done anyway
With that he downed his scotch and he walked out to the study. I just sat down and thought about the possibility of Kate being pregnant with my child. She hates me so she would probably terminate that child. I dialled her number but she wouldn't pick up, I called her using the house phone and she answered after some time.
//Her: hello?
Me: Kate please don't hang up.
Her: what do you want?
Me: did you ever buy the morning after pill?
She kept quiet for a while before responding.
Her: no I didn't. shiit!! You didn't remind me
Me: it slipped my mind
Her: what if I'm pregnant?
Me: let's not get ahead of ourselves
Her: yeah you probably right. I had already had my period anyway when we had sex
Me: so we safe right?!
Her: I hope so
Me: Kate I'm s....
Her: don't ok. just don't Derrick!
Me: Kate please
Her: you promise said you wouldn't hurt me Derrick, you said you would never hurt me intentionally. You begged me to give you a chance Derrick not the other way round. But then what was I expecting from a f*ckboy right? this is your style anyway. Nobody can change you but I just hope all of this was worth it. have a nice life and please don't ever call me! //
I had really screwed up. I hate myself because I convinced Kate to let her guard down and let me in, I made her believe that she could be my salvation... well I thought she would be but life has a funny way right? I mean I really did not hurt Kate intentionally, the last thing I wanted was for things to go this way but in the midst of it all I am glad I ended up with the girl I've been wanting for a very long time. I walked out to the kitchen and the girls were having a cosy conversation, Iyana was back. She looked like she had been crying, that's how well I know my sister.
Her: hey dad junior
She said giving me a tight hug.
Me: hello sister
I said pushing her off of me and she laughed, I was left smelling of her sweet scent. Just great!
Her: I've missed you
Me: I'd love to say I've missed you too but you've left me smelling like you, giving me less reason to miss you. What's my girlfriend going to say when I rock up at her place smelling like another woman?
Everyone in the room cracked up in laughter. I wasn't trying to flatter Yandi or whatsoever but by the looks of things I managed to flatter her.
Iya: she better know that you have a sister, two of them
Mom: and a mother too
Me: she'll know now. I just hope she's not the jealous type
I said rolling my eyes
Ase: yeah hopefully
Me: Yandi
Yaya: yes
Me: tell me you wouldn't freak and throw a fit if your boyfriend came home smelling of another woman either than you? Be honest
Mom: who wouldn't freak? I mean who had the audacity to get that close to my man
Me: dad has a sister mom
Mom: and I know the perfume she uses
Me: so you mean to tell me that my girlfriend should know how all of you guys smell?
Ase: yes!
Me: this question was directed to Yandiswa by the way.
Iya: you always picking on her. I'm really convinced you like her
Ase: these two are water and Ice! They would never happen
Yaya: to answer you Melokuhle.
My mom and siblings went "ooooh". Bet they didn't expect Yandiswa to call me Melokuhle.
Ase: she even calls you Melokuhle... wow!
Iya: even I'm not allowed to call you Melokuhle!
Me: she doesn't listen. That's just how much she hates me and I'm forced to drive her to her place by the way
Mom just laughed at us.
Yaya: as I was saying. I would throw a fit; I mean my man coming home smelling of another woman means he's been busy with another woman to that extent
Me: even if he has siblings?
Ase: well you haven't introduced us to her so how is she supposed to know?
Yaya: Asemahle is right. I mean then he can cheat and get away with it by claiming it's his sisters or mom
Mom: good point
Me: right. anyway we should go, it's getting late and I have a lot of work to do
Mom: I keep telling your father not to overwork you. We never get to see you
Iya: mom that is code for "I'm going to visit my girlfriend so bye now"
We all just laughed. Iya just had to huh?! I pushed her and went over to mom
Mom: you are old enough Melo, its ok to mention you going to your girlfriend ok?
Me: I'm not going to answer that.
I pulled her in for a kiss on the cheek.
Me: bye mom, I will see you tomorrow I think and bye family
Yaya: bye guys
She hugged my mom and Ase walked Yandiswa out while I waited in the car. I hooted for them to finish quick and Yaya came running to the car
Me: I will leave your ass here
Her: wouldn't you love that
Me: whatever!
Her: why would you put me in the spot like that? What the hell Melo?
I chuckled. She was so cute busy boiling up over nothing.
Her: it's not funny!
Me: you so cute
She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes.
Me: you so sexy when you do that!
She just pressed her phone and ignored me
Me: don't tell me you mad?!
Her: nope. I'm just ignoring your ass that's all
Me: anyway. Where do you want to have our first date?
Her: I thought you didn't offer me food because I have food in your car?
Me: I was saving your appetite for our date dummy!
Her: I'm really starting to have my doubts about you
Me: don't. so where should we eat?
Her: I'm not that hungry
Me: but you need to take your meds and I am hungry
She smiled. What is it with your girls and being flattered by the most unromantic weird stuff ever? I mean it's crazy how meaningless things make you guys smile or blush. You are just creepy creatures.
Her: let's just go to Gateway, its closer to both our places anyway
Me: great. Where to there?
Her: I picked a mall, now you pick the next one
Me: if you don't pick a spot now, you will pay the bill. So pick a place
Her: you such a bully. Mimmo's will do
Me: great.
I drove off to gateway while listening to that calming music, I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation with my dad and the possibility of Kate being pregnant.
Her: Melo you ok?
Me: what?
Her: I've been talking to you for the past 5 minutes but no luck. You ok?
Me: I had unprotected sex with Kate
I didn't want to start our relationship with me keeping things from her. I didn't want to be that guy who doesn't talk to his partner about things until they've piled up and I just can't keep them in anymore so this was the way to go.
Her: ok.... where are you going with this?
Me: she didn't get the morning after pill. We both forgot to buy it
She kept quiet. Her silence was deafening really.
Me: please say something
Her: so I should expect pregnancy in the long run?
Me: maybe.... Maybe not
Her: did you at least use a condom with Lathitha?
Me: yes!
Her: you and Kate happened before me so I guess I have no choice
I parked the car and we went in and were allocated to a table for two. This was bothering her in a way but she didn't want to say it.
Me: I know its bothering you. Please tell me what you thinking
Her: I don't know if I should
Me: the reason I told you about Kate is because I don't want us to leave things unresolved and wait for them to pile up to a point that we can't hold them in anymore. I want us to be open with each other Yandiswa.
She nodded.
Me: so please tell me what you thinking
I said touching her hand.
Her: I guess I knew that at some point in our relationship this would come, given your past and all but please remember that I am human and I can only take so much. I really like you Melo and I want to see us go far but that will require the both of us. You have a string of girls in your past that I am not ready to face but need to prepare for because I am in a relationship with you. I can't lie I am scared but I am willing
Me: I know that my past will always be a problem in our relationship because of how messed up it is but I am hoping I can get rid of all of them by the end of this week. Things won't be easy; I know but please bear with me. Please stay. I noticed you have a tendency to push people away when they've wronged you, please don't do that with me. Please let's talk about something when its bothering you so that we can get it out of the way and move on. Yandiswa I love you and I really want to make us work.
I know I said words similar to these to Kate but Yandiswa is not Kate, I'm not getting into a relationship hoping to learn how to love for the next girl. I'm getting into a relationship with her hoping to learn how to love her the way she deserves to be loved and should be loved. I want to love her for me and for herself. I want to love parts of her she hates and every part of her she loves. I just want us to work. We ordered our food and waited for it while talking about us, what we can tolerate in a relationship and what we can't, likes and dislikes, we were pretty much getting to know each other in a more personal level. She was the only child, she was close to her mom but mostly her grandmother, she has dozens of cousins, she has 3 aunts and 1 uncle, she currently lives with her mom when in Mthatha but she visits her granny every day, her closest cousin is studying Accounting in NMMU, and pretty much all that other deep stuff. Time flew and before we knew it, it was just after 7 and the restaurant was preparing to close. We went to buy McFlurry at MacD before going to drop her off at her place. We got to her place and I parked the car and we continued chatting till it was past 10, we kissed and then she got off with her food and Meds. I waited for her to get inside the house and close the door before driving off back to my place. I slept a happy man knowing just how in love I was with the girl of my dreams. The mother of my future kids.

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora