Melo 16

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Yandiswa lingered in my thoughts like a sweet obsession, a tantalizing distraction that refused to leave me be. I found myself drawn to Kate, not for any deep connection, but simply as a potential diversion from the relentless pull of Yandiswa's memory. She was different, unlike the other girls I'd casually dallied with. So, I reckoned a FaceTime call with Kate might just shake off the cobwebs of my mind, filled as it was with thoughts of her.

"Hey there," I greeted as the call connected, a lazy grin playing on my lips. "Since we're still on first-name terms, it's Derrick, but you can call me Melo."

Her response was quick, laced with playful banter. "As in Marshmallow?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "No, just Melo."

"Why Melo?"

"It's a mystery," I teased, not willing to divulge the details just yet.

"Is it embarrassing?" she prodded.

"Not really, just a thing my mom does when she's mad," I explained with a shrug.

Kate wasn't one to let things slide. "But I want to give you my own special nickname."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "And what might that be?"

"Mr. Rolex," she suggested, a hint of mischief in her tone.

I chuckled, considering her proposal. "Fair enough, considering the circumstances of our meeting. How about I call you Body Hugging?"

A hint of surprise colored her voice. "You noticed the dress?"

"Only because you noticed me first," I countered, playfully accusing her of stalking.

She defended herself with a laugh. "The restaurant was full, okay?"

"Sure, Miss Chatty," I teased, enjoying our banter.

"What?" she exclaimed.

"Miss Chatty," I repeated, emphasizing her talkative nature. "You've got quite the gift of gab."

Her laughter filled the air. "That's not true!"

"It's not a bad thing," I assured her. "You've got a nice voice."

She acknowledged my compliment with mock indignation. "He gives compliments... oh, wow!"

I grinned. "Well, you're not boring, so I figure you deserve a little praise."

"Let's not get too cocky now," she teased.

"Always," I admitted with a smirk. "So, what are you up to?"

Our conversation flowed effortlessly, a dance of words and laughter that carried us through the night. From movies to cooking to silly nicknames, we explored each other's worlds with a sense of curiosity and amusement. It was refreshing, to say the least, to find someone who could match my wit and humor with such ease.

As the call drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. Kate was calling it a night, leaving me with a lingering sense of longing. But as I stepped away from the phone, I couldn't suppress the grin that spread across my face. Who knew a simple FaceTime call could be so exhilarating?

With a renewed sense of energy, I made my way to the shower, ready to wash away the day's exhaustion. But just as I was about to step under the warm cascade of water, a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

Curious, I answered the door to find Siya and Lucas standing there, armed with pizza and booze. It seemed the night was far from over, and I welcomed the unexpected company with a smile. After all, what better way to cap off an eventful evening than with good friends and good food?

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz