Yaya 27

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So, my boyfriend happened to be the son of one of the most powerful men in the country. It was thrilling, really, knowing he was a different person with me than he was with everyone else. Essentially, he was the type who was an absolute jerk to the rest of the world but a sweetheart when it came to me. Why wouldn't I be excited? But it was also daunting, considering his past wasn't exactly shady, just full of unresolved messes. I wasn't sure if I was ready to deal with all the girls who'd be clawing their way back into his life. Then again, who ever is?

I woke up to his phone ringing, and he mumbled a groggy, "What now?" He answered it, trying hard not to wake me, but I wasn't a heavy sleeper, especially in a hospital bed with my boyfriend. Anyone could walk in at any minute.

"Dad," he said, his voice a bit too loud.

"Son, how did the meeting go?" his dad's voice boomed from the speaker.

"Can we talk about this when I get home? Well, if I get home," Melo replied, clearly irritated.

"Where are you?" his dad demanded.

"I told you I'd go see Yaya," Melo said, his patience wearing thin.

"I hope you attended that meeting, Derrick!"

"I did. We will talk when I see you, Dad. Bye."

He tried to fake a smile as he looked at me, then kissed my forehead. "Did I wake you?" he asked softly.

"Your phone sort of did," I replied, returning his smile.

"I'm sorry," he said, kissing my forehead again. Melo was actually a sweet person behind that tough exterior, and I was slowly seeing sides of him I didn't even know existed. But then again, people change when they're in a relationship. There was a knock on the door.

"Expecting anyone?" he asked.

"No... Come in," I said, and he gave me a look like I'd ruined a moment. I just smiled at him innocently. Siya walked in, carrying a paper bag from Rocco Mamas.

"Well, you two look cosy," Siya remarked.

"Oh, shut up," Melo shot back.

Siya smirked, "Better thank me, Yandi, because if it weren't for me, this ass wouldn't be here right now."

"Well, thank you, my friend. Come here," I said, trying to get out of Melo's arms, but he wouldn't let me.

"I'm not letting you out of my arms for you to hug another man in my presence," Melo declared, serious as a heart attack.

I couldn't help but laugh. Was he really one of those territorial guys? There was something undeniably sexy about it. Being territorial is when someone is yours, and jealousy is when a person is not yours. I don't know if I'm making sense, but that's how I saw things. It was very cute. Siya just laughed too.

"I didn't know you could be jealous. I didn't even think it was possible," Siya teased.

"I ain't jealous, I'm territorial. She's mine now, and I ain't letting her go, not even to hug you. Y'all can do that when I'm gone," Melo retorted.

I blushed. Why was Melo like this all of a sudden? It was super cute, and this side of him was new to me.

"Heh... Look at you quoting and shit. I never thought I'd live to see the day," Siya laughed.

We all laughed. These two were my favourites, no doubt. I loved them with all my heart. Who needs a father when you've got these two, huh? Siya handed me the bag of food, and Melo finally let me go to take it.

"Because I didn't know you'd be here, I bought one," Siya said.

"Their food is a lot for one person," I noted.

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