Melo 20

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The kiss was an impulsive act, a fleeting moment of passion that caught me off guard. I knew it was wrong from the start. I'm committed to someone else, and if she ever found out about this, it would spell trouble. My relationship with my girlfriend is still fresh, and the last thing I need is to mess it up.

I couldn't deny the intensity of the kiss, though. It was electric, sending shivers down my spine. But its timing couldn't have been worse. If it had happened earlier, maybe things would be different. Maybe I'd even consider pursuing Yaya. But now, with my heart already spoken for, I need to prove my loyalty and dedication.

The tension between Yaya and me at the table was palpable. I needed to distance myself from her, and the perfect escape presented itself – a call to my new flame. She picked up without hesitation.

"Hey babe," I greeted her, hoping to ease the unease within me.

"Well, hello to you too, Dee," she responded playfully.

Our conversation flowed effortlessly, a welcome distraction from the turmoil swirling within me.

"I'm okay. I miss you," I confessed, my longing evident in my voice.

"It wasn't enough. I want to see you; I want to be with you," I continued, my yearning spilling out.

"Too soon," she replied cautiously.

"I didn't say I want to have sex with you. Chill, lady," I reassured her, trying to lighten the mood.

But her teasing only served to deepen my affection for her.

"I would love to, very much, but I don't want to rush anything just yet. For now, I just want to be next to you, breathe your air, watch you when you sleep, and just be in your presence," I confessed, baring my soul to her.

"Are you okay? Are you catching a fever or something?" she joked, her laughter like music to my ears.

Our banter continued, each exchange strengthening the bond between us.

"Is that an invitation to your place?" I asked eagerly.

"Maybe... maybe not," she teased, leaving me hanging.

But her giggles echoed in my mind, a reminder of the joy she brought into my life.

"I'll take that as a maybe. Text me your address, and I'll be there in an hour," I replied eagerly.

"I can't wait," she responded, her excitement mirroring mine.

After ending the call, I approached my sister and Yaya, but Yaya quickly excused herself. I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that lingered in the air.

As we drove off, my sister wasted no time in addressing the elephant in the room.

"What did you do?" she demanded, her tone accusatory.

"Why do you always assume I did something wrong?" I countered defensively.

But my sister wasn't easily swayed.

"I saw you two walking out of the toilets. What happened in there?" she pressed.

I hesitated, knowing the truth would only complicate things further.

"You want the truth? Yandiswa and I kissed! There, you have it!" I confessed, feeling the weight of my actions settle heavily upon me.

My sister's persistence was relentless, and I couldn't help but feel the weight of her disappointment bearing down on me.

"Why would you kiss her? You have a girlfriend!" Asemahle's accusation cut through the tension like a knife.

I bristled at her words, unsure if she was simply siding with Yaya or if she genuinely believed she was the voice of reason. "A kiss involves two parties, Asemahle," I retorted, trying to defend my actions. "It happens when both parties want it to occur, okay? I kissed her, and she kissed me back."

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Where stories live. Discover now