Yaya 35

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A normal girlfriend would be excited to be introduced to the parents but not Yandiswa Gxaba. I wasn't fazed, the intro was a little too soon. Couldn't he have been a little bit patient? I was stunned if you ask me, I really didn't expect that to happen. Its only been two weeks!
Ama: so you the reason he hasn't been sleeping home lately
I faked a shy smile. This was overwhelming for me. Melo should not have done that, a little warning would have been much appreciated.
Dad: I'm glad he finally came to his sense
Him: geez dad
Mrs Mbira: she's a wonderful girl this one, keep her
Him: I plan to do nothing less. Uhhm guys may we please be excused
Mom: I'm glad you two are a thing by the way
She said with that charming smile, I returned a cold one. He really took me by surprise. We walked inside the house and we bumped into Ase
Ase: and where are you two off to hand in hand?
She asked with that smile of hers that says a lot.
Him: we will be back in 5 minutes Mel
Her: uhhm ok
I just smiled at her and walked behind Melo to where I am assuming was his room, we walked up the stairs and headed to the second room and by the looks of things I was right, we were in his room.
Him: I know you mad. But Yandiswa I had too, I couldn't keep pretending anymore
I looked at him tempted to slap him but also tempted to pin him on the door and kiss him. its cute but its scary because its bad enough that his mom adores me and now this? really? That woman is a sweetheart, but this is too much.
Him: please say something. yell at me or slap me or something. just anything
I looked at him for some time.
Me: a little heads up maybe?
Him: I know you don't believe me but I didn't plan this, I wasn't planning what I did out there, it just happened ok? and I am sorry
Me: its not that I hate what you did but Melo I wasn't ready, we've only been together for 2 weeks
Him: so? Yandiswa do you not believe in us?
Me: what?
Him: you keep reminding me that we've only been together for two weeks as if you have other plans
Me: I don't have other plans Melo, you yourself said you wanted to take things slow and that's how I would like things to be. Slow
Him: so what exactly are you saying Yandiswa because I am so confused right now
Me: the last thing I wanted was to argue with you Melo. Whats done is done already, next time please just keep things at a reasonable pace
He nodded, his nod wasn't as assuring though it was almost as if he was scared or worried about something. I cupped his face and looked deep into his eyes
Me: look introducing me wont make stay, waiting for months to have sex wont make me stay either. My point is I am with you because I want to be with you and not because of everything you not. I love you Melokuhle for who you are and not who you try to be. I understand that you want to do things differently with me but somethings wont work as you wish they would ok?
He nodded. I pulled his face into mine and kissed his cute lips and he looked at me and smiled.
Him: I hear you. You said something about not having to wait
He said grabbing my ass
Me: hey people are waiting on you
Him: let them wait
He said rolling my dress up and picking me up, I couldn't help but giggle as he led me to his bed
Me: the door
I said in between the kiss but Melo wasn't hearing me. I pulled away from the kiss and he looked at me almost annoyed and he got off and went to close the door. Yes we were going to have sex under his parents roof. He came back and he kissed me passionately while taking my dress off gently as possible, the way he touched me was as if he was handling a delicate flower. Each kiss sent chills down my spine and each touch did things to me. I still don't know how he did it but DAMN! He went on to take my underwear off and then went on to take my bra off and then stuck his finger in and out while kissing me. When he was done and he was sure that I was wet enough he took out a condom and slipped it on then tried inserting himself but to no luck, he looked at me
Him: should I stop?
I shook my head
He tried again but still nothing, he took the condom off and tried inserting himself again, it was so painful he wanted to stop but I was not having that. I've been wanting this man for a every long time now and I was finally getting him, my cookie needed to stop acting like a brat! I was the persistent one more than he was, eventually he succeeded and dare I say I screamed as he went in, luckily his lips were smashed into mine to refrain me from making noise. What started off painful ended up in pleasure, I came before he pulled out, he took a towel and wiped us both clean. He came back and laid beside me while resting his head on his hand and watching me. he smiled at me played with my well shaped eyebrows. He chuckled.
Me: what?
Him: nothing
He said with a smile.
Me: what?
Him: i didn't think you had it in you
Me: what are you talking about?
He got up and started getting dressed. You know Melo is about to say something silly when he keeps laughing and not really saying what he's thinking of saying really. He was already standing by the bathroom door.
