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Hyunjin let out a weary sigh as he glanced at the time, realizing he had overslept for the third time this week. With a hint of frustration, he slowly rose from the cozy bed. As he gazed into the mirror, his eyes fell upon an unwelcomed visitor—a pimple present on his nose. A long groan escaped his lips as he prepared himself for the long and hectic day that he had to face.


He quickly entered the classroom and apologized to his teacher for being late again. He then sat next to his best friend, who he had a crush on.

"You're late again," Jisung said as he wrote his notes. "My alarm clock didn't go off so I had to rush again, "Hyunjin admitted, a hint of embarrassment coloring his voice.  "I mean I'm glad you came, unlike the last week." Hyunjin laughed at the younger comment before pulling out his notes. "You said the same thing yesterday and the day before."

"Yeah, I just wanted to make my statement clear,"  Jisung said patting the older head.

"Okay, Jisung hyung." The taller said jokingly. "Yeah respect me you little shit!" The sudden interruption of the teacher's stern voice broke their laughter as she scolded, "Jisung and Hyunjin, please quiet down. The rest of the class would like to focus on their studies." The two friends exchanged glances before softly laughing at one another.

"Come on it's like your third date this week, Why won't you just hang out with me?" Hyunjin whined. "Because Minho Hyung already asked me on a date, I can't say no." The taller one sighed. "But I thought you loved me,"

"I do love you— I want to marry you. It's just that he asked me first and I can't back out now. I really like him," Hyunjin pleaded with a look of regret in his eyes. "But we can Netflix and chill," Hyunjin added with a small smirk.

"Come on, Okay, How about tomorrow because tomorrow is Friday and it'll be more fun. I pinky promise if  Minho Hyung asks me out again I'll tell him I have plans with you okay?" Jisung said with his pinkies out. Hyunjin gladly accepted the promise.

"Gosh, I love you." He said pulling Jisung into a warm embrace. "I love you too, After all, you are my first love." "Your first love that you never dated." The shorter looked up at his tall friend. " yeah yeah whatever, See you tomorrow, Bye!" He said 'bye' before leaving the school gate.

He grabbed his headphones out of his bag before putting them on his head, Listening to Billie Eilish one of his favorite artist as he walked down the quiet road.

The roads were never this peaceful nor quiet around this time it was usually filled with loud music and sounds of people bickering in cars but not today which was a little weird for the boy.

But he didn't mind he actually quite enjoyed it the peaceful sound was so calming for him that it made him almost forget about his thoughts until he saw Jisung and Minho sitting in the park having a picnic.

He let out a frustrated groan, his annoyance only grew as he strolled past Minho and Jisung, pretending he didn't see them. He couldn't understand why he was feeling so angry when all he wanted was to see his best friend happy. However, seeing his friend happy seemed to be triggering him. He wondered if it was because he had feelings for him, but he knew it wasn't good whatever the reason.

He got home and went straight to his room, throwing his backpack on the floor and jumping into bed. As he laid there, listening to his sad songs playlist and staring at the ceiling, he couldn't help but rethink what he had seen at the park. Jisung and Minho looked so happy together.

He couldn't deny Minho's handsomeness, that would be the biggest lie he had told. The man was very attractive; almost too good-looking for comfort, it only formed more jealousy within Hyunjin's heart.

The long-haired boy felt frustrated and threw his pillow across the room. He wondered why Jisung had fallen for someone who was more attractive than him. He didn't think of himself as unattractive, but compared to Minho, he felt like he had no chance with Jisung.

He simply wanted the younger to be happy, and if being with Minho made him happy, he would have to accept it and get used to it.

Hyunjin woke up the next morning feeling happy. He knew that Jisung would be visiting him later in the afternoon, so he made sure to wake up early and get to school on time.

"Hey, look who's here bright and early!" a voice called out from behind him. "Felix, shut the fuck up. I am in a good mood and I don't want you to ruin it," The freckled boy gasped. "Good mood? Looks like you woke up on the wrong side of hell!" he teased, playfully hitting the taller guy.

Hyunjin chuckled and glanced down at Felix. "Hey, have you seen Jisung? I need to talk to him before class starts." Felix shook his head, clueless about Jisung's go to places. Hyunjin rolls his eyes and quickly jogs away to find Jisung.

After a while, he finally found Jisung at his locker, where he was grabbing some books. " I've been searching all over for you! How was your date? I saw you guys at the park, but I didn't want to interrupt, so I left." Jisung let out a little giggle before replying, "It was awesome! He treated me to cheesecake and iced Americanos." Hyunjin nodded, showing that he was listening.

"Hey, you could have stopped by. I would have loved it if you could meet him. He's really sweet, and I think you two would get along really well." "You think, Does he go here, what years is he?" Younger giggled before closing his locker. "Yes, he goes to this college. He's a third-year student, just like you.

"Oh, really? I don't think I have any classes with him," Hyunjin said, leaning against the lockers. "No, I'm pretty sure you do. You have dance with him. Gosh, I wish I had classes with him. It'll be so fun!"Hyunjin chuckled. "Ha, imagine being a second year."

Jisung pouted. "You're literally a second-year, and you're only in third-year classes because you're very smart and have a few classes with second-year students. So, I don't think you should be talking." Hyunjin sighed and rolled his eyes in response.

"Okay, but only three!" "Three too many. Come on, let's head to class before Mrs. Choi gets upset."

"I thought we were going to Netflix and chill, Hwang Hyunjin. Not whatever the heck this is!" The boy with long-haired boy laughed, "What do you mean? We're just watching Netflix and chilling. You didn't think we were doing something else, did you?"

Hyunjin sat down on his couch in his room, right by the window. He pulled Jisung closer, settling him on his lap. "You smell so good, almost like syrup." Jisung giggled and replied, "Oh, really? I never realized. I guess it's just my natural scent."

Hyunjin's lips brushed against the soft tan skin, making the younger gasp. "May I kiss you?" he said, looking at the younger's hungry eyes. He leaned in, feeling two fingers on his plump lips.

"Not yet, I have a feeling that Minho Hyung might ask me to be his boyfriend," Jisung said. Hyunjin looked disappointed and said, "But you always told me that you wanted your first kiss to be with me." Jisung let out a sigh and placed Hyunjin's hand on his plump ass.

"I want to be honest with you. I do love you, but I also have feelings for Minho Hyung. My mind tells me to be with him, but my heart feels differently. I need to figure that out. As for the kiss, I would say yes, but I can't stop thinking about Minho Hyung. Maybe next time and I can promise you."

Jisung held his pinky out, Hyunjin accepted the promise before gently grabbing Jisung's hand and kissing it. "Alright, Hannie. Do you like to take a nap with me for a while?" Jisung smiled and nodded his head. Hyunjin got up with the little boy wrapped around him and climbed into bed. "Have a good sleep, Hannie."

"You too, Dollface."


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