Yaya 9

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My birthday dinner with the girls was just the epitome of a perfect evening. After a fabulous time at ICC, we headed back to our crib for a slumber party-ish kind of thing. Bonke made a quick appearance to drop off my gift and then made a swift exit. The gifts my friends showered on me were all too beautiful; I loved every single one. We ended up in my room, snacks in hand, supposedly watching a movie, though we were more into chatting than actually watching.

Then, my phone rang. A private number. I slipped out to the bathroom to answer it, escaping the cheerful chaos for a moment.

"Hello?" I answered cautiously.

"Hey, Yandiswa," came the voice. I recognised it instantly—Zuko.

"What do you want?" I asked, my tone as frosty as the winter wind.

"Yands, I'm sorry."

"For what exactly?"



"Come on, Yands, don't be like this."

"And how should I be, Zuko, huh? You dumped me."

"I didn't dump you, Yands. You said, 'let's end it,' and I said it was cool. So, technically, you ended things."

"You're being childish right now."

"It's the truth."

"Is this why you called me?"

"No, I called to apologise."

"And you did. Bye now."

"Yandiswa, wait... please."


"Look, I'm sorry for everything. I'm an ass, always have been and probably always will be. Yandiswa, I love you and I miss you. I know I screwed us up and you'll probably never forgive me for the things I've done. I made a huge mistake and I want you back. Plea—"

"No, Zuko, I don't want to hear any of this. You should have told me this about six to seven months ago. Not now."

"Why, Yandiswa?"

"Because, Zuko, that's when I needed to hear it, not now. You broke my heart with the way you handled things, and I don't think I want to go back to that. You made me feel less of a woman all because I wouldn't lose my virginity when you wanted me to."


"I'm not done talking. I've been trying to get my life back in order all these months, and I'm still trying to do so even now. Zuko, I forgive you for what you've done, but you and I? That will never happen again. Yes, you broke my virginity, but that's as far as it goes. We will never be again. I learnt my lesson."


"Please, don't ever call me again. You and I are nothing; we will never be anything more than exes."

"Oh... okay then. Happy birthday."

"Thank you, and bye."

Sitting on the closed toilet seat, tears started rolling down my cheeks. I didn't even know why I was crying, but I was. It was the first time I had actually told him straight up that I was done with him and that I never wanted anything to do with him again, and I think I meant it. I loved him and all, but the pain he put me through... okay, maybe I was exaggerating, but when you love someone to the point of no return, it's not easy to forgive and forget the things they put you through. When I said we should end things, I didn't mean it; I expected him to be the boyfriend he always was and tell me that I was crazy and that he wasn't going to allow such nonsense from me. But nope, not this time around. I guess he was also sick and tired of the fighting and everything else. Just thinking about the night we broke up brought more tears to my eyes. I heard the door open and close. I didn't bother looking up because whoever it was would ask me questions, and I wouldn't be able to explain the real reason I was crying.

With Pain Comes Love Book 1Where stories live. Discover now