Him: you went from key hole to the great hole of Kimberly
I had no response, he was in stitches of laughter and so was I, how did he come up with these bombs? Melokuhle was going straight to hell no detour or whatsoever! I don't think I have met anyone sillier than he was. This guy just kept dropping these bombs. I got up and looked for my underwear and then wore my dress, I had no response for Melokuhle. I was tired actually. He came back and he wore his suit and shoes, yes we got carried away; I fixed my hair into the way it was before Melo happened and he fixed his. Melo really tore me up and it was only one round. When we were done getting dressed we walked out and headed downstairs. We met Ase on the way
Her: where did you guys disappear off to?
We looked at each other and smiled.
Ase: I take it we on good terms?
She asked with a smile, we looked at each other and nodded like little kids.
Him: now if you don't mind
Me: I love your dress by the way.
Her: thank you, I love yours. You yourself look amazing
Me: thank you, I had to make an impression
I said eyeing Melo
Him: uhhhm seemingly I'm not needed here. See you around
He said kissing my cheek and then he walked away from us
Her: ok what am I missing? You and Melo hated each others guts just last week and now he's kissing your cheek? Did the devil take a vacation or something?
I looked at her and laughed
Me: what? No! it was all an act, its been an act for the past two weeks
Her: huh?
Me: today he introduced me to your mom, dad and Mrs Mbira as his girlfriend
Her: wait so you the girl that was at his place yesterday or that night I went to see him?
I nodded with a smile. She looked at me with the widest smile
Her: so Iya was right all along?
I looked away with a smile
Her: you guys are so sly!
She playfully hit my shoulder and we both laughed
Me: I wanted to tell you but at the same time I didn't want to tell you just yet, I was waiting on your brother to share the news with you guys
Her: argh that one doesn't share
She said rolling her eyes
Me: well I wasn't ready, I still wasn't ready for today's introduction but it happened and theres nothing I could have done about it
I said shrugging
Her: that's my brother, full of surprises
Me: I'm starting to see that
Her: but are you happy with him?
Me: yes I am
I said with the most widest smile. I was happy with my man, this was like the relationship I've only ever wished for. This life I was living was life I've only ever seen in movies or read about it in books. I was content.
Her: aaaah I'm so happy for you. I'm glad you happy with my brother, I'm not going to try and convince you of anything but I can see some change in him. You the change he's been needing in his life
She said smiling and I smiled back. I'm glad that I was changing Melo, scary but exciting too. We continued chatting and then we headed down, their father and mother made a speech and wished their children a "happy birthday" and then they cut some cake and people mingled. I was chilling with his sisters and Linda because they were the only people I knew oh and Linda's cousin sister. Linda's cousin sister and were in the kitchen pouring drinks for the other girls
Me: I never got your name
Her: its Sinothando Bashe, you are?
Me: Yandiswa Gxaba. Wait, Bashe?
I was confused.
Me: I don't mean to be forward but who is your father?
Her: Thando Bashe... why?
"what are you two look alikes talking about?"
Melo said hugging me from behind and kissing my cheek. I looked at her and NO! we did not look alike, we may have a few resemblances but that's as far as it goes. Her Thando cant possibly be my Thando, we cant possibly share a father.
Us: we don't look alike
We said at the same time, Melo just laughed at us
Him: riiiight... ready to leave?
Me: already?
Him: you still want to stay
I nodded
Him: 30 more minutes and we leave
Me: don't you like being home?
Him: I love being home, but I love being with you even more
He said kissing my cheek, Sino coughed signalling her presence in the room
Him: close your eyes wena
Her: whatever. I'll be outside
Me: WE will be outside
I said taking the other drinks and left him standing there and followed Sino
Me: please take my number, I feel like we need to talk
Her: uhhm when I get to my phone then
Me: great.
We got to the girls and gave them their drinks then we continued talking about some girl stuff. After 30 minutes on the dot Melo came and sat on top of me
Iya: rub it in Melo
Him: aint my fault your ass is single
Me: and I didn't sign up for this, get up off me
Him: NOPE! I'll get up when you have said your goodbyes
I rolled my eyes and the girls laughed, instead of saving me they laughing at me... ouch! I said my goodbyes to them and the he got up as promised. We went to find his parents to say our goodbyes.
Mom: you guys are leaving already?
Him: yeah, she's tired mom she needs her beauty sleep
Dad: riiiight. Anyway happy birthday again son and we will see you at breakfast
Him: breakfast?
Mom: yeah breakfast at 8am sharp
Him: huh? what?!
Dad: no getting out of this one
Him: fine
Mom: you too Yandiswa
I looked at her, I think shock was written all over my face
Her: don't look at me like that. We expect to see you too tomorrow
Me: yes Ma
She pulled me in for a hug and whispered "take care of him please" then she broke the hug and smiled making me smile right back at her. We said our goodbyes to his parents and then we walked out to his car and drove off to his place.

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Where stories live. Discover now